National Hand Medicine

Chapter 228 Hatred

Chapter 228 Hatred (3)
She completely lost the appearance she had when facing Wen Ya before, she was gentle and gentle, and even the words she just said seemed to be just joking.

Listening to those people's ears did not make them angry, but they were a little embarrassed.

All the goddesses have said so!

But in fact, Su He and Liao Ruoxing knew that Liu Dai was already impatient, and the smile she could squeeze out now was already at the limit.

Just now I had an argument with Wen Ya, and now I'm being watched like a monkey by these people... Well, it's really annoying, and I'm not acting.

"Well, okay, let's go." Liao Ruoxing nodded.

The three walked through the crowded classroom and walked back to the dormitory.

But the moment he stepped out of the door, the expression in Su He's eyes changed slightly - that ice, that cold, that cold... as if it could kill people!

Did you push Liao Ruoxing down the stairs before?Heh, that's really nice...Wen Ya.

Poor Miss Wen Ya thought she was at the top of the food chain, but she didn't know that her small body had already been watched by a hidden tiger. Sooner or later, she would become a good food in the tiger's mouth.

Su He already regards Liao Ruoxing as his friend now, but Wen Ya once did such a big harm to Liao Ruoxing, it's not because of her talking nonsense in front of him, Su He already wants to punish her.

But Su He didn't know that it was because of her and Wen Ya's fuse that would set off a new storm in the capital.

And Su He, this ordinary looking girl who secretly serves as the head of the ghost doctor's sect, will also make her debut, showing her fangs that cannot be ignored even though she doesn't show it to the people around her. .

No one can escape!
Wen Ya ran out of Beijing University angrily, ignoring the astonished gazes of the people around her, her beautiful face was distorted by anger into the appearance of a female ghost, scaring the people around her enough!

She stepped on her high heels and rushed to the side of her royal blue Ferrari. Under the envious eyes of the people around, she got into the car, started the car, and drove away.

Because of the anger still in her heart, Wen Ya drove very fast, scurrying on the road like desperately, causing a lot of scolding, but she didn't seem to have heard of it.


And Liao Ruoxing!
Koudan's fingers dyed red firmly gripped the steering wheel—you two... I won't let you go!Just wait and see!

In fact, forget it about Liao Ruoxing, there are many years of grievances between them, but the identities of both parties are not simple, so this conflict is also unclear.

It was Su He who really made Wen Ya angry!

She is a commoner with no power, what right does she have to say that kind of thing in front of her!Unexpectedly, she didn't know what shameless method she used to hook up with Fu Mo!
The sapphire blue Ferrari whizzed past the road like a bolt of lightning. Fortunately, there was not much traffic here, so no traffic accidents were caused by her sudden temper.

Ferrari passed by the traffic police car, but the traffic police turned a blind eye.

That Ferrari's license plate is enough to sweep the capital, and they, these little traffic policemen, naturally won't make fun of themselves.

With their small stature, it's not enough for those great gods to squeeze their teeth together!
The class law of society is particularly evident in these Forty-Nine Cities.

A class is like a pyramid. The layers seem to be adjacent to each other, but the distance between them is like a ravine.

That is an insurmountable barrier.

The royal blue Ferrari was running on the road, and Wen Ya's cell phone, which she had thrown on the passenger seat, suddenly rang.

"Who is it? It's so annoying." Now Wen Ya's mood was already irritated, and when the phone rang, it was like igniting explosives.

She swept away casually, but the anger in her chest was instantly swept away.

No matter where it is, Wen Ya immediately leaned the car to the side of the road, rushed over and grabbed the phone, and answered the phone just before it was about to cut off.

"Hello? Fu Mo? I'm sorry, I was driving just now, so I couldn't answer your call right away, don't you mind..." Wen Ya said hastily, feeling very ecstatic in her heart.

Fu Mo on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then suddenly said: "Come here, I have something to ask you."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

The next moment, Wen Ya received a text message from Fu Mo, which contained the address of the coffee shop.

Wen Ya didn't think there was anything wrong with Fu Mo's tone just now, she just thought that maybe Fu Mo saw her and was going to have a date with her in the coffee shop, so she excitedly started the car and went there.

It was originally a 10-minute journey, but because of Wen Ya's impatience, it took only 10 minutes.

When she rushed into the coffee shop and swept away the waiter who came to greet him, she quickly spotted Fu Mo in the corner.

Beside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the man in the gray spliced ​​coat was leaning casually on the sofa, but there was an unspoken aura overflowing. He crossed his legs, but he was not at all loose. He was elegant and noble that ordinary people could not match.

And that side face, under the sun, was as perfect as a magazine pictorial.

Fu Mo is such a person, no matter where he is, he can turn this place into a top international fashion magazine, and I don't know how many talent scouts approached him but were rejected.

Wen Ya's eyes lit up immediately, she hurriedly tidied up her clothes, then stepped on her high-heeled shoes and walked slowly, the temperament she had cultivated over the years came out naturally.

"Have you been waiting for a long time? Fu Mo." Wen Ya sat down opposite Fu Mo, and glanced at the coffee cup in front of Fu Mo.

Fu Mo leaned on the back of the chair, narrowed his eyes slightly and did not speak.

"What's wrong, Fu Mo?" Wen Ya asked softly.

At this moment, Wen Ya, where is there still a little bit of hysteria and madness in front of Su He and Liao Ruoxing?Now she is completely a standard lady from a famous family, with an elegant demeanor in every gesture.

I have to say that love can really change a lot of people.

But looking at Wen Ya in front of him, Fu Mo was not at all happy, and even a slight disgust rose from the bottom of his heart.

Although he thought she was annoying before, after all, she helped him solve so many troubles, so he just ignored her, but now, she actually went to show off in front of Su He!
Fu Mo's eyes turned cold, with a hint of chill.

Of course he didn't intend to hit the woman. As a man, he has been well-educated since he was a child. Of course, Fu Mo would not do such a shameless thing.

However, this does not mean that he will be gentle with the woman in front of him.

"You went to find Su He." It was not a question, but a statement.

Fu Mo's words seemed to be mixed with a deep cold air, wrapping the surroundings, causing the temperature to drop instantly.

Fu Mo looked at Wen Ya expressionlessly, his eyes piercing.

But Wen Ya was still immersed in the ecstasy that Fu Mo took the initiative to ask her out, and she didn't realize that Fu Mo's face was expressionless and indifferent at this time, and he was still excited there.

"Who? Who is Su He?" She didn't intend to admit it.

My image in Fu Mo can't be ruined!

This is also because Wen Ya thinks too highly of herself. She has been chasing Fu Mo for more than ten years. In Fu Mo's eyes, she is just a woman who makes trouble for no reason and can help him get rid of some troubles.

"Don't admit it?" Fu Mo raised his eyebrows.

Wen Ya curled her lips, and said coquettishly: "Okay, that's right! I'm going to find her! Who told her to snatch you away! Fu Mo, you are my gentle man..."

"What are you?" Fu Mo interrupted her.


"I said." Fu Mo squinted his eyes, and spat out the vicious words word by word, "You, forget, what?"

After finishing speaking, he also asked: "Do you understand?"

He seemed very considerate, but his eyes were full of coldness and indifference.

Wen Ya's face turned pale all of a sudden, she trembled her lips: "You...why do you say that..."

Fu Mo didn't mean to be sympathetic at all: "What identity did you use to find Su He? Who do you think you are?"

Sentences of cold and heartless words are like knives, piercing Wen Ya's heart.

Wen Ya's face became paler and paler: "Don't say that! Fu Mo, I have liked you for more than ten years! How could you do this to me!"

"Oh? Really?" Fu Mo raised his eyebrows slightly, "But I don't have any impression of you, I only remember your name, what should I do?"

Wen Ya's face suddenly lost its color, turning ashen.

Nothing hurts more than this sentence.

She has been chasing after Fu Mo for more than ten years and devoted all her youth to him, but in the end, all she got in return was that he remembered her name!

That's not what she wanted!

She wants Fu Mo to take care of herself and like herself, she wants Fu Mo to hold her in his arms, she wants to feel Fu Mo's tenderness...

But... why... why?
The deep water of despair submerged Wen Ya, she only felt that the world around her seemed to isolate herself.

In fact, if I were to change to another man, with such a beautiful woman from a good family background, who has been chasing after me for more than ten years, and who is still single-minded, without any sign of changing my mind, even if I don't like her, I will treat her a little better, after all There is still a little bit of emotion.

However, it happened that she met Fu Mo.

Fu Mo would not treat him differently just because she followed her for more than ten years.

He is a person who will never turn his head to look behind him.

And in front of his eyes, there was only one person.

"Why did you treat me like this?" Wen Ya cried uncontrollably, attracting the attention of many people in the coffee shop.

But neither she nor Fu Mo cared.

Fu Mo became a little impatient, he didn't like to stay here with this woman for so long.

He then said: "Remember, I will not let you go if you trouble Su He in the future." He took out 200 yuan from his wallet, put it on the table, got up and left.

And Wen Ya stayed there alone, crying for a long time.

The other waiters didn't dare to come up to comfort her. One of them came up, but she scolded her away.

After seeing the toughness of this guest, they didn't dare to act casually.

After a while, Wen Ya wiped away her tears and raised her head.

Her swollen eyes were filled with hatred and anger—

"Su He, I want to really destroy you!"

It was a desperate snarl and yell.

(End of this chapter)

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