Pastoral Blessed Girl's Recruiting Son-in-law Jinbao

Chapter 436 Let You Beat Three Meals a Day

Chapter 436 Let You Eat Three Meals a Day (2)
Others don't know, but Tang Junhua is very aware of Li Xiaojin's specialness, like a piece of rough jade, once it is carved into jade and the light shines, no one can hide its beauty.

Li Jinfeng stared sadly at the door of He's house, waiting for Li Xiaojin to come out.

Li Xiaojin has already heard a lot of things from Mr. He and Liu Baolin, good and bad, she always feels that Mr. He seems to be arranging the funeral, and has a firm attitude towards the Xie family's marriage.

Mrs. He was really afraid that Xie Chuning would go back sad and desperate to have a rift with Mrs. Xie, and even ruin the marriage, so she wanted to get up and find Mrs. Liu to help deliver a message to Mrs. Xie.

How could Liu Baolin watch He Shi get up, come out by himself, and go to Li Xiaomei's.

Over there, Xie Chuning had already rode back to the county with Shi Mo.

Li Jinfeng looked at Li Xiaojin with a dignified expression, but he didn't dare to ask what was on his lips, and only looked at Li Xiaojin worriedly with a pair of clear and bright eyes.

Li Xiaojin was thinking about the He family, and wondering what Li Changlu was holding on to the He family.

Liu Baolin had just packed up and called Li Yuanxi, but before he could come back to see Mrs. He, he hurried to the county.

Mrs. Xie, however, listened to Si Mo's story about Li Xiaojin's family, she frowned and thought for a moment: "Did Xiaojin's mother know that it was our family before she passed out?" I don't have any worries about the marriage, I'm just afraid that Xiaojin won't agree, how could such a thing happen! ?
Shi Mo was stunned, thought about it back and forth, and shook his head: "I don't know! I just heard that Li Changlu owed gambling debts and sold Miss Li to pay off the debts."

Mrs. Xie pondered for a while, and knew that there was a misunderstanding. She hurriedly asked Lian's mother to prepare a gift, took two 30-year-old ginseng, and specially brought Xie Jinyang to Li Xiaojin's house.

Liu Baolin happened to run into Mrs. Xie on the way, and Mrs. Xie called Liu Baolin into the carriage, and asked straight to the point what was going on.

Liu Baolin thought that her mother-in-law was satisfied with this marriage, and now she saw Mrs. Xie coming to the door with a gift, so after thinking about it, she told the truth.

Mrs. Xie breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, it was a misunderstanding!Pulling Liu Baolin to ask He's situation.

The two talked and reached the door of the house.

Mrs. He heard Mrs. Xie coming, and hurriedly struggled to get up. Mrs. Xie had already entered the door, and hurried up to support Mrs. He, and helped Mrs. He onto the kang: "It's all a misunderstanding! I blame me for this matter, and I'm still putting it on the bed." You lay down angrily."

Since Mrs. He agreed to this marriage, and Mrs. Xie came to the door in person to save face, she naturally would not hold it up, she was polite and not alienated, and told Mrs. Xie that she had listened to the wrong words in a faintly flattering way, so she told Mrs. Xie Apologize.

Seeing He's appearance, Liu Baolin naturally understood what He was thinking, and apologized from the sidelines. Her mother-in-law couldn't be made to behave like this. She is a daughter-in-law, so she should be allowed to come out.

Mrs. Xie held Mrs. He with one hand, patted Mrs. He's hand and said with a smile: "It's obviously my fault. Seeing how good Xiaojin is, why is she not my daughter-in-law! Let's not talk about it. Discuss the decision carefully. Not only me, our family sees that there is no dislike for Xiaojin, and I will definitely treat Xiaojin as my own daughter!"

Although she raised her head to marry a daughter and lowered her head to marry a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Xie knew in her heart that if she wanted her daughter to live well in her husband's family, she would try to please the people of her husband's family. Mrs. He is really a mother who loves her daughter!But she already liked Li Xiaojin, so naturally she wouldn't treat Li Xiaojin like those mother-in-laws who oppressed their daughter-in-law.

As soon as the words were spoken, He breathed a sigh of relief. She was afraid that she would make Mrs. Xie feel unhappy by making a scene like this. In the future, her daughter would marry her, and she would not be pleasing to her eyes.

Outside, Xie Jinyang was in Li Xiaojin's arms, and took out the wosi candy wrapped in a handkerchief from his pocket and gave it to Li Xiaojin to eat: "Sister! This is wosi candy! It's so sweet and delicious, I specially reserved it for you!"

Tang Junhua and Xie Jinyang insisted on stuffing Wosi Tang into Li Xiaojin's mouth, his eyes were unpredictable.

Xie Jinyang watched Li Xiaojin eat the candy, smiled and hugged Li Xiaojin's neck and asked Li Xiaojin if it was good.

Li Xiaojin stretched out her paws and trampled on Xie Jinyang's white and tender face. If it wasn't for this little devil's grasp, how could she have had so many relationships with that bastard Xie Chuning, and now she has to marry someone! ?

Xie Jinyang pouted dissatisfiedly, but did not avoid it, allowing Li Xiaojin to ravage his face.

Even the mother was watching with a smile on her face, while Xie Jinyang's nanny was a little trembling. The young master didn't even allow the eldest master to pinch his face, but Miss Li was allowed to pinch his face so casually.

Mrs. Xie quickly discussed with Mrs. He, seeing that it was getting late, she hurriedly took Xie Jinyang home.Once the marriage was settled, she felt relieved.

When he went home at night and told Xie Chuning that it was a misunderstanding, Xie Chuning still couldn't believe it. He clearly saw that dead girl Li Xiaojin hugging her mother and crying.I was worried all night and didn't fall asleep.

As soon as the day dawned, I immediately got up and washed my face with cold water. Mrs. Xie was also up and was counting the bride price with Lian's mother. Today, I have to make a decision.

Because Li Changlu is a stepfather, and he can't afford a place, Xie Chongming felt uncomfortable when he went. Mrs. Xie didn't plan to let Xie Chongming come forward, so she brought Xie Chuning, Mrs. Liu, and Li Xiaomei and Liu Jia's party. The betrothal gift came in a mighty way.

The marriage letter has already been written, and it is much easier to make a decision.

The bride price was prepared by Mrs. Xie early in the morning, not only jewelry and clothing materials, but also antique jade calligraphy and paintings, although only twelve liters, they are all valuable things.As for the gift money Mrs. Xie received, Mrs. He jumped up in fright.

In the past two years, He has also read a few words. Looking at the amount on the bank note, He's heart churns.It turned out to be 1 taels! How much dowry can a gift of 1 taels of silver buy? ?Looking at Mrs. Xie, I couldn't be more grateful.Mrs. Xie values ​​Xiaojin and likes Xiaojin. Her second daughter finally has a good marriage, so she can rest assured!
It's not that Mrs. Xie doesn't want to make face for Li Xiaojin and give a lot of gifts, but the wealth is not revealed. Li Xiaojin's brick kilns and pottery kilns are already in the limelight. Bring trouble!

Xie Chuning left crying yesterday, and will come again this time, with an uncomfortable expression on his face, seeing that Li Xiaojin is not very happy, feeling uncomfortable and aggrieved.What's wrong with him, this damn girl just doesn't like him so much, she doesn't want to marry him! ?

Mrs. Liu heard about the misunderstanding yesterday, and looked at the expressions of Xie Chuning and Li Xiaojin, so she spoke peacefully and praised Xie Chuning for being a talented person with a bright future, and praised Li Xiaojin for being beautiful and capable.

"That's right! My little sister is a rare beauty! Not only is it a sign of being tall, she is a woman who does not give way to men, and I am afraid that I will never find another woman who can compare with my little sister!" Liu Jia also praised Li Xiaojin, Give Xie Chuning a wink and let him say a few soft words.

Xie Chuning saw Liu Jia's eyes on him, and wanted to say something nice. Seeing Li Xiaojin's disapproval, she felt aggrieved, and looked over with critical eyes: "She looks beautiful, but her behavior spoils her!" Unbearably affectionate.

(End of this chapter)

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