Chapter 1160
Xia Mei is indeed a stunner, with a devil-like figure, a pretty face, and a way to seduce people. He is indeed good at teasing, but he found that he only kissed her when she took off her clothes to relieve her. He grabbed it as he buttoned his shirt.

"Xia Mei, you are a pregnant woman. Three months ago, having intercourse was not good for the fetus!" This is indeed a good reason to refuse. Xia Mei seems to be a bit annoyed that her charm cannot be vented, but she is a woman after all. For a woman who is good at acting, in just a second, she immediately changes to another attitude.

"Oh! God! I almost hurt my baby. I'm sorry, Xiao. I miss you so much." After a while, Xia Mei burst into tears. Perfect, the standard Hu Meizi, in the eyes of men, this is a woman sent to be loved by men. It seems that if you don't love her, you are not a man.

Women's tears are born to shoot men.

But at this time, Long Zhengxiao was undoubtedly an outlier.Seeing a woman crying like this makes me feel pitiful. There is only one word "annoying" in his mind, and at the same time, the face of a woman with noodles in clear soup reappears in his mind. A stubborn woman with her small chin raised. It can make you happy, but when it's bad, it's like now, she always has a cold face, her words hurt people, and she doesn't show mercy.

"Young Master Long..." Xia Mei's voice came delicately.Long Zhengxiao woke up suddenly, what happened to him?
"Young Master Long, help me zip up!" Xia Mei has already taken another skirt to put on at this time, the latest Milan style, a snow-white long skirt with a global limit of ten pieces, unique design, high-quality fabric, and diamond inlays, and said It's not too expensive.

Long Zhengxiao's eyes flickered, it's not that he loves money, he has plenty of money, it's not that he is reluctant to spend it on this woman, even if she spends money like water every day, he won't blink his eyes, it's just that he thought of another Woman, the card issued to her has never had any consumption records, and the only one cash withdrawal record is only 2 yuan. He calculated it for her, and besides the rent of the house she paid, she only had 5 yuan in hand. blocks of cash.

That woman never used that card again, because he left his phone number on purpose when applying for it.

He remembered that since she married him, he didn't seem to have given her a gift, nor had he seen her buy anything for him, and even the money for buying vegetables every day was her own savings.

He despises her plain dress, every piece of clothes in the closet is faded, washed old, there is no clothes that can be seen, and her face is always plain, But now he thinks that unpainted face is very attractive and comfortable. He has to admit that the skin that has not been damaged by cosmetics is as tender as a baby's skin, which makes people unable to resist I want to touch it.

But it was such a woman, he once deeply thought that she was a woman who loved vanity, and thought that she wanted to marry into a rich family, so he took him, a son of a rich family, as a springboard.

He laughed!It turned out that he was also confused, if she loved vanity, then she would spend his money desperately, if she really loved vanity, she would try to please herself in every possible way, so as to get him the opportunity to spend a lot of money for her.

But obviously, she is not rare at all!
(End of this chapter)

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