Pastoral Blessed Girl's Recruiting Son-in-law Jinbao

Chapter 491: The Feeling of Life Is Better Than Death

Chapter 491: The Feeling of Life Is Better Than Death (2)
"What Li Taohua!? Isn't Li Taohua a criminal!?" Liu Baolin was afraid that He would not be able to act, so he walked up quickly.Before she could see the room clearly, she was held back by Li Yuanxi, and she opened her mouth and screamed.

Tian Shi also froze and couldn't react.Isn't Taohua locked in the house? !
Mrs. He also came to see, and Li Yuanxi and Liu Baolin pulled her together.

"Mother, don't look! Don't look dirty! It's Zhang Cuirong and Li Taohua who are committing adultery with Huang Yaohui!" Li Yuanxi blushed and breathless when talking about the adultery.

Tian was dumbfounded, and He was shocked.

At some point, Lu Zhuang came out without a sound, carrying a bucket of freshly cold water, splashing the three of them with a splash.

The screams of Li Taohua and Zhang Cuirong came from inside the room, and Huang Yaohui also screamed in fright.

Tian's head buzzed, and he ran over in a panic. Seeing the scene in the house, his eyes went dark, and he wished he could just pass out.

Zhang Cuirong was also terrified, she just went to take a shower, she was in a daze as if she had entered a dream, never thought that when she woke up, she would indeed have an affair with Huang Yaohui.Looking at the Tian family who rushed over from the door, Zhang Cuirong's face was pale and bloodless.It's obviously Li Xiaojin, why did she become her! ?

Li Taohua was even more frightened, she pushed Huang Yaohui away from her body like crazy, covered her body and stared in horror, her eyes were a little dull.Why was Li Xiaojin the one who was tricked, but Huang Yaohui put her to sleep! ?
Huang Yaohui's face was disheveled, startled and angry.Suddenly, he thought of the fact that he had plotted against Li Xiaojin two years ago, and ended up sleeping with Li Xiu'e.I didn't expect it to happen again now, and the person sleeping became Li Jiaxing's daughter-in-law Zhang Cuirong, and this Li Taohua, wasn't she married to Cheng Liang, an exiled criminal! ?
Li Xiu'e also thought that she and Huang Yaohui slept with the wrong person because she was calculated to sleep with the wrong person at the beginning, and immediately realized that it was Li Xiaojin's reverse calculation.What shocked her was also Li Taohua, who obviously died on the road to exile, but the body was not found, and she was hiding at home unexpectedly.

"Li Taohua is a criminal, how dare you harbor criminals!" Li Yuanxi snorted coldly, and looked at the Tian family coldly.

Huang Yaohui scrambled and pulled his clothes over his body.

Zhang Cuirong also reacted, but her clothes were torn and almost completely torn, and she casually wrapped them around her body, looking at Tian and the others in horror.

Mrs. Zhang jumped up and hugged Zhang Cuirong with a wow, "Miss! They are the ones who killed you! They are the ones who killed you!"

Zhang Cuirong also started to cry, now that she has become an unruly woman, she is afraid that she will die!

At this time, some spectators came over, and they all slept late in the summer night.

Gritting her teeth angrily, Feng scolded the people outside for what they were looking at.Tian's reaction came to him in a jerk, and he ran over to close the gate and unbolt it.This matter cannot be known!Absolutely no one should know about it!Not only Huang Yaohui slept with her daughter-in-law's scandal, but also her daughter's affair!If they all know that the family is harboring criminals, their family will pay for it!

"Where is Li Changlu? He called my daughter over to murder my daughter, and called Li Changlu out to me! Your family did such a nasty thing, you want to return my second daughter, and you harbor criminals..." He said nothing. After finishing speaking, Mrs. Tian knelt down to Mrs. He with a plop.

Mrs. He was taken aback. Mrs. Tian was always proud of being the daughter of the town and the eldest daughter-in-law. She always looked down on their mothers and murdered them with evil intentions. She would kneel down to her! ?
Mrs. Tian hated Mrs. He the most in her life. This would kneel down Mrs. He, which was completely enduring humiliation and hatred.But if she didn't do this, it would not only be embarrassing if the incident tonight was exposed, but the whole family would suffer for harboring criminals!

"Second brother and sister! I beg you! Our life is worse than death now, you just pretend you didn't see it and spare our family! I kowtow to you!" Tian's tears flowed, non-stop Kowtow to He Shi.

"Forgive your family? Have you ever thought about forgiving us? When you harmed us, you did it so ruthlessly. You can't wait to kill our family! Would you kneel down and beg for mercy hypocritically!?" He sneered sneeringly .

Mrs. Tian wanted to pounce on Mrs. He and eat him, but Li Changfu and Li Jiaxing were not at home, and Li Yuanxi was protecting Mrs. He. If she made a fuss, her family would definitely die in the end. Kowtow and beg He Shi to spare them.

"Harboring criminals is a felony, your family will be sent to jail!" Li Yuanxi said coldly, pulling Mrs. He behind him.

Feng's eyes also widened in horror, his legs gave way and he collapsed on the ground, his old face turned pale.

Mrs. Tian also pulled Li Xiu'e and Li Jiawang to kneel down. She knew that Mrs. He must have hated Mrs. Feng for so many years of abuse by Mrs. Feng, so she went up and dragged Mrs. Feng to kowtow to Mrs. He, "Second siblings! Kowtow to you! Please spare us! I promise we will never trouble you again, and we will never hinder your affairs again! Please! After all, we have been a family for so many years, you You can’t just watch our family get killed! Don’t look at the level and look at the face of the Buddha, please forgive us!”

Mrs. Feng wanted to play her mother-in-law temper and scolded Mrs. He, but was pinched by Li Xiu'e. Seeing Mrs. He glaring at her angrily, as if she was going to eat her, she knelt down on the ground and dared not say a word.

The Tian family swore again that they would never dare to trouble Li Xiaojin's family again, so Feng's family and Li Xiu'e also swore a poisonous oath.

Mrs. He doesn't believe in poisonous oaths at all. She also swore poisonous oaths, but she is still alive and well.She hasn't seen it either!But she came here today to expose Tian's and Li Xiu'e Huang Yaohui's conspiracy, to take advantage of Li Taohua and give them a hard blow.

"Mother! Don't let them go! Now that you've softened your heart and spared them, they will be able to plot against our family again later! Every time is more vicious!" Liu Baolin turned his eyes, objecting to the hesitant He's sparing Tian's.

"We don't dare again! We definitely don't dare to do it again! We hold the blame in your hands, we really don't dare!" Tian hurriedly reassured, looking at Liu Baolin's eyes full of resentment.

Liu Baolin sneered, just to make you resentful, to make you act as soon as possible, so that the younger sister can deal with you faster!

Li Xiaojin came here, and Li Taohua trembled with hatred when she saw that Li Xiaojin was safe and sound, smiling and beautiful.Look at Li Xiaojin's eyes with hatred, viciousness and resentment.

"Yo! Didn't Li Taohua be exiled and died on the way, why did he escape and get together with his little uncle?" Li Xiaojin stomped hard on Li Taohua's painful foot.

"You..." Li Taohua couldn't help it.

Tian rushed up and covered Li Taohua's mouth to prevent her from speaking.Kowtow to Li Xiaojin again, begging Li Xiaojin to let them go.

(End of this chapter)

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