Chapter 954
Recently, Jing Luo has been hearing some gossip about Mr. Fu.Later, she discovered that these rumors came from the Internet.

"Extraordinary and extra! The famous CEO Fu Hanmo turned out to be duplicity."

"Upstairs, how did you talk? You actually slandered my male god."

"Tch, you don't know that you are a male god in the eyes of everyone. You are a good husband of the country, who is infatuated with his wife and the only one, but you don't know. There is no cat in the world who doesn't steal. He has an illegitimate child outside. .”

"Upstairs, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately, especially empty teeth. Do you know what this is? This is uneducated!"

"How about some quality? What do you mean by being uneducated?"

"People who don't understand the law and like to spread rumors are uneducated, you know? If you hurt my male god so maliciously, he can take up the weapon of law and sue you. Then you can wait to go to jail! No one Please shut up about the matter, haven’t you brushed your teeth for a month, it stinks!”

"I'm not talking nonsense. It's spreading everywhere now. Unfortunately, look, it's that model. I heard that she once worked as an intern in Fu's, and she got very close to President Fu for a while. Anyway, the child has already been born. That woman showed everyone the DNA test report, and we have studied it, and the report is true." Jing Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, as if a storm was coming.

The big couple and the little twins were afraid that their wives would get angry and kill them, but they waited and waited until the next thing the wife said was, "Come on, let's go and pick up the two children and go home."Is there any woman who is the calmest in history?Anyway, they were convinced, and the only woman who could calm down after her husband had an affair was their wife.What a strong heart it takes!

The husband is on a business trip, so the wife needs someone to pick up the children. Of course, they are also human beings.Along the way, both the big and the young were very cautious, for fear that one of them would cause trouble if they didn't pay attention, alas!Do you say they are easy?

Jing Luo was still as indifferent as a cloud floating in the sky, no one would be able to guess what Madam was thinking, probably only the husband could guess, but the husband was on a business trip, so he couldn't quench his thirst from afar.

"Ma Ma!" Xiaomi Gao saw her mother from a long distance away, and even the teacher couldn't stop her short legs, and walked to Jing Luo.

"Hey! Is my baby good today?"

"Be good! The teacher said that I am the most obedient and the most beautiful and sensible child in our class." Saying this, the little guy's old tone and soft voice, seeing people can make people's faces blood, and they are so cute. Even the parents who came to pick up their children couldn't help but cast admiring and loving eyes on her.They were all thinking, her parents are really good at giving birth, they can give birth to her so well, if only she was their own child, they can dress her up as a little princess every day, and they can't help kissing her every day.

At this time, Teacher Ma also said, "Yes, ma'am, Fu Ruo is the most obedient child." Teacher Ma now knows that she is the wife of Fu Hanmo, the president of the well-known Fu family.Although it looks like there is no difference, in fact there is a big difference, and she takes more care of the millet cake.And Jing Luo also pretended not to see it, it would be fine if she continued to do it.

"Look, I didn't lie to you, the teacher praised me for being good." The little guy took the opportunity to consolidate his status as a good baby.

"Yes, yes, millet cake is the most honest, come, let's say goodbye to the teacher."

(End of this chapter)

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