Chapter 926
Suddenly arrived in an unfamiliar environment, with her bed-bound temper, she couldn't fall asleep at all.

This house is very close to Jing Luo's Blue Sky Villa, but Jing Luo doesn't live there now.

She couldn't do it even if she wanted to, but she secretly asked Jing Luo that she would move back after she gave birth.

Then they can be neighbors.

It's a neighbor, of course it's not that close, but it's really good.

He has a good relationship with Fu Hanmo Jingluo, so he wants to get close to them.

Jian Shuxue thought about why she bought a house close to them.

Well, at this time, will he be able to sleep?
If you can't fall asleep, it's okay to get up and talk.

Because she was rolling over and over, she couldn't sleep no matter what, it was already midnight, and if she couldn't sleep anymore, it would be dawn.

At that time, the bride will see his family with a pair of panda eyes.

The person who didn't know the reason was thinking about it again, and it was still her face that was lost.

As for that night, she still couldn't remember it.

But luckily it was him.

If it was someone like Situ Song who misbehaved, she probably would have bad luck from now on.

From this point of view, he redeemed her.

I heard that Situ Song's private life has always been chaotic.

Keep some people outside.

There are even a group of children, although Situ Lang has been rumored to be very embarrassing by the outside world.

But nothing solid.

I vaguely feel that this person is a clean existence.

As for why those things spread outside, I am afraid that only he himself knows.

But a man's performance in front of girls can also tell whether a man is sophisticated.

Obviously, Situ Lang is as pure as a girl.

This doesn't match the rumors at all!
It is really a miracle how he, who is so stupefied, was passed on like that.

I once heard a British roommate talk about her relationship with her boyfriend.

There is also a comparison in my heart.

It seems that the rumors are really rumors, just listen to them, don't really believe them.

This is simply a bubble rumor.

Now it's self-defeating.

She got a big deal.

Judging from the time she's been with him, he doesn't look like that kind of man.

And my father analyzed that the photos of Situ Lang with women in the past were all blurry.

Some are taken on borrowed positions, and ordinary people can't see it, but professionals can see it clearly at a glance.

There are no substantive photos, just because he and a woman are holding hands, it can't explain their relationship at all.

Some of them are completely actresses who come to touch porcelain and rub the heat.

Alas... this is such a mess.

She obviously wanted to sleep, wouldn't it make it even more difficult to fall asleep if she was thinking wildly like this?
Jian Shuxue counted the sheep, because she used to have trouble falling asleep, and most of them fell asleep counting the sheep, she believed this.

But after counting for a long time, she still couldn't fall asleep, Jian Shuxue sat up all of a sudden.

Thirsty, Jian Shuxue got up and went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of water.

Unscrewed and took a sip, shivering with cold.

So cold!
The stomach is very uncomfortable after drinking.

Only then did I remember the burning water dispenser, so I simply poured a cup of boiled water into a paper cup and drank it.

The stomach is slowly relieved.

My stomach felt better and sleepiness came, so I threw the paper cup into the trash can next to the closet and went to sleep.

At this time, the appearance of that person will still come to mind, but it is already very blurred.

The blurred figure seemed to be smiling at her, holding a lollipop in his mouth, wearing a baseball cap, and the moment he swung handsomely, he was so handsome that the stars lost their luster.

(End of this chapter)

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