Chapter 3 Wills
Hollywood in 1996 was far less prosperous than later generations, but it has also become the film capital of the world.

It is located in the suburbs of Los Angeles, California, on the west coast of the United States, with the most beautiful scenery, the most dazzling stars, the most luxurious brands, and the most fashionable trends.It is also home to many major film companies, such as Disney, 20th Century Fox, Universal, Warner, Paramount, etc., which are famous until later generations.

Of course, to become the center of world cinema, only these large film companies are far from enough.Just like a pyramid, there are countless small companies below the top to eat away at the living space left by them.

"Laila, we've arrived." Claire parked the car in front of a five-story building.

Laila stepped out of the car, and the first thing she saw was the huge light box hanging upstairs-Phoenix Films.

"Let's go, the lawyer is already waiting in the office." Claire patted her on the shoulder and led her along.

Leila walked behind her, looking at everything around her with complicated eyes, half-old desks, mottled walls, and staff members with numb faces, as if they were waiting to die.

The elevator stopped on the fifth floor, and just as the door opened, a pretty but flustered blond young woman had hurried over.

"Hello, Miss Moran, this way, please."

Lila nodded and looked at Claire questioningly without saying a word.

"She's your father's secretary." Claire introduced to her in a low voice.

Demi seemed to realize that she hadn't introduced herself yet, and turned around in a panic: "I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Demi, Demi House. Nice to meet you, Moran Miss."

"Yeah." Laila nodded to show that she understood, but she was still not interested in opening her mouth.

Claire looked at her and sighed slightly.She could understand her very well, who knew that her father would not be in a good mood with such a beautiful female secretary by his side.

She didn't know that Laila didn't care about that at all, the so-called father was just a memory in the original Laila's heart.A man whom she hasn't seen in several years and who only bears the word "father", why should she make her feel uncomfortable because of him?

Soon, the three walked into an office.

Sitting in the office was a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes. When he saw them coming in, he immediately stood up.

"You must be Miss Lyra Moran. I am Dumpson Walton, personal attorney to your father, Reynolds Rodney."

"Hello, Mr. Walton." Lyra shook his hand.

Walton smiled kindly: "Now that you have arrived, I will read Mr. Rodney's will."

"Of course, please." Laila sat down on the chair Claire brought and gestured to the lawyer.

"Mr. Rodney hands over everything to his name, including a single-family house worth 200 million dollars, several sports cars and yachts worth 1500 million dollars, and everything in Phoenix Films to you, Leila Moran Miss, please take a look at this will first, and if there is no problem, please sign the receiving document."

Laila took it, looked at it briefly, and signed her name.

After seeing it, Lawyer Walton held out his hand to her with a smile: "Congratulations, Miss Moran. Everything here belongs to you now."

"Thank you..." Laila responded lightly.

Well, she actually doesn't know how she feels in her heart until now.

In his previous life, he worked so hard to earn a house in the capital, but now he has assets worth tens of millions of dollars just by signing a contract.

Speaking of which, Reynolds Rodney, who bears the name of his father, did not leave many memories in the original Laila's heart. On the contrary, the newborn Laila learned a lot about him from some people.Of course, she didn't want to get father's love or something, but was notified that she got his inheritance.

From what she knew, Reynolds had to be admitted to be quite an attractive man.He has a pair of blue eyes and sexy facial features. He is romantic by nature, good at coaxing women and playing games in the world.Otherwise, Bai Fumei's mother would not have had such a romantic and beautiful encounter with him.

At the same time, he is also very talented. He founded the Phoenix Film Company and produced several films with good income.If he hadn't died suddenly on a woman's belly after drinking too much, Laila might still have a little admiration for him.

It can be seen from his legacy that he likes luxury cars and yachts, so that he doesn't have much savings other than these.

Laila didn't expect much money from him either. If she wanted money, her mother and grandfather could give her more.What she cares about is this film company, because coincidentally, she was a director before her rebirth.

She used to be a woman with ideals. After graduating from the director department with the best grades, she had great ambitions and wanted to show her talents. However, the cruel reality made her understand that those who have no money and no one to support them will never get that dream. Director mic only.

She is a persistent person, with the tenacity of not dying until the Yellow River.So starting from taking the commercials that she looked down upon, she gradually got some scattered small "businesses", and then finally got the opportunity to shoot TV dramas by relying on the accumulation of contacts.

In that era, TV dramas wanted to be sold, and if the plot was not enough, Lei would be embarrassed to show it.What is the ratings based on?Isn't it word of mouth?It doesn't mean that if everyone says it's good, people will watch it, and if everyone says it's bad, it can also attract people to watch it.As for the content, the producers just don't care, as long as the investment gets a return.

It is conceivable that such a day is a kind of uncomfortable torment for her who has been working hard for her ideal.She wants to make a movie, and she also yearns for the Oscar statuette, longing to stand at the pinnacle of the movie world and shout arrogantly like James Cameron: I am the king of the world.

Finally, after ten years of hard work, she got an opportunity. Some investors were willing to invest in her to shoot a movie, a real movie!

Just when she was very excited, a new problem came up again. The investors brought not only funds, but also candidates for leading actresses, supporting actresses and many important roles.If it's just an actor, it's okay, who should I choose?But those people are not even comparable to extras. They are simply "family portraits" created by investors for the happiness of their families. Seven aunts and eight aunts gather together to show their faces on the screen.

But even if each scene had to be shot seven or eight times, or even seventeen or eight times, she still gritted her teeth and shot the movie.However, she worked hard to shoot the material, and the editing rights were still taken away in the end.Seeing the messy edited final result, she shed tears.

I also want to know what effect that kind of thing will have when it is shown.Actors will be scolded, screenwriters will be scolded, and directors will be the ones who are scolded the worst.

Physically and mentally exhausted, she got herself drunk for the first time, trying to forget all her tiredness.It's just that she never expected that when she woke up, she not only came to the United States, but also became a foreign girl.

Yes, she will help little Laila fulfill her unfulfilled wish, but given the opportunity, she wants to show her talent in this world.

Here, she has the money, the support, the studio even gave her one, and with the memory of those future movies, why should she think she won't be successful?
She wants to prove to the world that she is capable, as long as she is given a chance, she will be the best director!

(End of this chapter)

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