Reborn 1980 has become a lucky bag for brothers

Chapter 124 Don't Blame Her for Being Shameless

Chapter 124 Don't Blame Her for Being Shameless

In the previous and present lives, it was the first time for Xiaotuanzi to ride in this kind of convertible car.

There is a pocket on the back and it is covered with canvas. It smells bad. Fortunately, when I run, the wind will come in, and the cool feeling will sweep the whole body.

After about 10 minutes, we arrived at the entrance of the village. The driver stopped and poked his head out of the window to ask.

"Big sister, where do you live?"

He Xiangyun took a look, just in time to see An Bei playing in front of the door.

"Brother, it's in the fenced yard where the kid in white clothes plays, please."

The driver followed the direction pointed by He Xiangyun, quickly found the fence with white clothes, stepped on the accelerator and stopped.

"Big girl, we're here!"

At this time, An Qingzhu also just finished tidying up the stove, and prepared to mic for a while, and then went out to buy cement and lime when the sun was out in the afternoon. He had bought enough bricks, and now he just waited for the list of materials in his hand to be ready.

But the sound of the car outside still caught his attention, and when he walked out, he happened to see Xiaotuanzi's head sticking out.

"Daddy hug!"

An Qingzhu's tightly pursed mouth burst open in an instant, and she rushed over to hug Xiaotuanzi down.

He Xiangyun also poked his head, smiled and handed over the cloth he bought.

"Big sister, where shall I move for you?"

He Xiangyun pointed to the eaves before he could think about it, "Brother, I'm sorry, my man is with you, just move there."


"Brother is too troublesome today, come, drink a bowl of water, sit down and rest before leaving."

It was noon, and men were already thirsty. Now that they could drink cool water, it was really the joy of nectar after a long drought.

The man leaned his neck forward and took a deep breath, and finally wiped the back of his hand, "It's so cool! You don't need to sit down, I have to go back and send the next family."

Seeing this, He Xiangyun was inconvenient to keep it, so he stuffed a paper bag for the man, "The chestnuts pulled from the mountain at home are sweet, take them home to satisfy the child's appetite."

The man was very happy, and happily started the car to go back.

Because of this commotion, many people surrounded He Xiangyun's eaves. Some were envious and envious when they saw the sewing machine under the eaves of He Xiangyun.

"Auntie An, your sewing machine is a few hundred dollars bigger, right? I don't know where you got the money from? You built a house and bought a sewing machine."

He Xiangyun looked at the crowd, and it turned out that it was the black widow who walked closest to Wang Qiaomei. They all said that birds of a feather flock together, and it would be a good thing to be able to play with someone like Wang Qiaomei.

She gave An Qingzhu a look, and asked him to carry Xiaotuanzi into the room, and closed the door.

Keep the sound out.

After all, the following words are a bit tortuous to children. If this black widow insists on bumping into her, don't blame her for being rude.

"Yo, I know who it is! It's my sister-in-law! What's wrong? Don't you go in and out with my second brother and sister? Ah! Look at my memory. Two days ago, I heard that my second brother came out of your room in the middle of the night. Come out, is it true or false? You should tell the big guys."

The village likes this kind of gossip the most. When they heard this, everyone was overjoyed and immediately shifted their attention.

Someone who has something to do immediately said, "Could it be true? Wang Qiaomei used to wear a pair of trousers with her. After that, the two of them beat each other in the room, and when they came out, both of them had bruised noses and swollen faces. Why don't they just make a fuss?" flipped!"

"Auntie! Is this true?"

The woman who was asked nodded affirmatively, "That's right. Do you think these two have been in contact these days?"

The person who asked the question thought, "It seems to be true. I was working in the rice field yesterday, and I saw her passing by and ignoring each other. I felt strange at that time."

The woman patted her shoulder for fear, "New daughter-in-law, you are still too young. It's not obvious, rabbits don't even eat the grass by the side of the nest! Some people have thick skins and only attack inside the nest."

(End of this chapter)

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