Does the empress of fast wear take medicine?

Chapter 6 The Painter of School Flowers

Chapter 6 The Painter of School Flowers (6)

I don't know if it's because the value of mental violence has dropped by two points, but now Tao Linbing is in a very good mood.

The tyrannical aura on his body is also a little less, and it doesn't look so scary anymore.

The people in the classroom had already left, and Tao Linbing simply left the classroom.

According to the original body's memory, Tao Linbing knew that money was very important in this world.

But she checked all her current accounts, and all the funds add up to only 1000 yuan.

Tsk, so poor.Tao Linbing couldn't help thinking of this.

Tao Linbing searched the Internet for ways to make money quickly. Gambling and robbing banks are very profitable, but she also understands that these are illegal in this world and will go to prison.

She could only give up these thoughts, and turned to find some ways to get quick money without breaking the law.

After searching around, she really found a few.

Such as gambling stones, selling self-developed software, etc., are all good ways to make money.

Tao Linbing has no plans to help the world's technological level improve a step yet, and she is somewhat interested in gambling with stones, so she decisively chooses to gamble with stones.

After lunch, Tao Linbing went to a stone gambling place in this city.

The so-called gambling stone means that when the jadeite is mined, it is covered with a layer of weathered skin, and it is impossible to know whether it is good or bad. The quality of the jadeite can only be known after cutting.

The current level of science and technology cannot see the situation inside the stone, so most people "gamble" on their own eyesight.

If the bet goes up, it's a big profit; if it goes down, you can only find a corner and cry.

There is a saying in the stone gambling world, which is called "one knife for heaven, one knife for hell", which is enough to know the risks in it.

However, betting on stones is too simple for Tao Linbing.

People in this world cannot see the internal structure of the stone, but she can "see".

It is said to be seeing, but in fact it is just using mental power to detect the inside of the stone.

Tao Linbing wandered around Gambling Stone Street, but she fell in love with some rough stones, but they were too expensive.

She only has 1000 yuan, and she really can't afford it.

Finally, Tao Linbing came to a remote small stall, and a small stone placed in the upper right corner of the stall attracted her attention.

"How much is this?" Tao Linbing pointed to the stone and asked.

"One thousand." The boss said directly.

Tao Linbing bought it directly, and then took it to the designated place to explain the stone.

At the beginning, everyone was not optimistic about Tao Linbing, after all, the stone she held in her hand was too small.

But the size of two fists, and the color doesn't look good.

Tao Linbing handed the rough stone to Xie Shi's master and said, "Rip slowly, don't cut it."

The master complied and began to dissect the stone.

In just a few minutes, a touch of green appeared.

"It's gone up, it's gone up!"

"My God! It's the glass species! The glass species!"

"I'll see, I'll see!"

"I'll offer 100 million! Will the girl sell it?"

"Bah! Are you willing to ask for 100 million? I'll offer 500 million!"

"800 million!"


A round of bids started shouting like that, but Tao Linbing said to the master without changing his expression: "Unlock all of them."

Everyone held their breath and stared at the stone in the master's hand.

Half an hour later, the rough stone was completely unwrapped, and it turned out to be imperial green glass, the best among jadeites.

The corner of Tao Linbing's mouth twitched, and she said casually: "Now you can bid."

(End of this chapter)

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