National Hand Medicine

Chapter 484 The Perfect Hider

Chapter 484 The Perfect Hider

In my country's Yun Province, which is close to the Golden Triangle, behind the layers of lush mountains and forests, no one would have thought that there would be a series of luxurious buildings here.

These architectural complexes have the elegance and luxury of palace buildings, and the euphemism and variety of Jiangnan gardens. At the same time, they have absorbed the essence of European gardens. The garden buildings of different styles are integrated into one, a perfect combination of ideals and art.

Here, people can't help but think of the famous pearl that has disappeared in the long river of history-Yuanmingyuan.

Such an exquisite and vast project, comparable to the Old Summer Palace, was built in the depths of the forest on the border of Yun Province without alarming anyone. It has to be said that the builders had huge financial resources and influence.

Among other things, transporting construction materials into such a remote place without roads is an almost insoluble problem, comparable to the difficulty of building the "sky road" Qinghai-Tibet Railway.

And such an unimaginable problem has been solved in this way, it is really inconceivable.

In this huge building complex, there is a quiet, ancient, and vicissitudes of life. In fact, if you look closely, there are many people walking in it, but they are all wearing simple and elegant white robes, with solemn expressions, as if they are serving the gods. The servants in front of him had piety in their eyes, and when they were walking, they couldn’t speak a word, their lips were tightly pressed together, and there were so many companions around them, they couldn’t make any conversations, their world was only their own .

However, such a place is not a religious place, but an existence like a palace.

After leaving the nearby expressway, a black car entered the front of the palace along a flat concrete path without hindrance, and stopped in front of the gorgeous black wrought iron gate.

After confirming his identity, the black wrought iron gate slowly opened under control, but the person on the black car did not intend to drive the car directly in, but got out of the car.

This is a middle-aged man with an ordinary appearance. No matter how he looks at it, he is the kind of person who is so ordinary that he will be drowned when thrown into the crowd. His feelings, including the aura he exudes, are all so ordinary.

But such a person stood in front of such a mysterious and gorgeous palace, and what was hidden inside him was even more unpredictable.

"You are here." A man in a white robe came up and bowed slightly respectfully.

"Vincent, long time no see." The middle-aged man smiled with a gentle expression.

However, behind those soft and non-aggressive eyes, there is hidden a vicious light like a poisonous snake, which may bite someone at any time and take their life.

The man in a white robe, Vincent, knew this very well, so he didn't intend to talk too much with this big man, and cut straight to the point——

"The news of your arrival has been reported to the four adults, please follow me now."

The middle-aged man nodded, and unconsciously raised his chin with a little arrogance.

He is proud by nature, so he naturally disdains to talk too much with someone who can only be called a slave like Vincent, as if he would lower his status if he said a few more words.

Unlike his ordinary, or amiable appearance, his real character is completely different from his appearance.

However, it has to be said that his ability is very strong and superior, which is why he was able to sit firmly in this position. After so many years, he did not move, which made the four adults trust him very much.

Vincent quickly called the carriage that was used as a means of transportation in the palace. This was a real carriage, in the European style of the Middle Ages. The driver in front, pulling the carriage, was also two fine horses.

"Please get in the car." Vincent said respectfully.

The carriage passed through the garden and entered the depths all the way. It was interrogated more than three times. Each time the interrogation was very strict, and there was no reason to relax a little vigilance and be strict because of the existence of Vincent, a person who walked in the palace all the year round. It's like a sophisticated robot.

The further you go in, the more excited the middle-aged man feels——

Although he has always been the most trusted striker of the four adults, it is also the first time for him to come to this place.

The City of White Jade, the sacred place in the eyes of everyone in this gate, where four highly respected adults live, is also the most secret existence in the gate.

In fact, this city of white jade can be built, and it is inseparable from the Golden Triangle area not too far away from this place. I am afraid that no one would have imagined that the place where drug lords are chaotic and hides countless darkness, it was actually built by the four gates. Take control!

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man felt very proud.

What about ghost doctors?Now it’s not self-sufficient, thinking about principles and principles all day long, it will only stop, it’s not like the four doors that have escaped, and have a wider sky!

With the passage of time, it was only a matter of time before the four doors completely replaced the ghost doctor door!And the secret that the four schools came from the ghost doctor's school will completely become history!
And he will be the witness of this history!
Thinking about it, I feel very excited!
What an honor this is!

The middle-aged man couldn't hide his excitement, and he couldn't help clenching his fists.

Vincent was sitting next to him, his eyes seemed to be downcast, as if he didn't see the middle-aged man's actions at all, but in fact, his half-closed eyes were slightly shimmering with mocking light.

The carriage quickly reached the core of the White Jade City!
"I'm going to stop here." Vincent bowed humbly again.

The middle-aged man waved his hand, turned around and left without paying too much attention.

And the hem of his suit lifted in the wind, revealing a very inconspicuous black thing.


Vincent looked at the back of the middle-aged man leaving, showing a shallow and inscrutable smile - he did not expect that it would be so smooth.

idiot.He raised his eyebrows slightly, then turned around and got in the carriage to leave.

The middle-aged man successfully entered the core palace of the White Jade City. This is where the four adults live. Everyone in the gate is proud to be able to enter here.Naturally, when the middle-aged man set foot on this place, his hands trembled uncontrollably.

He finally entered the hall!

There is no lighting in this hall, except for the area at the entrance, where there is a little sunlight coming in to illuminate it, but the deeper inside is completely dark.

The middle-aged man stepped in without any hesitation.

The door behind him was closed, and on the high throne, there was also a glint of light, outlining four figures that looked even deeper in the darkness.

These four people are also wearing robes, the styles are more gorgeous and complex than those of the people wearing white robes outside, and some gorgeous totems are outlined with gold and silver threads, but generally speaking, this is still the same. A black robe hides the true faces of these four people underneath.

"Come?" The person sitting in the middle spoke, and a hoarse and old voice sounded.

The middle-aged man knelt down on his knees without a trace of hesitation, prostrated himself, and shouted excitedly——

"Meet four adults!"

"En." The man in the middle replied again, his voice was still the same, without any ups and downs, like an ancient well, unfathomably deep, and could not splash a little wave.

In fact, if you listen carefully, the voice is actually a bit weird, as if...with a voice changer.

However, the middle-aged man whose head was filled with excitement and his normal thinking ability was shackled down below couldn't discover this.

However, Vincent, who detected all the sounds in the hall through the hidden and powerful listening device on his body, raised his eyebrows while sitting on the scolding chair returning home.

He didn't notice it before, but in such a quiet place, he discovered such a secret——

Great Elder, is he wearing a voice changer?
Under what circumstances do you need a voice changer?
Vincent's expression remained unchanged, but his mind was full of thoughts.

Perhaps, the age of this Great Elder is not as old as they imagined.

That's why the concealment of the voice changer is needed, isn't it?
Vincent had guesses in his heart, but he was not too excited, but held back and continued to listen.

He sat upright and pious in the carriage, with his head slightly lowered, his chin retracted, his eyes half-drowned, and a white robe made him look handsome and elegant.

No one noticed that there was something wrong with him, his face seemed to be wearing a mask, and it was so perfectly carved that all his emotions were hidden underneath.

Vincent, the perfect pawn, the perfect hider.

He was very natural, while eavesdropping on the movement in the hall, he was also doing his own work, and no one could do it more perfectly than him.

At the same time that he perfectly finished the work in hand, he also perfectly engraved the conversation between the four elders and the middle-aged man in the hall into his mind, and according to this conversation, the words that came out one by one Guesses kept popping up in his mind.

The middle-aged man didn't leave the hall until late in the evening, because it was getting late, and it was not safe to leave now, so the four elders specially allowed the middle-aged man to stay overnight in the city of white jade.

And his room was still arranged by Vincent.

"If you need anything, you can use the phone in the room to let me know." Vincent stood at the door, smiling slightly, "Then, take a good rest, sir."

"Hmm." The middle-aged man casually watched Vincent close the door and leave.

Vincent was walking in the corridor, holding a small black bug in his right hand under the robe.


The bug is broken.

And after Vincent went to the toilet, the residue of this small bug was washed away with the water flow, completely disappeared without leaving a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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