Chapter 836 Check

Jiang Jingze stroked Yue Qingqing's hair as before.

"Don't worry, this plane will definitely not fly."

In fact, the reason is very simple.

Almost all people have muqiang mentality.

Jiang Jingze first showed his identity to prove that his words were not child's play.

Emphasize that if the incident is not true, you have the ability to pay for the loss.

All the worries of the future were relieved.

Under the guarantee of life safety, most people will choose to get off the plane even if they are skeptical.

As for those who insist on staying—

They also had to obey the majority.

Sure enough, the airport received a report immediately because too many people left the plane.

"Ridiculous! Just because of a passenger's nonsense, the entire itinerary has to be delayed, and it may even affect the progress of other flights!"

The airport leader was furious, "Call the police, that couple is simply disrupting public order, and they must be arrested."


Just then he suddenly received a call.

The person on the other end of the phone is his immediate boss.

Just after saying a few words, the man's face changed and he held the microphone, signaling the people around him to stop calling the police.

"Okay, you're right. I'd rather believe it or not. I'll make arrangements now."

After hanging up the phone, the man had a strange expression on his face.

But he still ordered: "Let the maintenance technicians inspect this aircraft, it should be more comprehensive."

"The traveler's itinerary..."

"Now that most of the passengers have disembarked, they would not be able to fly. Let's be on the safe side."

The airport issued an urgent notice to conduct a temporary inspection of the plane Yue Qingqing and Jiang Jingze were on.

All passengers are temporarily waiting patiently in the departure hall.

Those who had been left on the plane were furious.

Some couldn't help but walked towards Jiang Jingze and Yue Qingqing.

Some of them didn't dare to say anything to Jiang Jingze and pointed their finger at Yue Qingqing.

"It's just that you stood up inexplicably, but you said, what's wrong with the plane?"

"Don't think that finding a rich boyfriend is a big deal. Some things don't matter if you lose money. I won't finish with you if you delay me!"

Yue Qingqing looked at the man opposite seriously, "You don't need to vent your anger to me, some things don't know who is right until the end."

Yue Qingqing could see the dead breath on the top of the man's head gradually dissipating.

Convert to original color.

Although originally this person's aura was also biased towards red.

Red is fire, which means that this person is very angry, and I am afraid that he often causes accidents due to impulsiveness.

That person was temporarily speechless by what Yue Qingqing said.

Feeling baffled, and being looked at by her made her whole body tremble.

You Qi didn't dare to say anything more under Jiang Jingze's cold gaze, and could only hum.

"I'm sick, just talking about it."

The maintenance personnel on the other side of the plane broke out in a cold sweat.

"There is a problem with the engine on the left, team leader! You come to my side to see if this is..."

The team leader came over immediately and carefully followed the place the team members said.

His expression became more and more serious, until he almost froze in the end.

"Fortunately...fortunately, the higher-ups asked to check again."

The leader who received the notification below was so frightened that he lost his composure and fell down on the chair.

"It's over! If the plane goes into the sky..."

The person next to him reminded: "Are we really going to announce this news?"

It wouldn't sound good if it got out.

The airport discovered that there was a problem with the engine after the passengers reminded it. If the plane ascended to high altitude, all the people on the plane might be buried in the blue sky.

Almost a scandal.

(End of this chapter)

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