Chapter 822 New World ([-])
"Thank you Young Sect Master!"

Yuqin looked around, sitting on the high platform at the entrance of Zhengfeng Mountain of Nitianzong, looking at the black heads from the mountain to the foot of the mountain, he couldn't help his scalp numb.

But on this face it is still so indifferent, Chen Lan, Chen Qingfeng, Chen Lei, and Chen Jing are standing on both sides of Yuqin, except for Yuqin, the four of them are the highest ranking people in the sect.

As for Yue Ming, he was all by name.

But today, he was not present at the opening of the mountain to recruit disciples. To be precise, he was present, but not in the light, in the dark, observing the situation of each of the 100 million people in the dark, and if there were good ones, he even put a ray of consciousness in the dark On the other side, before they can enter the third round of tests, they will focus on testing their hearts and conduct.

Once they can pass, this good seed will naturally not be lost to outsiders, will it?

Yueming's intentions can be said to be good, no matter what he does, he always thinks about Yuqin, even if he doesn't need to do this at all, but for Yuqin, he is willing to do it himself, and only wants to be perfect.

"Okay, let's start." Yuqin nodded slightly, and the disciple guarding the mountain gate got the signal, took out the token, and pinched the magic formula at the formation at the mountain gate, and a transparent light curtain appeared in everyone's eyes out of thin air.

In the following time, the people seeking immortals walked towards the light curtain one by one in an orderly manner. This light curtain is not to see if there is any spiritual root. After all, their sect still has martial arts, so the first round is just to separate the two types of people After all, the tests of Taoism and Wuxiu are different.

Wuxiu was selected by Feng Guo and others, Yuqin did not participate, and the remaining people with spiritual roots who were separated were handed over to Chen Jing and other four people to test.

Fortunately, the number of people with spiritual roots is far less than those without spiritual roots, which also puts a little less pressure on Chen Jing and the others.

But despite this, 5 people remained.

There are only 100 people out of 5 million, and the ratio of 5.00% is really low.

However, soldiers are not many, but fine.

In the following time, the second round will be held, and Chen Jing and the others will suppress those people with different levels of coercion. For an hour, see how many people can stay. If they can still not faint, even if they are tired If you lie down on the ground, it is considered a pass.

After all, Yuqin considered that these were ordinary people, so it was impossible to insist on standing without falling, so he lowered the requirements, but just like this, the perseverance of these ordinary people who can pass is also admirable enough.

Soon, half of the 5 people could not stand the pressure and fainted, and after these people fainted, disciples would take them away from this place, and they would take care of them and go down the mountain in person after they woke up.

An hour later, only 2 of the [-] people were still awake, and the remaining [-] people were all eliminated.

The last third level is to test the heart and character. Although it is very cruel, it is a last resort. Yuqin does not want to raise a group of unfamiliar white-eyed wolves. She does not want these people to destroy the sect after she ascends in the future. atmosphere and environment.

That's why it is so strict. After all, the selection of apprentices every five years is indeed very relaxed.Some young people, even if they don’t pass this year, can still pass after five years. Of course, there are also some people who happen to be stuck at the age of 25. If they don’t pass, they must be very disappointed, after all, they have lost this opportunity.

Not much to say, time flies, the third round of 5000 people eliminated more than 1000 people, and the remaining 3000 people, although there are much fewer people than before, but at least they can pass these two levels People, their actions in the future will definitely be much higher than those eliminated.

I don't care about their qualifications, I only care about whether they have the desire to become stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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