Chapter 666 The Return
In the next few days, Yuqin and Yan Zhehan got tired of being together every day. Whether it was traveling, shopping, eating, or doing something, they were always inseparable. laugh.

Yu Qinli was even discussing with Yun Yueyu how to hold the wedding at that time. Their wedding is definitely not a wedding in the secular world, but a double cultivation ceremony in the cultivation world. Once this ceremony is held, it will really be a wedding. You can't escape the shackles of the rules of the world in your life.

We will never betray if we are together forever, because betrayal will be punished by God and will be beyond redemption.

Of course, this double cultivation ceremony is not a fixed pattern. The rhetoric of both of them depends on both sides. A man can say that he will never leave and never betray, he can also say that the other party is the only one, and of course he can also say that he is willing to be together. The words are spoken by themselves, and the sky is the witness to witness their promises.

Unless two people really love each other and will never leave each other for the rest of their lives, they will not make nonsense vows at will, but bind themselves.

So if you want to see if a person really loves yourself, you can tell it from the oath alone.

In the days that followed, Yuqin was very happy because of Yan Zhehan's return, and because Fengguo and others also returned here one after another.The two Yuqin who received the news from Fengguo and others also took them to Fengguo's villa.

"Elder Sister!" The voice was still loud and respectful, but the tone was more cordial and longing.

Yuqin looked around for a week, scanning everyone's faces, his eyes were even more amazed and pleasantly surprised, "Are you going to leave this time?"

"Elder Sister, our own forces are also on track, and our own cultivation has almost reached a certain bottleneck, so we came back this time to assist Elder Sister in arranging the nine-nine vital formation." Feng Guo was still The leader of the crowd, no matter how long it has been, the teenagers, oh no, they shouldn't be called teenagers now, and the juniors all take Fengguo as the leader in unison.

Yuqin looked at Fengguo intently. Although there was a video communication before, the image conveyed by the computer could not be compared with the real person.

Feng Guo is now 32 years old, and his originally delicate and immature face is now particularly mature and steady, with the aura of a superior in his gestures, but his eyes are still the same pair of eyes he saw before , Just one glance, Yuqin felt that he was still the same him, not changed at all.

"Xiao Guozi, you all know about this. Although I haven't promised those people to arrange formations, but... Alas, has it reached the point where it must be done now?" Yuqin couldn't bear it as he spoke. Zhu once again sighed, she really couldn't imagine the scene at that time, it would suffocate her, and it would make her unable to bear the pressure.

"Elder Sister, you really don't need to blame yourself. This is God's will, and God's will cannot be violated! Since God let mortals suffer this calamity, even though Senior Sister helped them this time, what will happen after a hundred years? Is it a blessing or a curse? but."

The person who spoke was Ah Liang. At this time, he also lost his childishness, and the faint scars on the corners of his eyes added a masculine look.

Seeing everyone grow up one by one, Yuqin feels relieved that my family has a child who has just grown up.

"Ah Liang, you have grown a lot in these years. Senior sister is very pleased to see this." Regardless of Yuqin's young age, his tone and demeanor make him look like A Liang's elder.

A Liang scratched his head shyly, and said in embarrassment, "Master, don't make fun of me, hee hee, over the years, I have mastered all the old man's forging skills, and I am definitely not inferior to that old man .”

(End of this chapter)

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