Chapter 6 Movies
"Claire, what would make you feel more scary?" Laila asked while eating dinner.

After all, she is an oriental soul in the skin of a westerner, and cultural differences will make her somewhat different from a real westerner.So she wanted to hear from real Westerners to set the tone for her first film.

Claire thought for a while: "It's probably a spider, and if you're alone in the elevator, you'll feel a little scary. There are also ghosts and witches."

"Spiders..." It's normal for a woman to be afraid of these things. Several similar movies immediately flashed through Laila's mind, such as the 2001 Italian "Spider from the Sky", 2002 American "Eight-legged Monster", 2007 "Frozen Spider" and so on. .Not only that, but she thought about Jurassic Park like the plague of pythons, giant prehistoric crocodiles, and even great white sharks.

But soon, all of these were denied by her.The main reason is that these movies need to invest a lot of money to shoot. If the props and special effects can’t keep up, it’s very likely that the film will be trash. But if you invest a lot of money, it’s hard to say whether the effect can be produced, and it may involve your family. .

Maybe in the future she will engage in those special effects films when she has funds and experience, but now is definitely not the right time.What she needs is a movie with less investment and more rewards!

As for Claire's fear of being alone in the elevator, in her opinion, it is a psychological state called claustrophobia, which is an anxiety about closed spaces.

This reminded her of a 05 British movie called "Invasion of Darkness", which tells the story of several women who went to explore a cave, but were accidentally trapped inside, lost contact with the outside world, and met Horror stories of monsters eating people.

The film digs out the dark side of human nature very thoroughly, tearing away the superficial kindness in adversity and death, exposing all kinds of selfishness, cruelty, and violence.By showing all this, the horror atmosphere of the film is created.

It's a pretty good movie, even more terrifying for the claustrophobic.And the movie did get critical acclaim, doing well at the box office in several countries.

But when she thought of the investment amount of 350 million pounds, Leila smiled wryly and suppressed her eager heart.She does have a lot of pocket money, but she can't afford that much, at least not now.

"What else? Ghosts? Witches? Claire, give me some more..." Lila was trying to get her to give herself some inspiration, when suddenly her eyes widened as if she had been electrocuted.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Claire was frightened by her, and hurried to her side, fearing that her old illness had relapsed.

Laila grabbed her hand excitedly: "Yes! Witch! Witch, Claire!"

"Huh?" Claire was confused.

Lila didn't talk to her in detail, she didn't eat, and ran upstairs to the study: "Claire, I have an inspiration, if you have nothing to do, don't disturb me."

Yes!How did she forget about that movie!

The Blair Witch!
In 1999, at a cost of US$3, it earned 5 million at the global box office, becoming the independent film with the highest return on investment.This record was not replaced by another movie until 2009, which shows how influential it is.

Not only the low investment and high return makes Laila tempted, but also the trend it caused in other aspects.For example, it is the first film to create a precedent with pseudo-documentary, for example, it is the story presented as No.1, and for example, it is the first film to use the Internet for viral marketing to create success!

What is viral marketing?It is to let others spread the word of mouth through valuable products or services, which is the so-called word of mouth.

After the director of the Blair Witch finally promoted the film, only 27 cinemas were eligible for screening in the first week of screening.As a result, people who watched the movie recommended it to others one after another, detonating a movie-watching frenzy, which directly expanded the screening from 31 theaters in the second week to 1100 theaters, and even reached 2143 theaters in the fourth week!
The film won the runner-up at the North American box office for two consecutive weeks, which is a real miracle in film history!

With 3 US dollars in exchange for a global box office of 5 million, and getting so many firsts, and breaking into the film history record as an absolute dark horse, isn't it the result she wants most?

Moreover, the film itself was filmed by a student director, and there are many places that have been criticized by later generations. Knowing those shortcomings, she can completely avoid them and show them in a better posture.

As an ambitious director who strives for her ideals, Leila in her previous life has carefully analyzed all the movies that have left a strong mark on the history of movies, and the witch is no exception. She believes that she can create it completely, and it will be an upgraded version. Finished goods!

Deciding to take Blair the Witch as her first work, Leila immediately wrote the script.Fortunately, it is now 1996, and the win95 operating system has been released in 95, so she doesn't need to use a pen to crawl through the grid word by word.

The witch's script was not difficult, but it took her two weeks to create the script after repeated revisions.

With the script, the next step is to draw the storyboard script.

The storyboard script is very important to a movie, allowing the text in the script to be transformed into a three-dimensional audio-visual image.On it, the director can add his own ideas, such as what lens should be used for this scene, what music should be played, and what actors should say.

Simply put, it is the director's construction blueprint, so that other departments of the crew can understand his specific requirements.In addition, basic storyboards are needed for the schedule of photography, as well as post-production, which is inseparable even for cost determination.

For a whole month, Laila completed her tasks in her room.She is very clear that she must not fail this time, and now she has various conditions for success, so there is no reason to fail.If she really wants to be able to shoot successful movies in the future, she will cut off the hand that she wants to reach out to the director and his party no matter what others say.

"Finally finished!" Laila came out of the room holding the printed script and storyboard.She didn't step out of the room for so long, even the meal was brought in by Claire.

Sometimes she would be so tired that she would fall asleep directly on the table, but would wake up in bed the next day.I also know that it was Claire's meticulous care that kept her from starving to death on the workbench.

"Claire, I'm finally done!" She ran down and gave Claire a big hug as she was cutting broccoli.

Feeling her joy, Claire also became happy: "That's really great, can you let me see?"

"Of course!" Laila naturally wouldn't mind her being the No.1.

Claire wiped her hands and carefully took the script.But when she saw the name, her face became weird.

"Blair the Witch?" Her name is Claire, this little guy doesn't think she is the witch who controls her, and then writes various plots to defeat her, right?

(End of this chapter)

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