National Hand Medicine

Chapter 119 Two Reasons

Chapter 119 Two Reasons (1)
But it is also true, if the antique inside here, if it is real Yuan blue and white, it must be worth a lot. You must know that the price of Yuan blue and white is very high now, and looking at the shape of the thing, it is obviously not small. , seems to be a big pot, if there are characters and stories in the painting, the price will definitely double again!Think about the Yuan blue and white picture pot of Guiguzi going down the mountain!
After the thing was placed on the wooden table, there was a dull "boom".

After putting the thing down, the middle-aged man began to carefully unpack the outer "package". He attached great importance to this treasure, and wrapped it tightly with newspapers for several layers, just because he was afraid of hurting the porcelain inside.

After a while, the Yuan Qinghua inside finally revealed its true colors!
This is a peony-patterned pot with twigs, straight mouth, short neck, sloping shoulders, bulging belly, shallow circle feet, sand bottom, white glaze inside and outside, blue and white decoration on the outer wall, separated by blue and white double strings from top to bottom. There are 4 bands of patterns, with gardenia flowers on the neck, lotus flowers on the shoulders, peonies on the abdomen, and lotus petals near the feet.

This Yuan blue and white piece is full and solemn in shape, elegant and clean, and the blue is pure.The blue pattern and the white carcass complement each other, just like a traditional ink painting.Its blue and white colors are bright and bright, the brush is smooth, and the composition is complex but not chaotic. There are string patterns between each layer of decoration, which not only highlights the theme pattern, but also increases the layering of the picture.

I have to say that this yuan blue and white peony jar is indeed a fine product!
However, the name of this boutique must be based on the fact that this Yuan blue and white peony pattern jar is genuine!
The moment Ma Lao beat this Yuan Qinghua appeared in front of his eyes, he was so excited that he couldn't breathe.

He has seen many treasures and antiques, including Yuan blue and white, but they are all plates and the like. Among porcelains, the display utensils in the room are the most expensive, and plates are daily necessities. The value is the most inferior.Moreover, the only two pieces of Yuan blue and white that he had seen and personally touched and appraised were more or less defective, for example, a corner was missing, for example, there were some damages at the bottom.

But also because of this, the two pieces of Yuan blue and white can be sampled for carbon fourteen identification. After the identification, it can be admitted with certainty that those two pieces are Yuan blue and white!

And this Yuan blue and white jar with peony pattern is the first complete Yuan blue and white jar that Mr. Ma has seen. As a famous expert who wants to see more antiques in the world's collections, his excitement is naturally undeniable. Doubtful.

"Can I have a look at it?" Although he was very excited, Mr. Ma still maintained his due calmness, and asked the owner for his opinion before picking up the big jar.

The middle-aged man readily agreed to this, and probably he also knew that the jar of his own would only be sold today after being appraised by the old man.

But he did not forget to remind: "Be careful!"

Needless to say, Mr. Ma will be very careful, if there is any loss of the Yuan blue and white in front of him, then he will become a sinner.

You must know that antiques such as large blue and white pots from the Yuan Dynasty are handed down from ancient times and are rare in number. If one is broken, one will be lost.

Before Mr. Ma picked up the big jar of Yuan blue and white, the middle-aged man talked about the origin of this Yuan blue and white——

"Hey, this large blue and white pot from Yuan Dynasty is actually one of my father's relics. My father's family is a landlord, and his ancestors became high officials. There are many antique calligraphy and paintings left behind, but in those years, these things were all confiscated. It burned out... Alas, what a pity. But my father's elders still hid something very carefully and buried it in the soil, so that it escaped the disaster. Later, our family fell, There is no money left, but my father has been telling us not to sell this Yuan Qinghua, saying that it is the only thought left by our ancestors. After so many years, I have listened to my father and preserved it well. But now, my son has leukemia, and I have no ability to make money, and I can't afford the high surgery fee. For my son, I have to sell it... Hey, I think my father saw me The current situation and actions should still be able to understand me, it's because I don't have the ability..."

In his slow narration, a helpless story appeared in front of several people. This middle-aged man even shed painful tears when talking about his sick son.

Except for Ma Lao who put his whole heart on the Yuan blue and white peony jar, Song Yunmo and Su He who were sitting here all put on an appearance of listening attentively.

However, on the surface, they listened to it, but they didn't know if they listened to it or not.

In the world of antiques, there are the most stories about the sickness of a son whose parents died. If people who have struggled in the world of antiques are really moved by these stories, they will not be far away from the day when they stumble.

Now these people, in order to make money, even let him swear by his offspring, let alone make up such a small story.

Those who have just entered the industry are easily deceived by these small stories to tears, and then they start to help others because of the sympathy. At this time, in all likelihood, they will not be able to buy real things.

But after spending a long time in the circle and hearing more stories, I won't be moved to tears by these few short stories, and I can even retort occasionally to make up a better and more touching story.

Therefore, experience is not obtained out of thin air, but accumulated bit by bit.

Although Song Yunmo doesn't have much experience in appraising antiques, but because of his grandfather, he has been in the antique world for not a day or two, so naturally he won't be moved by this little story.

And the reason why he is interested in this Yuan blue and white today is because he wants to buy it because his grandfather's birthday is approaching. As the only grandson, he naturally has to prepare a big gift.This Yuan blue-and-white peony-pattern jar is his current goal.

As for Su He, let alone.

Mr. Ma is a professional appraisal expert, well-known in the circle, especially good at appraising porcelain, that's why Song Yunmo asked him to help him.

As an expert, Mr. Ma is naturally very professional, with a full set of tools on his back at all times.Of course, the identification of antiques depends on eyesight.

Even though Mr. Ma was so excited that he was in a mess, he still didn't forget to put on his gloves before he went to get the Yuan blue and white peony-pattern jar.

White gloves, and a magnifying glass, the expert Fan Er came out at once.

But at this time, no one paid attention to experts or not. Although the Yuan blue and white peony pattern jar was held by Ma Lao at this time, both Song Yunmo and Su He paid great attention to this jar.

(End of this chapter)

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