Sweet Wife Sad President Guan

Chapter 923 Ask him to immediately Chapter S city

Chapter 923 Ask him to return to City S immediately

"I hope you can give her and Nuonuo an explanation." Mo Wuji said again.

"But big brother-"

"Don't say any more, unless you want me to die here immediately!" Mo Wuji sneered, and followed the man in black to leave without looking back.

Murphy clenched his fists, took a few steps forward, and finally stopped.

Could it be that if he went back, he would be guaranteed to be alive?
Brother, is this really the last time we meet?
He can no longer help him, nor can he recklessly kill the person who threatened him like last time. After all, his identity has been exposed. This time it is his mother-in-law, and next time, it might be Ke Zi.

He couldn't let them suffer any more.

"Brother, I hope you can take care of yourself, as long as you have a chance to live, don't give up..."

The phone rang, thinking it was from Ke Zi, he immediately went to answer it, but unexpectedly it was his mother.

"Mom, something happened to my mother-in-law. I may have to stay here for a few more days."

He spoke first.

Shu Li frowned, "Something happened to the company, you must come back immediately."

"What happened?"

"Xia Rujin played tricks and charged the manager of the financial department with embezzling public funds. Now he is not only required to pay a huge amount of money, but also fired to support her natal nephew. You should know that the manager of the financial department is our If she does this, it heralds the next step, and she will deal with us."

"Is it just her? How much is the company's financial shortfall?"

"At least [-] million!" This amount was too big, so she immediately called Murphy to tell him to come back quickly.

Mo Fei sneered, "Manager Li has worked in Mo's for 30 years, does Mo Mingjie believe that he did it?"

"Of course Xia Rujin has evidence, but the evidence is too strange. The amount of money is too large, and Mo Mingjie was furious. In order to recover the money, he believed in Xia Rujin, and even sealed off some of my authority."

"Mom, don't worry, since there is something wrong, you can find it out. I will ask Chen Shuixian to go back and help you investigate this matter."

"What's the use of just investigating, I want you to come back immediately!"

Xia Rujin's commotion this time is so big, God knows that she will devour the entire Mo family in the next step, if he doesn't come back, how can he control the Mo family!
"Xiao Zi's mother was hacked, I really can't leave at this time."

"Your mother-in-law can be taken care of by Xiao Zi. You know how important the Mo family is! The company suddenly lost the funds, and the two investment projects stagnated. Everyone in the company is also in panic. You Want to watch the whole company go down?"

Shu Li said worriedly.

Murphy frowned, he couldn't go back because he couldn't finish his affairs.

Besides, who knows if that group of people from last night will come again, he can't go away no matter what!
"Mom, what you said is a bit exaggerated. I know the company's fund base. How about this? You can deal with it for a few days and let Chen Shuixian cooperate with you to find out the person who actually embezzled public funds. I really can't get away from here." , Mom, you can't let me leave for the company, I want to be a good son, but I want to be a good son-in-law even more."

Shu Li was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect him to say that.

But this is the end of the matter, she really can't force him to come back.

"Come back as soon as possible." She said a little tiredly.

(End of this chapter)

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