Chapter 486 Blindness
Aunt Liu and Uncle Liu were quickly awakened by the movement, and hurriedly put on their clothes and opened the door. They saw the little girl's eyes were red, and her fair and beautiful face showed a bit of bewilderment and grief, and their hearts skipped a beat.

Look at her expression, it looks like...

Aunt Liu moved her lips and was about to ask, but she was grabbed by her hand. She was slightly surprised when she heard the little girl's soft voice dragging her imperceptible crying, "Uncle Liu and Aunt Liu, can you please help me?" Doctor, my husband, he..."

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, the two did not dare to delay, Uncle Liu hurriedly dressed and went out in the dark, while Aunt Liu accompanied Mingxi to visit her husband who had just woken up.

Yue Li Su still maintained the posture that Ming Xi had before going out, when he heard the footsteps, his brows moved slightly, and he obviously noticed an extra breathing sound.

The incident happened suddenly, Ming Xi was in a hurry to confirm his situation just now, and Ming Xi didn't have time to explain it to him, but now enduring the discomfort and anxiety in her heart, she probably told him how the two of them were saved, and introduced Aunt Liu to him by the way. .

Yue Li Su usually doesn't like to talk to people, he treats strangers very coldly, he doesn't even bother to give them a look, but the person in front of him is his and Ming Xi's savior, so he rarely has a mild expression and a solemn expression of thanks.

Aunt Liu couldn't hide her surprise. At first, she just thought that this gentleman was born too good-looking, like a noble son from a rich family, but good-looking is good-looking, but she didn't have any fear in her heart.

Now Yue Li Su is awake, those eyes seem to be able to read people's hearts, even though sitting there silently does not seem to have any deterrent effect, it still makes people feel breathless.

Aunt Liu is already old, and it is reasonable to say that she has gone through a lot of wind and waves. Faced with such a direct deterrence, she couldn't help her legs go weak.

It was only at this time that she vaguely realized why the head of the family would say such things.

Who are these two gods?
Suppressing the uneasiness in her heart, Aunt Liu cheerfully accepted the thank you, and then became concerned about his physical condition, only then did she learn that the young man had lost his eyesight. She didn't know whether it was regret or surprise for a moment.

Seeing Mingxi's posture just now, she thought that the other party was in danger, so her heart tightened, and she hurriedly urged the head of the family to call for a doctor.

Now knowing that the other party is blind, it is inevitable to sigh.

After all, when she came in just now, she saw that the other party was looking straight at the door, and his gaze fell on her accurately. It didn't look like someone who couldn't see.

Perhaps because he knew that Mingxi was impatient, Uncle Liu's movements were quick, and he hurriedly dragged the doctor over in a short while. The doctor was naturally woken up from the bed in the middle of the night, and he hadn't had time to put on his clothes yet, so he hurriedly grabbed the medicine The box was dragged over, both furious and not angry.

However, when these emotions touched Yue Lisu, they suddenly quieted down.

Some people just have this kind of ability, they don't need to do anything, just sitting there can already act as a deterrent.

The doctor has been traveling all over the world for so many years, but he still has some sharp eyesight.

The person in front of him is by no means an ordinary person.

The pent-up breath in his heart before dissipated, he approached tremblingly, and Ming Xi couldn't wait to explain Yue Li Su's situation after waking up, for fear of missing a little bit and delaying the doctor's visit to him.

"He has looked like this since he woke up. He said he couldn't see his eyes. He also suffered from intermittent fever a few times before. He took the medicine according to the prescription you gave. Come and see what's going on with his eyes..."

The little girl's crackling voice kept ringing in my ears. If it was normal, the doctor would have thrown her out with his beard up.

When he was seeing a doctor, he never liked someone chattering in his ears.

However, he turned his eyes and caught a glimpse of the worry on Mingxi's face. The little girl was born beautiful and she was supposed to be carefree. I have the leisure to worry about others here.

Such disregard for his body, a doctor hates such disobedient patients, and he would have scolded him angrily in normal times.

He knew in his heart that the relationship between these two people must be very close, and the old man on the bed was silent but aggressive, even if the doctor had any opinions in his heart, he didn't even dare to fart.

He restrained his mind and concentrated on feeling his pulse, frowning for a while, and relaxing for a while, watching Ming Xi's heart go up and down like a roller coaster ride.

She wanted to ask something, but she was afraid of disturbing the doctor's consultation and could only hold back, her pretty face flushed red.

Yue Lisu sensed her nervousness, and accurately cast a comforting look in her direction, "Don't be afraid."

Obviously he is the one who can't see with his eyes, but this battle made it seem that Ming Xi couldn't see, and he wanted to comfort her in turn.

Ming Xi met his gentle eyes, wrinkled her nose, and tears welled up in her eyes again, but she knew the current situation, and it was useless to be sad, so she had to pull herself together and pulled the corners of her mouth, "I'm not afraid .”

After speaking, he stared at the doctor intently.

Yue Li Su also knew that what she said was not true, so he frowned, his eyes were a bit complicated, so he simply stopped persuading her.

In his heart, he was somewhat thankful, glad that he had encountered this matter, not Mingxi.

Otherwise, he can't promise to be calmer than her.

After finishing the consultation, the doctor frowned, his eyes hesitated to speak.

Uncle Liu and Aunt Liu were very winking, and felt that it was not easy for them to meddle in this matter, so they found an excuse and went out, only Ming Xi, Yue Li Su, and the doctor were left in the room.

Yue Lisu intended to let Mingxi go out too, but the other party seemed to understand his thoughts, and said in advance, "I won't go out, what can I not listen to? If you don't let me listen, I will Instead, you will be more worried!"

This is true, if she doesn't know his real situation, she will be even more worried!
Xu Shi thought of this level, Yue Lisu sighed, and didn't insist, "It's up to you."

The doctor cleared his throat to show his sense of presence, and raised his beard a little dissatisfied. Is he so insignificant?This young couple started flirting in front of him?

"Doctor, how is my husband doing?" He was satisfied with Ming Xi's earnest gaze, and he no longer kept his secrets.

"The fever has subsided, and the injury on the forehead is not a big deal. As for why you lost your sight..." The doctor frowned, his expression a little tangled, he looked at Yue Lisu, and his tone became a little more serious, "You were Didn't you get poisoned?"

Ming Xi was startled, Yue Li Su was poisoned?Why doesn't she know?

Soon she realized that what the doctor was referring to should be the fact that he had been poisoned.

It's just that not everyone has seen the symptoms of a person who has been poisoned by Gu, so he mistook it for being poisoned.

(End of this chapter)

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