Chapter 327 Very moved, right? ~
"Hey~ very touching, right? Haha~" Yuqin interrupted Fengguo's words on purpose, with a playful look, not caring at all that Fengguo was about to 'piss on a horse', but Yuqin's unscrupulous appearance, It also broke the moving atmosphere in an instant.

Feng Guo laughed helplessly, he is a big sister!Really, really makes people want to love!
Although Ah Hao didn't get the weapon, while he was happy for his boss, he was also very touched by what the elder sister did for them.Although he wasn't the one who made the weapon this time, he believed that even if it was him, the elder sister would use the best materials to make him the best weapon.

Thinking of this, the gentle and gentle Ah Hao also had a slight smile on his face, the refined him made people get closer to him at this time.

"Yes yes yes" Feng Guo said helplessly, diluting the feeling of wanting to cry for a while, and she was sincerely grateful to Yuqin in her heart, with a senior sister like this, this life is worth it!

"Ah, by the way, Ah Hao, haven't you decided what type of weapon to choose? Actually, I think Ah Hao, your temperament is very suitable for using a folding fan! What a handsome young man!"

Yuqin looked at A Hao with eyes full of gold, and imagined A Hao holding a folding fan and wearing an ancient robe in his heart, tsk tsk~ he is so handsome!
Looking at Yuqin's actions, Ah Hao also knew that his senior sister was always thinking about weird things, but after listening to Yuqin's words, he also realized something at this time, and a fan-shaped weapon formed in his mind. Looking at it, he meditated and practiced, and found that he was very comfortable with this fan-shaped weapon.

Ah Hao, who had his eyes slightly closed, suddenly opened them, and said with a look of surprise, "Master, I think I know what kind of weapon I need!"

Yuqin also smiled when he heard the words, "What is it? Is it really a fan?"

Yuqin was originally joking, but he didn't expect Ah Hao to really nod, causing Yuqin's soles to slip and almost fell down.

Yuqin, who stabilized his figure, coughed lightly, looked at the old man, and asked respectfully, "Senior, can you forge fan-shaped weapons?"

The old man nodded with a smile, "Of course it's not a problem."

With the affirmation of the old man, Yuqin learned from the old man that the materials for forging Ah Hao's weapons include Jingxuan Tianshi, Tiansi, and wood Jingjing. Of course, if you want a weapon that can grow, you also need Shaped into stone.

Of course, Yuqin took out all the materials he needed very generously, and they were also top-quality. Even the silkworms he raised had already evolved into spirit silkworms under the nourishment of the spiritual energy of the space, and the spun silks had also evolved naturally. , became spiritual silk.

Soon, the old man started all the steps of forging the long sword before. Of course, the last step also needs A Hao to beat it.

However, this time the forging process is one more step than the previous one, which is knitting the spirit silk. The old man used his true energy to thread the spirit silk through the needles, and soon made a fan, and finally the old man fused it to complete the forging.

A Hao also had his real name weapon, and when the folding fan was forged, A Hao also felt excited from the heart, and also felt the faint soul wave on the folding fan.

The old man forged the weapon twice in a row. At this time, the true qi in his body had already been exhausted. He didn't care about other things, so he quickly swallowed the vitality pill, meditated on the spot and began to restore the true qi in his body.

And Yuqin and others were also around him to protect him. The old man naturally knew this, and with a slight smile in his heart, he began to meditate in peace.

A few days later, the old man opened his eyes full of wisdom and wind and frost.

(End of this chapter)

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