Sweet Wife Sad President Guan

Chapter 1653 Bai Xiaobai, 1 point normal

Chapter 1653 Bai Xiaobai, be normal

Bai Xiaobai looked him up and down, imagining him sitting in front of the TV so seriously and watching Pleasant Goat go after Big Big Wolf, what a joyous scene, she couldn't help it for a while, and burst out laughing.

Ji Yanbei ignored her words, and suddenly said: "How did An Zaifeng come just now?"

It seemed to be a casual question, but he still turned to look at her.

"Hmph!" Speaking of this, Bai Xiaobai couldn't help but think of the previous phone call, and became depressed again.

"Huh? Did you ask him to come?" Ji Yanbei asked again, his voice was very calm, so that she couldn't hear what was going on in his heart.

However, Bai Xiaobai, a rookie in love, is not as calm and calm as he is, and he is already wronged.

"The company's elevator is the most annoying thing. It has an inexplicable failure, and it traps me with the devil. Someone's cell phone is answered by someone's sister Xuefei. It doesn't care about my life. If I press the wrong number nervously , he won't come..."

Bai Xiaobai complained in frustration and aggrieved, Ji Yanbei also understood.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at the call records. Sure enough, she called. It happened that he left the office at that time. She must have been terrified at that time. He sighed and held the mobile phone in front of her.

"I didn't bring my phone."

"Tch, who would believe it?"

Having said that, she still glanced at his mobile phone, thinking that he didn't save his name, but she didn't expect to save two words, in vain... Why does she think it's so strange?Could it be that he was lazy to type that fine print.

However, seeing this, Bai Xiaobai was still a little happy.

"If you don't believe me, ask Su Yu." Ji Yanbei pursed his lips, giving a rare explanation.

"Okay, then, won't your sister Xuefei be angry that you don't have a meeting this afternoon?" Bai Xiaobai said in a strange tone.

Ji Yanbei felt a little helpless, "Bai Xiaobai, be normal."

"There's nothing wrong with me." Bai Xiaobai muttered in a low voice. Is he pretending not to know, or is Su Xuefei in his heart, just that important?


Ji Tianyu finally agreed to be hospitalized. He was in such a good mood that he didn't look like a patient. His sister who had been away from home for many years came back, and it was the expert hired by his elder son who owed him to take him to the hospital.

At that moment, Ji Tianyu felt that life is complete and happy.

And Ye Xiwei and Ji Chennan didn't know about his condition until that day. Ye Xiwei was naturally stunned, and thought of Ji Yanbei's intention to show filial piety at this time.

He clearly wanted the old man to give him his property...

"Chen Nan, why are you always in a trance these days, even if you don't care about the company now, you have to stay with your dad well!"

Ye Xiwei brought Yu Ma's soup and dragged Ji Chennan to the hospital. Could she not know what Ji Yanbei was thinking?Even if the old man feels guilty towards him, but after all, he saw Chen Nan growing up, and she doesn't believe that he can have selfish intentions.

"Mom, do you think it's still useful? How did Ji Yanbei know first? He shouldn't have sent someone to monitor my dad, right?" Ji Chennan was a little irritable, he hated going to places like hospitals.

But he has to go again, he needs money now...

"What else do you not know, your aunt is back!"

Ye Xiwei's face became gloomy when he said this. The old man hid his illness, but called his sister back. What is he doing? Do you want to settle the blame?
(End of this chapter)

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