Sweet Wife Sad President Guan

Chapter 405 Is She Your Baby Now?

Chapter 405 Is She Your Baby Now?

They all screamed as he kicked the table and threw it to the ground.

And the food and milk on the table was even more of a mess.

"Master, what are you—" Yu Ma said in a daze, but was interrupted.

"You all get out!" Mo Fei roared violently.

Xiaozhen and Xiaowen were terrified a long time ago, and ran out quickly. Although Yu Ma was worried, there was nothing she could do, she just looked at Ke Zi worriedly.

The way the girl stood there with red eye circles made people feel distressed and helpless.

Why are the two of them so stubborn.

If there is one person who is willing to speak well, a good breakfast will not become what it is now.

"Do you think your tricks will work on me, Murphy? While dealing with me, you are busy dating your ex-boyfriend, and now you are using what is written in the newspaper as a bargaining chip to file for a divorce with me?"

Murphy approached her while talking, and pushed her back against the wall of the restaurant.

What he said also surprised her slightly.

"Dating an ex-boyfriend?" Did he know about her misunderstanding with Fang Chi yesterday?

"Stop pretending to be innocent and play this game with me! I only believe what I see with my own eyes now! Do you want to relive your old dreams with him? Did I tell you that you will be my Murphy's woman all your life? Do you want a divorce? nothing!"

He announced it to her as if giving a death order.

His tall body oppressed her, and what he said made her face turn pale again.

Ruthless, has always been the real Murphy, right?
He said that he only believed what he saw with his own eyes, did he mean that he saw her and Fang Chi?

That being the case, it is useless for her to explain.

What's more, he said he hates her... He has a celebrity girlfriend.

Ke Zi thumped the hand beside him, pinched his thigh fiercely, raised his head and said expressionlessly: "Since this is the case, can I go to school now?"

Murphy stared at her, wanting to vomit blood.

He was so excited, venting all his anger like a lunatic, he had no influence on her at all!
How could she ask him so calmly if he could go to school now!

"You're not allowed to go today!" Like a tyrant, he propped his hands on both sides of her cheeks and announced viciously. At the same time, he bent down and kissed her heavily.

Ke Zi let him kiss her, but her heart was full of sadness. Would he treat her like last night again?

What's the difference between rape and violence!
There was a sneer in her eyes, and Mo Fei saw that her cool lips were not warm, and he suddenly panicked, feeling at a loss as to what he had always disliked.

But it will appear in front of her every time!
"Don't look at me like that!" He growled, wishing he could wake her up and let her take a good look at who the man who occupies her every day is!
Ke Zi looked at him quietly, and said softly: "Xu Tianli, is this your baby now?"

Murphy was stunned on the spot.


Xiaozhen became Ke Zi's accompanying student in an extremely shy manner, and followed her to school under Xiaowen's envious eyes.

It is said to be a reading companion, but it is actually a monitor at all.

Before leaving home, Xiaozhen was called into the study by Murphy and talked for 5 minutes.

Ke Zi didn't want to pay attention to what they said, she was only full of disappointment in her heart.

In fact, they don't love each other at all, so there is no trust at all.

(End of this chapter)

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