Reborn Hollywood Ladies

Chapter 34 It's Cooper Again

Chapter 34 It's Cooper Again
"I can't help but wonder, what's wrong with the world? Are movies with depth, connotation and philosophy no longer liked? Why does a movie that enjoys scaring audiences have such a big impact?"

"Throughout the history of film, there are countless excellent films emerging one after another. What brings us to think, what makes us remember, and what gives us spiritual strength, that's what movies should do, isn't it?"

"Someone might say, come on, this is a horror movie, does it need so much reasoning? I really want to ask, don't I need it? Can't horror movies and crime movies make excellent works? David Fincher's 95 "Seven Deadly Sins", "The Killer Is Not So Cold" by Luc Besson in 94, "Pulp Fiction" by Quentin Tarantino, "The Silence of the Lambs" in 91, etc., I can just name them Countless examples to prove it."

"So what on earth is it that makes our young people start to fall in love with a movie that has nothing but screams? This is a question worth thinking about."

As soon as Cooper's comments came out, it caused a small discussion.Because he has something to say in many cases, he still has a lot of status in the film critic circle, and there are many audiences who support him.That's why he can make previous Phoenix films be labeled as "bad films" by just commenting on film reviews.

The same thing happened this time.There are not a few people who support him. They think that movies should have depth, soul, and educational significance. The Blair Witch is simply for cheating money, and it cannot be regarded as a movie at all.

But there are more people who oppose him, and almost all of them are young people.

They don't care about the educational significance or the depth of the soul. They only know that the adrenaline secretion caused by fear when watching witches makes them very happy.A horror movie that can scare people, isn't it the best horror movie?If you really stuff a horror movie with preaching things, you'll be drowsy before you finish watching it.

Laila read the report at home, and it was Claire who brought her the paper.

In fact, Claire doesn't approve of her making a movie very much. In her opinion, this work is too hard.It takes a long time just to write the script, but also to prepare for the shooting tasks, find actors and coordinate the work of various departments.Not to mention the hard work during the shooting. It is normal to shoot the same shot ten times or eight times.

And after the shooting is completed, it is not the end. Post-production, editing, soundtrack, etc., everything is inseparable from her instructions.Such a heavy workload is not suitable for a girl who has just recovered from her body. If Leila didn't love this job very much, she would have opposed her to continue filming.

A movie earning [-] to [-] million is great, but no matter how great it is, can it be more important than a healthy body?That's why she put all kinds of bad comments in front of her intentionally or unintentionally at the first time, hoping to use other people's words to dispel her interest in continuing to make movies.

However, Claire didn't know how enviable it is for a director to have so many rights that other directors envy.Laila, who knew this well, was too late to be happy, so why would she think she had too much work?

"Laila, what's written on it is really too much. But I think what he said has some truths. How about going to school to learn some related knowledge?"

Claire figured that as long as she could step away from the studio for a while, it wouldn't take long for her love of movies to fade.

Unexpectedly, after reading the report, Leila not only didn't get angry, but instead read it carefully with a smile, as if it wasn't her movie at all.

After reading it twice, she put down the newspaper: "Is what you learn in school really that useful?"

"Of course! If you don't study systematically, how can you understand clearly? Didn't the most famous directors all graduate from excellent universities?"

Lila smiled: "Yes, you are right. But there are still a large number of directors who have not studied at all and made excellent works, aren't they?"

"Is there? Why don't I know." Claire didn't do much research on the director's circle, so she didn't know what the truth was.But even if he knew, or if it was true as Laila said, she would never admit it.

Lila didn't argue with her, and patted the back of her hand comfortingly: "Don't worry, I know what to do."

"Oh." Claire sighed softly, and there was really nothing she could do about it: "What about this person? He has targeted you again and again, do you want me to do something to make him shut that hateful mouth? "

"Don't bother." Laila waved her hand indifferently: "I actually don't mind him targeting me at all."

"Why?" Claire found it incredible, and would have been angry if he had been treated like this over and over again.There's no reason why I have less patience than a girl, right?If it were any person, wouldn't he be very angry if the things he worked so hard to create were sprayed in a mess?
Laila smiled and pointed at the newspaper: "Don't you think he's actually helping me?"

"Help? How is it possible!" Claire couldn't believe it.

"Let's put it this way, one is to be left behind, and the other is to be noticed all day long. Which do you think is better for a movie?"

"Of course it's getting attention." Do movies that are left behind have box office?
"That's it." Lila smiled slightly, and put the newspaper in her hand: "What he's helping us now is to let more people discuss our film, and let more people know that there is such a thing. Is this a controversial movie that is doing wonders?"

Claire was a little dizzy: "Can you still explain it this way?"

"Of course!" Laila pushed her back and pushed her out of the room: "Don't worry. Such a person can't disturb my mood. Or do you think I'm a person who is easily discouraged and gives up?"

Claire was helplessly pushed out of the room, and could only tell a few words, "Don't force yourself, pay attention to your body" before being locked out of the room.

Holding the newspaper in her hand, she looked at Cooper's article published in a large format, and she shook her head in anger or amusedly: "If that man named Cooper knows that his article is regarded as an advertisement by Laila, no I know what it's going to look like."

But this also made her decide to investigate the events of the year. She wanted to know why this man named Cooper would target Lila and Phoenix Company.Although it sounded from other people's mouths that Leila was shot innocently, it was completely implicated by her father Reynolds.

It might make a person hate the company to the point of lashing out at Leila despite the name Moran, and it's better to pay attention.

(End of this chapter)

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