Chapter 303

Since he left, it's like a kite with a broken string, and there has been no news... Now she can still suppress it with the token he gave, but there will always be times when she can't develop it.Once, once the matter got out, Chu Zili would instigate the officials to force the palace to kill her.At that time, Chu Zili, who has united with Murong Duan, will become a huge threat. It doesn't matter if she dies, but after she dies, the world will change greatly...

No, I have to bear whatever I say now.At least, until Chu Jinyu comes back!

Putting down the memorial, she rubbed her forehead and took a deep breath to calm herself down.However, at this moment, Chu Qingyu and Chu Ziluo rushed into the study room of Nuange, holding a secret note in their hands, panting heavily, and hurriedly said: "Northwest, the bandits are mutiny!"

"What!" Liu Qingyun jumped up, her eyes widened in panic.

"Northwest, Northwest mutiny (rebellion, or uprising)." Chu Qingyu didn't understand lightness kung fu, so it was Lu Fei who ran over, took a breath, and then said: "The emperor once made an order to take all the people in Jiangnan Food was transported to the northwest for disaster relief, but the amount of food that was supposed to go to the northwest did not arrive. Now it is winter again, and countless people died of freezing and starving..."

Chu Qingyu was still talking about the disaster, but Liu Qingyun's whole body went limp, and she fell back into the chair—no, none of that had anything to do with her!There was a mutiny in the Northwest, did Chu Jinyu... have an accident! ?

Forcing herself to calm down immediately, Liu Qingyun clenched veins in her fists, and her round nails dug her palms to bloody flesh, "Don't talk yet!"

The roar made Chu Qingyu and Chu Ziluo stop talking, only to see Liu Qingyun standing up and pacing back and forth along the table.

If Chu Jinyu is really in the northwest now, mutiny is undoubtedly the most dangerous thing for him... Those poor and hungry people are irrational, they dare to mutiny for a bite of food, so naturally they dare to kill His Majesty the Emperor!
Just because he didn't reveal his identity doesn't mean there's no danger. The most important thing right now is to find him and keep him safe.But, the Northwest is so big, how easy is it to find someone?If his identity is leaked because of too much action, it will undoubtedly add fuel to the fire, and what if he is found?With his heart, he will not come back easily without solving the suffering of those people.

Well, there is only one way now...

Hitting the desk hard with his fist, Liu Qingyun sat back on the chair, her face was pale, her lips were bloodless, but her eyes were extremely firm and bright.

"Daimo! Go to Shangshu Province and announce the Hubu Shangshu and Bingbu Shangshu of the six Shangshu to Yusi Palace."

"Yes, Miss." Dai Mo agreed and ran out.

The study room was unusually quiet. After sitting alone at the desk, Liu Qingyun squinted her starry eyes, repeatedly calculating what was on her mind.Chu Qingyu and Chu Ziluo didn't say a word, they believed that Liu Qingyun would be fully sure.

(End of this chapter)

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