Chapter 697

"How could this be?"

The powerhouses of the Sea Clan and the Fire Crow Clan were all dumbfounded.

The entrance to the Suzaku Secret Realm is completely open, and their previous advantage with the Suzaku Divine Feather is gone. With so many strong people entering, the opportunity is so precious that there is no chance.

"Let's go in too!"

Even if they are of the same race, they can't hide their enthusiasm and jealousy. This is the secret realm of Suzaku, which contains endless opportunities to evolve and become stronger. How can such an opportunity be missed?

Whoosh whoosh!
The dense figures were like crucian carp crossing the river, frantically pouring in, so many strong men gathered, it was like a terrifying army going out.

Shaking his figure, Zhou Lin stepped into the secret realm with the Southern Wilderness Five Kingdoms team. A terrifying force of distortion descended and the void changed. They were all teleported to an unknown space.


The body fell to the ground, Zhou Lin stabilized his figure, looked up at the world, and his spiritual consciousness quickly swept away.


There is only one feeling.

This piece of land is so vast that you can't see the end at a glance. There are actually two fiery suns above your head. There are fiery red plants everywhere in the distance. The fiery aura permeates, and the strong fire attribute aura is violent, as if entering a world of fire.

It was too hot, and everyone felt the hot breath rushing towards their faces as soon as they entered. Other than that, everything else seemed to be the same as the outside world.

Whoosh whoosh!
More and more creatures descended, those on land and in the sea, regardless of each other, still swarming in in groups.

Looking back, the passage they descended from seemed to be torn open in the sky, and fiery red pure aura kept gushing out.

He glanced at the crowd in the distance again, Shi Cheng led his men and horses without even looking at them, and went straight away.

Bai Futian cut his throat at him, his eyes were extremely arrogant, and then led his subordinates to choose a direction.

Shui Bingyue is wearing a special layer of armor, which seems to be able to resist the invasion of the fire element here.

Feeling the staring gaze, he turned his head and smiled at Zhou Lin, cupped his fists and arched his hands, then waved his hand and chose another direction to go away.

The strong men of the Hai clan are coming one after another, and it may not be safe to stay here for a long time. Zhou Lin looked away and said, "Let's go, let's go!"

Now that he has entered the Suzaku Secret Realm, all the temporary grievances and grievances have been put aside, and he will seize the treasure first.

There is no map here, whoever can get the treasure also has an element of luck. Since the other parties have chosen the direction, they naturally choose another direction.

The powerhouses of the Five Kingdoms were headed by Zhou Guo. Zhong Tianming took out a flying boat, and everyone stepped on it. The magic formula was played, and the powerful force pushed the flying boat away like a gust of wind.

A moment later, the strong men of the Sea Clan and the Fire Crow Clan also descended one after another, landing in other directions.

"Those people seem to have chosen a different orientation."

Someone speaks.

"Don't worry about the others, as long as we catch up with the young master, it will be convenient for us to respond when the time comes."

After a short stay, they chose a direction and moved forward quickly.

In front of them, a flying boat was flying by quickly.

Coincidentally, their direction happened to be the same as that of Zhou Lin and others, and it was only a matter of time before they met.

Inside the flying boat, powerhouses from all over the world came to salute one after another, and Zhou Lin returned the salutes one by one with a smile.

"Tianming, what's the current domestic situation?"

he asked.

Zhong Tianming said: "The world has changed, and now everyone knows that the external situation is severe. We must unite as one in order to resist foreign enemies. Last time the monarch talked about unifying the five countries, Li Houye activated the Longlin Pavilion intelligence system Arrangements have been made, privately agreed by the heads of the four countries. They have changed from monarchs to kings and guarded the original area. In name, the Zhou Kingdom is the main one. It’s just that Li Houye thinks that the five kingdoms are one. Do you need to change the name of the country? , this still needs to be decided by you, the monarch.”

Zhou Lin pondered for a moment, and said: "The world is four barren, and now we are one of the five kingdoms of Nanhuang, so let's call it Nanhuang country."

Zhong Tianming nodded, "Nanhuang Kingdom, Nanhuang, in my opinion, your name can be changed to Nanhuang."

Although he now has the title of King Zhou, he is the pride of the third day after all. The huge Sirius Xu Palace is countless times larger than the Southern Desolate Kingdom. He doesn't care about such a mundane country. The relationship between Zhou and Lin is not enough for outsiders, and everything seems detached.

"I'll see the Southern Emperor!"

The powerhouses of the five countries bowed down one after another, their eyes wild.

They are all the strongest in one side, and now they have all gathered together to witness the birth of the Southern Wilderness Kingdom with their own eyes.

Zhou Lin waved his hand and said with a smile: "Get up, don't be so polite, I'm still me, and following me will naturally have great benefits. Compared with the nine kingdoms of the Eastern Desolation, the [-] Kingdoms of the Northern Desolation, and the [-] Kingdoms of the Western Desolation, I have The area of ​​the Desolate Five Kingdoms is too small, and now that the five kingdoms are united, a big move is about to take place, and we will have to rely on you all."


Everyone smiled happily. The last time they followed Zhou Lin to make a fortune at the bottom of the sea, these strong men already knew that following the Southern Emperor would definitely bring great benefits.

Zhong Tianming said: "This time I came to Suzaku Secret Realm, and I was the leader. At that time, Lord Li's idea was to take advantage of the emptiness of the other countries to expand the territory. Maybe it has already been activated now."

Hearing this, Zhou Lin took out the golden communication talisman and checked it carefully, and then branded some information into it, and then said: "Just yesterday, Li Chenghua has launched a war against the neighboring countries of the Eastern Desolation, this time we are here It’s best to wipe out all the top forces in the Eastern Wilderness, and cooperate with the two-front battle over there.”

"Of course I also told him about the situation here, Liguo Nanhuang, this time, we are going to do a big job."


Everyone was gearing up and excited.

"Bai Futian, you asked for this."

Zhou Lin's eyes were cold, and he began to plan quickly in his mind.

Along the way, the territory of Suzaku's secret realm is vast and boundless. From time to time, fiery red monsters can be seen hovering in the void, and there are also beasts running on the ground.

There was a loud noise outside the flying boat, as if something was hitting it.

"what sound?"

People are curious.

Zhong Tianming frowned, removed the flying boat's protective formation, and hovered in midair.

There is a monster hovering in the void, trailing and attacking all the way, this is a fire bird of the holy level, extremely fast.

"Don't move, let me do it."

Zhou Feng yelled, stepped out of the flying boat, and went straight up to meet him. The aura of the Martial Saint Realm was released from his body, and he was extremely domineering.

This trip in the Tianlong Secret Realm has yielded a lot, and it is time to test the results.

Everyone knew that this was Nanhuang's grandfather, so naturally no one stopped him.

A fierce light flashed in Firebird's eyes, and it turned into a gust of wind and swooped down, grabbing Zhou Feng with its sharp claws.

With a flash of Zhou Feng's figure, he stepped forward, releasing a terrifying aura from his body, his hands flashed with dazzling golden brilliance, and threw them at the fire bird.

Firebird seemed to sense the danger. The moment Zhou Feng's fist light fell, his body suddenly accelerated, turning into an afterimage and rushing out of the attack range, heading straight for Zhou Lin.

Its target turned out to be Zhou Lin!
(End of this chapter)

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