Sweet Wife Sad President Guan

Chapter 1247 Shen 1 Shen is Coming

Chapter 1247 Shen Yi Shen Comes

In particular, they were talking about Qiqi every sentence. At first he couldn't understand, but he still caught a word, so he shouted very loudly: "Don't talk nonsense! I am Qiqi's boyfriend!"

There was an uproar in the crowd, and as his words fell, the reporters surrounded An Ge even more tightly as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

"Excuse me, little brother, are you really Miss Lei's boyfriend? Are you not a temporary trustee she found?"

"Then, you should be the clearest about whether there is an ambiguous relationship between Ms. Lei and Mr. Shen. Can you tell us about it?"


An Ge is going crazy, the most annoying species in the world is the reporter!
He had a fever and had a headache, but now that he was being interrogated like this, his face became even more ugly, and when he was caught for nothing, he yelled: "Whether you are annoying or not, Qiqi's matter is none of your business!"

Are these people blocking other people's houses early in the morning when they are full?

The crowd was silent for a few seconds, and the reporters' shelling immediately came over.

"This little brother is so angry now. Could it be that he became angry because he found out that his girlfriend had another relationship with her adopter?"

"Can you ask the person concerned to come out and explain to us? It's about the style of Lei's Group."

"I heard that Miss Lei is the president of the Lei family, but her wrists are very tough at a young age. May I ask if Shen Yichen helped her back up?"

How could he know!
An Ge listened to each of them with a dark face, all mentioning the surname Shen.

Most importantly, do they have to bring the two of them together?

Puzzled and angry, he didn't know who stuffed a magazine into his hand, An Ge looked down, and his eyes widened in an instant.

This is what happened last night.

How could it be secretly photographed?

No wonder these reporters are stuck here.

At that time, there were only four of them present. Could it be that the surname Shen was unwilling to be rejected by Qiqi, so he secretly took this kind of photo for the magazine to publish?

He sank with suspicion in his heart, but saw the reporters suddenly scattered, and they all surrounded the other side.

Looking up, there was a Bentley slowly approaching the mansion, and had to stop because of the reporter's siege.

But immediately, a few security guards in black got off from the other two cars behind and stopped the crowd. The person who got out of the Bentley was Shen Yishen.

An Ge curled her lips, mocking his coquettish pomp, acting like a star, that's why such a reporter came to Lei's house.

The questions that An Ge was asked just now were basically thrown at Shen Yishen.

Different from An Ge's sluggish wood, Shen Yishen just raised his hand slightly, and the scene immediately became quiet.

The man's voice was still steady, without any hint of guilt.

"I know what everyone wants to ask. It's a misunderstanding about what happened in the magazine. As you can see, the angle of the sneak shot is not good at all. It's clear that someone is making trouble with Lei's and is slandering. Regarding this matter, I will hold a press conference, I hope everyone can attend, and I also hope that the public opinion can return my innocence."

"But, Mr. Shen, is that really a misunderstanding? Regarding Miss Lei, do you really treat her like a daughter?"

A reporter did not give up and asked rather sharply.

Shen Yi's eyes turned cold, and he raised his eyes and gave the reporter who asked the question a slight look.

(End of this chapter)

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