Chapter 382 Three or two ebony plums outside the bamboo (57)
All she knew about him was only what he wanted her to know.

As for the part of him that is hidden, no one can see it.

Qiao Wei searched for two days in Wudu.

In the end, she was called back by Wu's mother's phone call.

"Xiaoqing, you are studying in the capital, right? I just received a call from the third hospital of the capital, saying that Zichu is in the emergency room of the third hospital, please go and see him, okay?"

Three hospitals?

Qiao Wei immediately bought a ticket.

When placing the order and paying, her eyes were sore, her hands were shaking all the time, and she entered the wrong password several times in succession.

Sure enough, he didn't answer the phone on purpose.

Something happened to him!

Qiao Wei hurried back to the imperial capital and went straight to the third hospital.

It took a lot of time to go to the airport, wait for the plane, the plane was delayed, take a taxi to the hospital, etc.

By the time Qiao Wei arrived, the rescue was over.

"The patient was found under a collapsed building. He had already fallen into a severe coma when he went to the doctor, with six broken ribs. The operation required burying nails and iron plates, and the patient would be in great pain. The hospital originally suggested that he should recover slowly and heal. But the patient asked for an operation as soon as he woke up, saying that he wanted to be cured quickly, so that the next construction period could not be affected..."

The attending doctor was talking endlessly, lamenting the patient's strong will.

Qiao Wei couldn't listen to anything, and asked directly: "Is he seriously injured? Is his life in danger?"

"Temporarily out of danger, the injury is quite serious, at least one or two years of recuperation will be needed to fully recover."

Qiao Wei nodded, "Understood, thank you doctor."

Wu Zichu was transferred to a double ward, and when Qiao Wei saw him, she hardly recognized him.

His face was very pale, his head and limbs were wrapped with gauze, his whole body was covered with wounds, he looked dying, and half of his legs crossed Huangquan Road.

"Are you Brother Wu's girlfriend?"

The patients in the same ward greeted her warmly.

"I always see him smirking at your photo. Here, it's the one in his hand. No matter how hard you break it, you can't take it apart."

Qiao Wei lifted the quilt, only to find that he was holding a photo tightly in his hand. The photo was wrinkled and deformed, and cut his palm. He still refused to let go, as if it was something more important than his life .

The patient told Qiao Wei that he and Wu Zichu were workmates working together on the construction site for almost four years. Wu Zichu was a very hardworking and capable person, and soon became a foreman. The designer of the joint developer worked out a major patent and sold it for a good price. It is said that a patent fee of 200 million was allocated.

Ten days ago, a fatal defect was discovered in a building they were in charge of. Several people rushed to repair it overnight. Unexpectedly, the building suddenly collapsed when they arrived here, and they were trapped in a concealed space made of beams, bricks and stones.

They wanted to make an emergency call, but several of them had spent a day or two on the train, and their mobile phones had long since died.

After a few days of hunger and cold, they were found and sent to the hospital.

Qiao Wei listened in a trance, not knowing where her thoughts drifted.

"Sorry." At some point, she finally stood up unbearably. "I'm going out to make a phone call."

This call was to Li Yan.

As soon as the call was connected, Qiao Wei asked straight to the point: "How much did Wu Zichu give you?"

Of course, it is impossible for Li Yan to suddenly be generous enough to send money to her daughter who is regarded as a cash machine every month. The only possibility is that someone asked her to give this money.

As for this person, besides Wu Zichu, Qiao Wei couldn't think of other candidates.

Li Yan hesitated and couldn't speak.

Qiao Wei continued: "Isn't it enough for you to suck your own daughter's blood? Why do you ask Wu Zichu for money? Don't say that he is not your son-in-law, even if he is, he has no obligation to support you."

Based on what she knew about Li Yan, Li Yan definitely withheld a sum of money and only sent a small amount to her.

At the same time, for more than three years, Qiao Wei, who had been kept in the dark, was moved by Li Yan's transformation, and worked diligently as a part-time job in order to be able to contribute a little more money to the family every month.

Thinking about it now, how ridiculous!

"Qing Qiaowei! Do you ever talk to your mother like that?" Li Yan roared angrily. "You think your\/mother is so thick-skinned? He gave it to me! You two will get married sooner or later. What's the difference between what you gave and what he gave?"

"There is no difference." Qiao Wei said coldly. "In the next four years, I will not pay you alimony."

She hung up the phone without hesitation.

When she looked up, she saw Wu's mother, who was streaming down her face, and couldn't help but be taken aback.

"Didn't Zichu study at Wudu University? Why did they say he was working as a cement worker in the Imperial Capital? Qing Qiaowei, is that you, did you call him here? What do you think of my son? A bank ATM Why? You girl, why are you so selfish! He has such good grades and is so sensible and obedient, why did you destroy him!"

Wu's mother rushed over in a breakdown, strangling her arm tightly.

"There are so many boys in the world, why did you come to kill my Zichu? Why?"

Qiao Wei bit her lip, unable to speak.


She also couldn't understand why Wu Zichu refused to study at Wudu University and stayed in the imperial capital without telling everyone.

Didn't Wudu University waive all his tuition fees?
He could have survived for more than four years, found a good job after graduation, and lived a life without worrying about food and clothing.

The place where he lives is only a dozen stations away from her school.

His co-worker said that he often went to school by car secretly, wanting to see her, but didn’t know how to answer her questions about his frequent “skipping classes”, so he could only hide in the crowd and look at her from a distance, and then sat down contentedly. The bus returns to the rented dormitory for migrant workers.

Sitting on a bench in the corridor of the hospital, Qiao Wei leaned her back against the wall, and suddenly lost the courage to enter the ward.

She still remembered what he said.

He said, "Wudu University promised to waive my tuition fees for four years."

He said, "I just got a scholarship, and my friend got an internal discounted air ticket, which is very cheap."

He said, "The scholarship is worth 10,000+ a year, plus I get 200 million shares for working with the counselor on projects."

No wonder he never mentioned his studies and classmates, nor did he let her go to Wudu to look for him.

No wonder his palms were getting rougher and thicker with calluses.

No wonder when he was videoing her, the background board was always a white wall with nothing on it.

No wonder he came to pick her up and send her back to school every time. It turned out that he didn't go to Wudu at all, but quietly stayed in the capital, found a coolie job, lived frugally, worked overtime, and earned money to send her money , buy food.

No wonder...

Qiao Wei covered her face, her palms were wet, and the hot liquid scalded her skin.

In this relationship, she has always been a passive ostrich. He takes the initiative to take ten steps before she is willing to take a tentative step and is ready to take it back at any time.

It turned out that there were so many suspicious places, so many unexplained details.

She had doubts and troubles, but she never thought about taking that step to find out what was going on.

And now, all the things that I couldn't figure out before are finally connected together.

 This plane is the longest one in this book, and it is estimated that there are still about twelve chapters to finish.

  The author has gone to the resort to play with Fantawild in the past few days, and here is the auto-published manuscript.

(End of this chapter)

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