All professional Valkyrie

Chapter 1122 Street goods

Chapter 1122 Street goods

"I don't like it, it's street goods!" Hu Yang said with certainty, "It's free for free!"

"You are the one who gave it for nothing! Your whole family is given it for nothing!" Hua Nongying was not as gentle and elegant as Fan Jingyu, graceful and generous. When she was angry, she dared to speak any kind of foul language.No, she was so angry by Hu Yang that she couldn't choose what to say.

"It makes sense for me to say that!" Hu Yang said without doubt, "Look at these embroidery needles, they have no effect at all. You are an imposing peak Martial Emperor, and you can't even deal with a rookie with a strong position when using embroidery needles. What do you mean it's not garbage? Super garbage..."

"You are not allowed to insult my silver needle!" Hua Nongying shouted angrily and anxiously, "I will definitely want yours to look good! Just wait! Don't run away!"

"Why am I running?" Hu Yang said with a smile, "I'm just standing here and let you fight! You can use whatever method you have! By the way, it's best to use extremely poisonous methods! You suspect Huagong Isn’t the greatest ability to make people unable to live or die?”

Hua Nongying shouted angrily: "Boy, let me ask you, what's going on between you and Fan Jingyu?"

Hu Yang said casually: "I have made a private decision with her for life! What? Do you want to follow suit?"

"I imitate your head!" Hua Nongying was on the verge of going berserk again.

"Oh! Which of my heads do you like?" Hu Yang began to play tricks, "The big one or the small one?"

"You!" Hua Nongying's face immediately became stiff, as if she had been frozen forcibly, and her whole body instantly became like an ice sculpture.

Hu Yang triumphantly was about to continue to stimulate Hua Nongying, when he suddenly sensed something, he immediately raised his index finger to his mouth, signaling Hua Nongying not to speak.As a result, he had just finished his movements, before Hua Nongying had time to react, several practitioners appeared beside her.

These cultivators are obviously not from the starry sky world, nor from the Nine Heavens and Thirteen Realms, but from the Yongping Territory.

Their star soul levels are all very high.The weakest ones are all junior Martial Emperors.The most powerful one is the peak Martial Emperor.They unanimously surrounded Hua Nongying.

Hua Nongying's face suddenly turned pale.Of course she knew what was going on.They were all chased out from the spinning city.Since they were able to chase her here, it meant that all her previous disguises had been seen through.The feeling of being targeted by Emperor Fengfeng is quite bad.

However, it wasn't these pursuers that frightened her the most.It's the person behind them.That person is the scariest.If he did it himself, I'm afraid she wouldn't even have the chance to scream.For the first time, she felt that she was going to be completely tragic.

"Bitch! Hand over the Heavenly Dao Pearl!"

"Bitch! You don't want to toast and refuse to eat or drink fine wine!"

The cultivator from the Yongping territory spoke rudely and acted violently. It was obvious that he had a deep hatred for Hua Nongying.

After they surrounded Hua Nongying, they could attack at any time.However, they did not act immediately.They let Hu Yang know a frowning secret - the Tiandao Pearl is actually on Hua Nongying's body?How can it be?Just because of her little ability...

At the beginning, Hu Yang also came into contact with the Heavenly Dao Pearl when he was in the Medicine King Fantasy Realm.At that time, he felt that there was nothing special about Tiandaozhu.Later, I let it go, and I didn't think it was a pity.But looking back now, it is not an easy task for ordinary cultivators to obtain the Heavenly Dao Orb.

The biggest feature of Tiandao Pearl is that it has a very powerful rebounding force.It always tries to escape the practitioner's control.The higher the star soul level of the holder, the stronger its rebound power.In other words, the stronger the ability to escape.Hua Nongying's star soul level is as high as 42, and the escape ability of Tiandaozhu can be imagined.

Hu Yang didn't think that with Hua Nongying's ability, he could control the Heavenly Dao Pearl.Unless she has a very special way.However, the immediate situation does not look like it.

The reason is very simple, if Hua Nongying really controlled the Heavenly Dao Pearl, she would definitely not dawdle with her.She must know that someone is chasing and killing her behind her back.Tangling with Populus euphratica here is just a waste of time.With her intelligence, she will definitely run away immediately and find a place where no one is hiding.

Hua Nongying was about to speak, but Hu Yang frowned and said, "Hey, what are you shouting for?"

A junior Martial Emperor raised his hand without thinking, and was about to blow Populus euphratica into the air.

In his eyes, Star Soul is only level 25 Populus euphratica, not even a rookie at all.

Even if he only used one part in a million of his power, it would be enough to beat Populus euphratica to pieces...but...

As soon as he made a move, he suddenly realized something was wrong.But he suddenly realized that in front of him, there was a black shadow that expanded rapidly.Immediately, the black shadow hit him heavily on the face.He lost consciousness immediately.His body immediately flew up like a catfish.

"I told you not to fuck!" Hu Yang said with a sneer.

The practitioners around were all sluggish.

What is rhythm?
This is how the same thing?

How could it be that their companions were sent flying?
You know, their companions are genuine junior Martial Emperors!
And what is Populus euphratica?His star soul is only level 25, okay?At best, he is an entry-level strong player, okay?

The battle between Qiang Tianwei and junior Martial Emperor...the star soul level difference between the two is [-] levels!
The junior Emperor Wudi slapped Qiang Tianwei away with a slap, which is very normal.

However, if it's the other way around...

"Brother Huang, Brother Huang, are you okay!"

"Oops, brother Huang's star soul has been shattered! Oh my god, damn it!"

"No way? Brother Huang was beaten to death? How is it possible? How could he be slapped to death? How is it possible..."

After a brief silence, all kinds of screams burst out one after another.It was those cultivators in the Yongping territory who were shocked to find that the cultivator named Brother Huang had no signs of life.His star soul was shattered, and his meridians were also shattered.

All the practitioners immediately stared at Hu Yang with astonished and blank eyes.Hua Nongying is of course the same.

Hua Nongying also had a short mind blank just now.She also never expected that Hu Yang could instantly kill a junior Martial Emperor with one move!sky!That is a junior Martial Emperor!
Of course, she herself knows exactly how big the gap is between the peak Martial Emperor and the junior Martial Emperor.But she couldn't figure out what kind of gap there was between the Qiangtian position and the junior Martial Emperor.Because the two are not the same concept at all.If the junior Martial Emperor is the universe, then the strong heaven can only be regarded as dust.

Now she finally vaguely understands why the soul-stirring and desolate Yinyue needle that she erupted has no effect on Populus euphratica... Others can kill even junior Martial Emperors in seconds, so why would they care about the hidden weapon of a peak Martial Emperor? ?She was able to save her life because of God's blessing...

(End of this chapter)

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