Chapter 23 Doubt
Compared with those big productions that take several years to shoot and post-production, the production cycle of the witch is undoubtedly very short.But like other B-level horror films, the film took a long enough time. It took more than a month from writing the script to filming.

Leila is eager to release, not only because she wants to be a blockbuster during the Halloween schedule, but also because she is afraid of the man named Cooper.She didn't know what happened before, but she only knew that this person would not give up his grievances with the company, and his revenge would probably start from this movie.

Much of The Witch's success lies in its marketing and the gimmicks of the first-ever DV film.Once these two points are exposed in advance, it will definitely be a considerable blow to the movie.It's like a magician performing a very powerful magic trick. If you know how that magic is done in advance, how many people will be willing to watch it?

The same is true for witches. Once it is revealed that the missing person notice in the Entertainment Magazine was a hoax from the very beginning, an "advertisement" made to attract people to watch the movie, how many viewers are willing to go to the movie theater?It is estimated that most people will feel fooled because they have been deceived.

So from before the film started, Leila asked Louise to use the company's distribution department to contact the theaters.It's a pity that the company's previous works really didn't have good results, and the bosses of the theater chains didn't have much confidence in them, which led to the results of only a dozen theaters in such a long time.

Think about it, for a company that only produces B-grade movies, the last movie released was a few years ago, and the box office was dismal. How many theater owners can continue to be optimistic about this company?Not to mention that the once talented boss has passed away, replaced by a little girl who has just grown up!
Laila believed that those who shook their heads and rejected Louise must be thinking in their hearts, the little girl who has not yet grown hair still wants to be a director?please!This is Hollywood!Not a place where you can succeed with a few bucks!
It's fine if she's willing to spend money, but the problem is that she didn't even spend money on this movie, so she just relied on those dizzying movies to attract audiences to the cinema?Or dress up beautifully to attend high-end receptions and fashion conferences, and be a competent wealthy lady!

"Okay, I'll try my best to find it." Louise sighed secretly, and could only bite the bullet and agree.I hope that by seeing her face, some old guys can relax.

After Louise left, Leila was once again alone in the office.After thinking about it, she picked up her phone and dialed a number.

"Anthony, the plan can be implemented, let's do it!"

"It's ready, you will see what you want to see." Anthony said confidently.

Lila smiled slightly: "I'm looking forward to it."

It was finally time for the last fight, put down the phone, and she crossed her hands on the table.The witch has already been sent to the MPAA (Movie Association of America) for ratings. She has no extravagant hopes for G and PG ratings, but only hopes to get PG-13 (special counseling level), so that more people can enter the movie theater without hindrance.

She is well aware of the movie's potential, and also understands that young people will be the biggest contributors to the movie's box office.Let her see if they can contribute the power to shock the whole world like they did in the previous life!

The results of the review were sent over quickly, and as expected by Laila, it was indeed placed in the PG-13 column.Maybe it's because there wasn't much plasma and swearing. If she was classified as R or NG-17, she would cry.

October 10st is Halloween, and now Hollywood doesn't care much about this time. It is completely inferior to the summer and Christmas files. Basically, some small films are released at the same time.It's not that there are big productions, but Laila feels that she doesn't need to pay attention to them at all, because the themes are different after all.

Just when they were actively arranging copies and sending them to various theaters, the outside world had already almost turned upside down due to the further discovery of the disappearance case.

The latest news still comes from "Entertainment Daily".According to their follow-up reports, a professor of anthropology at the University of Maryland took his students to the forest where the disappearance occurred, and found a large travel bag in an old wooden house.

They delivered the item to the police, and the family identified it as belonging to one of the three missing students.The discovery of this incident silenced some who speculated that the missing person did not disappear in the woods here.

It's just that the next development shocked countless people, because in the travel bag, the police found something that the missing person had photographed.

After the family members of the missing person took the things away, they found amazing information and unbelievable fragments on them.They asked the police for help, but they got an answer of "that was faked by the students", and they did not think the footage was real.

The family members were angry, accused the police of inaction, and asked them to send someone to search and rescue the children immediately.

Readers who saw the news also became curious, what kind of image was left behind that would make the police think it was a fake, and the parents think it was in danger?Some people and the media asked the police, but the news they got was that there was no disappearance at all.

People who are eager to know the truth don't believe such an understatement at all, and start to pay more attention to that special website, and the website has lived up to expectations, releasing more shocking "good news", such as some people who are said to be from family members. The video clips that circulated in the hand.

Seeing those scenes of crying and screaming, panicky thoughts kept circulating in my heart-are there really witches?Were the three missing students really killed by the witch?
But the website didn't give an accurate answer, maybe they don't even know it themselves.

So people who were not satisfied with a little understanding, and those who were frightened, began to accuse the police of deliberately concealing the facts and preventing the public from knowing the real situation.Some conspiracy theorists have even started posting that some places are reluctant to admit this because they are being controlled by witches!

"Leila, are we going too far?" Louise felt as if her heart was about to jump out of her throat when she saw the people gathered in front of the police station looking for real answers on TV.

Laila rested her chin on one hand, tilted her head and asked her with a smile, "What did we do?"

"Of course it's the ones in the newspapers. Missing people notices and so on. I always feel that things are getting bigger and bigger."

"Does it matter?" Laila pulled out a piece of Entertainment Home from the side, which was the one with the missing person notice: "Can you see where it was published?"

Louise looked along where her finger was pointing, her eyes widened suddenly: "Entertainment version..."

"Now do you have any questions?"

"..." Louise still has any doubts, obviously the little boss already knew what he was doing from the beginning.The entertainment version is not a place to tell the facts, otherwise what would happen to those celebrity gossip?

Is there really only one small boss at home?If there were any doubts, it was the only one she would have.

(End of this chapter)

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