Chapter 756 Leave an Evidence
In order to go all out for tomorrow's charity auction, Song Anhao turned off all the work for them today and asked them to go home early to rest.

After seeing them off, Song Anhao did not leave in a hurry, but found the staff of the A&S modeling house, and wanted to call up the video of today's conflict with Yun Fangfang.

However, it was rejected by the staff.

"Sorry, if there is no special reason, the surveillance video cannot be released to the outside world! Please forgive me!"

Song Anhao explained: "I don't want everything, I just want to monitor the initial conflict between Yun Fangfang and my artists."

The staff still smiled and shook their heads: "Sorry!"

Song Anhao had no choice but to go back to the car, put on Song Anhao's outfit, and then return to the styling room.

The lady at the front desk recognized her immediately, and immediately stepped forward to greet her: "Mrs. Shen, hello! How can I help you?"

Song Anhao handed her a business card: "I want to see your manager."

The lady at the front desk made a gesture of invitation to her: "Mrs. Shen, please follow me."

Song Anhao nodded and followed the front desk lady to the general manager's office.

The general manager of A&S Styling House is a very stylishly dressed young woman in her thirties, wearing rimless glasses, giving off a very capable and shrewd look.

The lady at the front desk served Song Anhao tea and left.

The manager stretched out his hand to Song Anhao: "Mrs. Shen, hello! I'm the general manager of A&S. You can call me Yu Ting."

Song Anhao said politely: "Mr. Yu, hello! I am Song Anhao, the younger sister of Song Wenxi, the president of the Song Group. Nice to meet you!"

Surprise flashed across Yu Ting's eyes.

Song Wenxi's own sister?
Mrs. Shen is actually the daughter of the Song Group.

It turned out that the rumor was true.

Song Anhao was really with her fiancé's little uncle and got married.

Judging by their frank appearance, it seems that they are not planning to hide it, but they have not announced it to the outside world.

However, she is a person who has seen the world, this doubt also flashed in my heart.

She asked with a smile on her face: "May I ask why Mrs. Shen is looking for me?"

Song Anhao didn't waste directness, and straight to the point explained his intentions: "I heard that an artist under my company was bullied by female star Yun Fangfang here, so I want to get the surveillance video of their conflict as evidence. "

Yu Ting wondered: "This is against the rules! Our company has rules, and outsiders are not allowed to call the monitoring without any accidents. Especially you who still need to keep a certificate."

Song Anhao didn't make things difficult for her, and asked directly: "Then which one of you has the right? I'll go to him directly. Or, I'll ask my husband to go to him."

Behind, there is more or less a hint of threat.

Yu Ting is not stupid, so she can tell right away.

"Mrs. Shen, you are embarrassing me."

Song Anhao shrugged and smiled brightly: "I didn't make it difficult for you! I can assure you that if there are no special circumstances, this video will never be released. I am leaving a way for our company's artists!"

After all, she has seen Xiang Haiyang's methods before.

Use any means to achieve an end.

She slapped Yun Fangfang a few times today, and it was not difficult to guarantee that Xiang Haiyang would not make a big fuss about it.

If she didn't leave any evidence, when Xiang Haiyang came to kill her, wouldn't she be helpless, without any power to fight back.


Yu Ting fell into a brief thought.

If the monitoring content is disclosed, it is undoubtedly a violation of the company's regulations.

The reason why the company monitors is to protect its own interests. After an accident, it can leave evidence.

The video must not be exposed to others unless the relevant staff members take the video with their credentials.

If she gives the video to Song An today, the company will investigate...

However, if she doesn't give it, with Shen Xiuran's ability, she will definitely get the video in the end.

Just when she was hesitating, Song Anhao said again: "Mr. Yu, I don't want to make it difficult for you. If you really don't have this authority, please take me to see the person who has authority."

(End of this chapter)

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