Chapter 650 Very Loving 105
Looking at the distant sky, Changqin murmured: "Although I don't remember anything, I believe what she said."

"She has nothing to do with you anymore. Just leave, and you can marry Lianfei Xiaoxian with peace of mind."

"Of course, I'm going to be a groom soon, of course I'm happy." Changqin's words were meant for Qian Yu, but also seemed to be said for herself.

Is he really happy?In this world, I am afraid that only he himself knows.

Qian Yu looked at his back and sighed, he shouldn't think about the past at all, maybe he would be happier this way.

But the development of things seems to have deviated from the track arranged by Zhu Rong. Will Changqin really follow the path he arranged?

Those red stickers have been placed on the table for several days, but the bright red color is still so eye-catching.

Shen Lianfei sat at the table, watching quietly, she sat for a long time, other than that, she didn't know what to do.

The divorce period is getting closer and closer, but Shen Lianfei's heart is getting more and more confused. She thought that she would be able to calm down without having to face Changqin day and night, but she found that she was worrying more and more.
Chang'e, who watched her grow up, could see through her thoughts at a glance.

Shen Lianfei is too kind and sentimental. She is a girl who desperately needs someone to take care of her and love her.

As a sister, she should give Lianfei a little confidence and strength.

Chang'e finally walked in: "Lianfei, why haven't you posted the post yet? You don't know, when I went to Heaven, they all asked me why I haven't received your happy post yet."

"Sister, do you also think I should marry Changqin?" Lianfei asked herself tens of thousands of times in her heart.

Chang'e said with certainty: "Of course, you love Changqin, and Changqin treats you well. You are a couple of golden boy and jade girl, and being together is a matter of course."

Shen Lianfei blinked and asked blankly, "Is it that simple?"

Things are too simple, is she thinking too complicated?
"Trust my sister, Changqin is worth entrusting to you for life. You have missed it once, don't miss it again."

Shen Lianfei was like waking up from a dream, overjoyed: "Why can't I even figure out such a simple truth. I understand what to do, thank you sister."

"You don't need to thank my sister, as long as you are happy, my sister will be happy. Why don't you go find him soon?"

"Okay." Shen Lianfei hurriedly cleaned up the messy wedding stickers on the table, but because he was too impatient and flustered, he not only failed to clean them up, but spilled them all over the floor.

Chang'e quickly knelt down to help her pick it up, and couldn't help lightly reprimanding her: "You are almost a wife, and you are still so frizzy."

"Because my sister spoils me too much."

"Really, I spoiled you, how can I be worthy of Changqin? He will suffer in the future."

Shen Lianfei hurriedly said: "I am reluctant to let him suffer a little bit."

"Well, Shen Lianfei, you value sex and despise friends, see if I don't deal with you." Chang'e put down the things in her hands and rushed towards Shen Lianfei. She knew very well that Shen Lianfei's weakness was that she was most afraid of people scratching her itch.

The two rolled on the ground together, laughing...

Holding a box of red stickers, Shen Lianfei landed on Chixiu Peak with a feeling of apprehension.

There is no room for Changqin, no Shuiliandong, no Songguan Terrace... She almost searched the whole mountain, but she couldn't find him.

"Lianfei, are you here to find Changqin?" Zhu Rong suddenly appeared behind her.

Shen Lianfei was startled, patted his chest and turned around, squinted his eyes and smiled, "Uncle Vulcan, so you are here, you scared me."

"If you have time, spend more time with Changqin and cultivate your relationship."

"Isn't Changqin at Chixiu Peak?"

"A few days ago, he suddenly called Qianyu back and told me that he was going to live in Mishan for a while. I always feel that he is a little colder towards me than before."

(End of this chapter)

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