Chapter 322: The Corpse Man (24)
Zhuang Shu's heart skipped a beat.

Zombies can control their own refined zombies to walk, eat, and even think like normal humans.

As long as he thought about it, Qiao Wei, who was turned into a walking corpse, would never escape from his grasp for the rest of her life.

She is his walking corpse and his puppet.

As soon as he thought of it, she would obey the order unconditionally.

Zhuang Shu didn't give Qiao Wei a mandatory order earlier, because he knew that if he wanted to get a little rabbit, it was the most stupid behavior to simply pick up the fur and throw it into the cage.

Step by step, he lured her into the cage he had set up, and waited patiently for the prey to completely let go of his defenses, before he took her down in one fell swoop and devoured her alive.

However, Zhuang Shu never expected that this little rabbit did not follow the established route he had arranged for her, and lost contact halfway.

"A finished product...?"

Jing Wang clasped his hands, his eyes shivered slightly hidden behind the gold-rimmed glasses, and suddenly changed the subject and asked, "Do you know why the fragrance I chose for you is 'Deep Hell'?"

"I'm really sorry, my servant accidentally threw away that box of incense when cleaning up the house."

Zhuang Shu said sorry, but there was no apology in his tone and demeanor.

He calmly dialed the phone again, but was still unable to get through.

This untidy little skull is quite fat, where did he go crazy secretly carrying him?

Jing Wang pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose with his middle finger, and said indifferently, "It is undeniable that Mr. Zhuang is a successful corpse man, and he has refined the most perfect corpse in the world." When I saw Ms. Qiao, to be honest, I was very surprised. If I wasn't an insider, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to recognize her real identity."

"Compared to your defective products, they are indeed perfect." Zhuang Shu harshly exposed the other party's background.

Although he didn't go upstairs to check, he had pieced together the rudiments of the story from the greasy returning soul incense that filled the room.

Living people don't need soul-returning incense.

It is too much to be able to boil the sweet and sweet returning soul incense so richly. Obviously, the owner of the incense is upset.

When people's hearts are in turmoil, it is most likely to cause moths.

Jing Wang was stabbed to death, and his facial muscles stiffened for a moment.

But he quickly adjusted, leaned forward slightly, and said calmly: "You and I are the same poor people, why bother to confront each other?"

Zhuang Shu raised his eyebrows indifferently, and said in a mocking tone, "Poor man?"

He didn't feel that there was anything poor about him.

What he wanted was tightly held in his palm.

With a flick of a finger, she can easily decide her fate.

Zhuang Shu enjoyed being in such absolute control.

As for the little bit of pain when he saw the little thing in his palm struggling in vain, he could ignore it.


The really pitiful one is that little skeleton who doesn't know anything and is still doing useless work.

Whether it is life or death, she can no longer get rid of him.

Don't say that she has become bones, even if she has become a handful of ashes, he can always find a way to tie her back to him.

When this game ends, he will have the final say!
"You and I know what a walking corpse is." Jing Wang persuaded. "Miss Qiao's body will rot and maggot in a short time. Rather than waiting for that day to come, why don't you and I join hands, exchange information, and find a longer-term method to make them come back to life completely. "

Zhuang Shuqu tapped his fingers on the desk and looked at him with a half-smile.

Jing Wang continued: "I know, my secret technique is nothing more than a trivial skill in the eyes of Mr. Zhuang. However, the fragrance of returning souls has its beauty. Why don't Mr. Zhuang consider cooperation?"

"I have a meeting to start in 3 minutes, Mr. Jing can help himself."

Zhuang Shu pushed away the swivel leather chair, put the mobile phone back into his pocket, took the landline on the desk and was about to dial the internal number to call the assistant in, when suddenly he heard Jing Wang say a word, and the fingers that were dialing paused.

"What if Mr. Zhuang's only finished product is damaged? Are you willing to refine another walking corpse?"

Zhuang Shu clenched the microphone, slowly put it back on the landline, narrowed his eyes dangerously, and let out a piercing chill, "How dare you?!"

The more he cared, the more Jing Wang relaxed.

"Why wouldn't I dare?" Jing Wang smiled gently, "I'm different from you, Mr. Zhuang. Mr. Zhuang, you have money, power, and a woman you love, but I... have nothing. There is a saying How do you say it? Barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes."

The next moment, a black shadow struck in front of him, and a force smashed towards his glasses.

The crystal lens shattered into pieces, sticking to his bruised eye sockets mixed with blood, in an indescribable embarrassment.

Jing Wang is laughing.

"Mr. Zhuang, the incense I picked for you is really suitable for you."

Deep in hell.

Desperation and sacrifice.

What a match!

"As far as I know, she is not human. And Mr. Zhuang, you actually tore apart time and space, delusional to keep a soul that does not belong to this world by your side...Let me think about how much you have paid, and how much you will pay in the future. What can you give that person in exchange?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Zhuang Shu grabbed his collar and looked at him condescendingly, exuding a gloomy and frightening aura, like a Shura evil spirit from hell, "You just need to know that if you dare to touch my woman, What kind of consequences should be endured."

After he finished speaking, he threw Jing Wang aside and strode out.

Nan Chuqiu, who was waiting anxiously at the door the whole time, took a look, and hurriedly moved out of the way honestly, calling in a low voice, "President Zhuang."

Zhuang Shu glanced at her gloomily, as if two pools of cold had formed in his eyes.

Nan Chuqiu was so frightened that she quickly lowered her head to her chest.

Two hours ago, Mr. Jing called her and asked her to have dinner. She was very excited. She went to the top floor and wanted to share her joy with Qiao Wei. After asking her colleagues, she found out that Qiao Wei asked for leave today.

The colleague also told her gossipingly that Mr. Zhuang has been restless since noon, and he made a phone call every once in a while, but he didn't know whether the call could not be dialed, or there was no one answering, which made Mr. Zhuang send several calls. Through unknown fire.

There have been so many times that colleagues with sharp eyes and brains even memorized the phone number.

Nan Chuqiu asked for the phone number.

Her intuition told her that it was Qiao Wei's phone number.

She tried to make a phone call, but couldn't get through.

After thinking about it, Nan Chuqiu directly sent a text message.

"Qiao Wei Qiao Wei, Mr. Jing said he came to the company to pick me up for dinner, is he asking me out? What should I do? Help me!"

After posting, she hid in the bathroom and called Jing Wang back.

"Mr. Jing, I have already done what you asked me to do." Nan Chuqiu asked a little nervously. "Why do you make me do such a thing?"

On the other end of the phone, there was the sound of a car engine starting.

"Good girl."

(End of this chapter)

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