Half the city's warmth for you

Chapter 697 Is Mrs. Fu also someone you can blame 10

Chapter 697 Is Mrs. Fu also someone you can blame 10
The space without the olive branch is nearly three meters away. If she closes her eyes and jumps from here, she shouldn't die, right?Jing Luo was thinking in her heart, under normal circumstances, she actually regretted her life.So, she thought up countless possibilities in her mind, and found that all the possibilities were not worth the difficulty of being trapped in the villa, so, jump!

Just when she was closing her eyes and building up enough strength to jump, she suddenly heard the barking of dogs below. She opened her eyes and saw a large group of dogs coming from nowhere. Although she didn't have the feeling of a wolf, but the look in her eyes seemed to mistake her for a bone. She was afraid of dogs since she was a child, her heart froze, her mind flickered, her feet were unstable, and she fell backwards. There is only one voice in Jing Luo's heart at the moment.

It can be imagined that the pain from hitting the floor did not fall on her as expected. On the contrary, not only did she not feel the pain, but she also felt soft and warm. Jing Luo thought, she must have entered heaven, came to the clouds , doesn't this feel like a cloud?
"I almost fell and laughed, oh! I understand, Madam is liking her husband's arms!" Suddenly, a cold and then teasing voice sounded, causing Jing Luo, who was originally intoxicated, to suddenly open his eyes. In an instant, her clear eyes met the magnified handsome face, and he was still maintaining his joking expression at this moment.Jing Luo panicked, his eyes dodged, and people rushed to push him away, what's going on?Why did it appear here by such a coincidence?

There is also the group of dogs outside, probably related to him, otherwise why is it such a coincidence, and it happens to be the dog she is afraid of, she is afraid of dogs, others don't know, but he knows, and she is so coincidental Only falling into the courtyard, not the wall, must be in his calculations. Just imagine, when people are in extreme panic, most of them will choose the side that is beneficial to them. It is better for her to fall inside than to fall outside the pile of dogs Inside the wall!
So, this man is fine with everything!She suddenly remembered what the bodyguard at the door said, he only allowed himself in and not out.Such an unreasonably domineering man must have done the same thing as he said, so that there was no possibility of her escaping. It is estimated that he blocked all the loopholes and exits.No matter how busy she is, it will be futile. Like just now, she may even hurt herself. Fortunately, she had him just now, so she can be used as a floor mat sometime.

However, I was angry in my heart.

"Fu Hanmo, do you know what you are doing?" Does he know the consequences of her staying?It doesn't matter to her, she is alone, without roots and trees, and in addition to the heavy self-awareness that she has been exposed to in France for these years, she can completely ignore the outside world's eyes. To put it bluntly, it has nothing to do with her!
"Do what I should do, keep my daughter's mother, my own wife, and the soul of Blue Sky Villa." The man opened his thin lips lightly, with a nice voice and a serious expression, making no one doubt the truth of his words at all, just Then believe it!
Even though Jing Luo was angry, her little face was still red. Who said this wasn't a love story?This moved her more than ten thousand words "I love you".

However, she couldn't accept it.

With him, the public said nothing on the surface due to his coldness and domineering.But he will definitely poke his back in the back, as well as his daughter. The daughter will eventually integrate into society, because she is an individual in society. At that time, someone will point at her, and even humiliate her in public.

She doesn't want it!She didn't want them to bear all this!
(End of this chapter)

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