Sweet Wife Sad President Guan

Chapter 627 Warm Hands... Warm Hands! !

Chapter 627 Warm Hands... Warm Hands! !

He hung up the phone, raised his hand to rub her flushed face, tsk tsk, winter just happened to warm his hands.

"How do I remember, you were the one who hit me last night?" He gave her a playful look.

"Stop talking nonsense."

"Okay, get dressed."

Ke Zi curled up in the quilt and didn't want to move. He put on the clothes one by one. When he met a wife who didn't cooperate very well, it was really difficult to wear the clothes.

After putting on his clothes, he also broke out in sweat, "You tortured me on purpose, right?"

"Just to torture you, how about it?" She looked at him provocatively, and decided to exercise her little heart from now on, so that she would never be easily knocked down again.

Mo Fei held her face in both hands, "I just like how generous you are!"

On the way to the hospital by car, he also touched her face from time to time. She felt dizzy and felt sick, so she left him impatiently, "Why do you keep touching my face?"

Mo Fei smiled maliciously, "Well, warm your hands."

Warm your hands... warm your hands! !

Ke Zi was going crazy, but she didn't have the energy to scold him, "Wait until I recover and see how I deal with you!"

"You are welcome to clean up." Mo Fei smiled ambiguously, and Ke Zi turned his face away silently. He could not take advantage verbally, and he was no match in physical strength. Ahhh, she must not be eaten by him to death. Fight back!

In the hospital, Murphy arranged a psychiatrist for the West Mirror, which is located in the city hospital. Since he saw the photo last night, he didn't want to get involved in her affairs at all.

Originally, he didn't want to bring Ke Zi to this hospital, but the two of them have been watching here since they were sick, so he hesitated for a while, and drove the car there anyway.

After doing some tests and knowing that it was a common cold, Murphy was relieved.

When the head nurse put in the IV, Ke Zi couldn't hold back and fell asleep. The ward arranged alone was very quiet and no one would disturb her.

Murphy called home to ask Mama Yu to prepare lighter food and bring it to the hospital.

He stayed with her by the bed for a while, and his cell phone kept ringing.

He frowned and went to the ward to pick up calls, and was surprised to find that they were all called by gossip reporters, asking him about his scandalous affair with the company's designers.

Mo Fei was so annoyed that he was too lazy to bother, so he called his secretary An Guoguo to deal with it.

He was frowning and irritated when he saw a black-clothed bodyguard running towards him in a hurry. This person was exactly what he had arranged for Xi Jing.

"Second Young Master, a large number of reporters have come to the hospital gate. For some reason, they are all here to interview Miss Xi."

Mo Fei was taken aback, thinking of the bombarded phone calls from the reporters before, if they knew that Ke Zi was also living in this hospital, he would really be the target of their gossip.

(End of this chapter)

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