Rebirth Against the Sky: Evil, call me Big Sister

Chapter 811 After the end of the world

Chapter 811 After the end of the world ([-])
Chen Jing took Feng Ni away in a hurry, leaving some people watching the show. Of course, after seeing the few people who were obviously not easy to mess with, they all returned to their original positions in the cabin lobby. By the way, what happened just now spread throughout the spaceship at the speed of the wind.

It is said that human beings are the most gossipy, and Chinese people are the best among them. They like to join in the fun the most, and their mouths are very big. In less than a day, all the survivors in a hundred spaceships know about what happened on the last day just now. what happened in the spaceship.

Many disciples from other sects gloated after hearing what that sect had committed, laughing behind their backs at those few people who probably won't see the sun tomorrow.

Tell me, do you dare to provoke someone from the Heaven-Defying Sect?Dare to offend?Do their people dare to go up?Tsk tsk tsk, well, the second child has been cut!Even if he doesn't die, he will be disabled in the future, and I don't know what these people think, let alone people from the Heaven-Defying Sect entrust him to them for safekeeping, even if they are criminals, people from other sects cannot be allowed to invade and insult him!

It can be seen from this that not every disciple of the sect has stones in their heads, at least most of them are still very sober and understand their identities very well.

At the same time, fierce quarrels are taking place in the firewood room.

"How about killing him?" The ordinary-looking man was hurriedly putting on his clothes, and said to the thin man and the disciple who came later, the killing intent flashed in his eyes.

However, the disciple who came later decisively suppressed the thought of the ordinary-looking man, "Kill him?! What are you doing there! What's the matter? The mistakes made by you few made the whole sect go up and down. How many of you idiots are buried with you?!"

The ordinary-looking man was frightened by the roar of the disciple who came later, he was stunned, and said with a sad face.

"so what should I do now?"

"Hmph! What should I do?! What can I do?! Before Young Sect Master Xiao convicts you, it is best to stay honest! I have already inquired, that woman is the woman who opposed Young Sect Master Xiao, Young Sect Master Xiao Detain her in the dungeon of the Heaven-Defying Sect until the formation is activated, and then she will be handed over to us for custody.

Although it seems that Master Xiao's fourth personal disciple, Master Jing, seems to like this woman, but no matter what, as long as you don't fight with Master Jing, and you don't hurt Master Jing, Young Master Xiao will not be too embarrassing for us.

only!If you dare to touch a hair on the young master, hum!You know your fate!It doesn't matter if you die!But don't drag the whole family to be buried with you for the stupid things you did! "

The ordinary-looking man was silent. He couldn't deny what the disciples who came later said. They just moved an ordinary woman, and that person was not a disciple of the Heaven-Defying Sect, and had nothing to do with Young Sect Master Xiao. No, it seemed that they were still hostile. relation.

If such a woman is touched, maybe Young Sect Master Xiao won't be too difficult for us, at least we can be spared the crime, but if her apprentice is moved, I'm afraid it's not too much to cut him to death, right?

The ordinary man did not speak, but the thin man did not agree with what the disciple said later.

"What is the stupid thing we did?! Don't you know?! Didn't you also allow it?! And you also said that you want us to call you! What? Now want to separate the relationship?! No way!"

The thin man looked angrily at the disciple who came later, his eyes were full of ferociousness, he couldn't touch Chen Jing, but you, a disciple whose cultivation level is one level lower than his, dared to shout in front of him, you are too bold and reckless!
However, the disciple who came after hearing the words just looked at the thin man coldly, sneered, and said, "Actually, I didn't participate, but you did!"


"how do I?!"

"I kill you"


(End of this chapter)

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