All professional Valkyrie

Chapter 1146 I am waiting for you!

Chapter 1146 I am waiting for you!
"Damn it! Where did you come from, this pervert?" The old voice couldn't calm down anymore.The time vortex is used to kill people, not to help others upgrade.However, Populus euphratica, a pervert, actually uses the time vortex to upgrade!Is it tolerable, which is unbearable?It shouted anxiously and angrily: "Boy, if you don't want to cause trouble, just get out obediently!"

"Strange, what reason do you have to ask me to go?" Hu Yang tasted the sweetness, how could he leave easily?He said with a smile, "This is indeed a beautiful place with beautiful mountains and clear waters..."

"Fuck your mother! What kind of mountains and waters are there here?" The old voice shouted angrily, "Get out of here! Get out of here!"

"What if I don't get out?" Hu Yang lowered his face and said coldly, "What do you want?"

"Boy, don't force me to take action!" The old voice was furious.

"Then go ahead!" Hu Yang said calmly, "Let me see how capable you are!"

"You!" The old voice was really furious.It really wanted to deal with this perverted Populus euphratica.However, it also has many constraints, and it cannot be shot immediately.

"I'm waiting for you!" Hu Yang said in a light and flirtatious manner, really trying to drive the other party crazy.

However, there is really no other way for the old voice to bear it silently.

If it strikes immediately, it will definitely cause the collapse of the time vortex.This is a very dangerous thing.

Therefore, it can only be tolerance.Bitter patience.It can only watch Populus euphratica's star soul level swaggeringly raised from No.20 level 20 to No.[-] level [-].

Because the upgrade of the star soul this time has not been disturbed by the outside world, the primordial energy shock can be released as much as it wants.Therefore, there is a lot of movement at the Star Soul level.Not only was the entire time vortex affected, but even the women outside, including Hua Nongying, Beigong Minhe, Beigong Fenxiang, etc., could sense it.They all looked at each other in astonishment, and once again felt deeply unbelievable.

When others entered the time vortex, they were passively beaten and suffered a lot. To be able to come out intact is already a great gift from heaven.

To be precise, as long as you can survive, you should thank Mantian God and Buddha for their blessings.However, this Hu Yang is not in danger, but the star soul has been upgraded?Is he here to accept the challenge, or to level up?
Also, why is something as powerful as the time vortex being used by Hu Yang to upgrade it?What kind of special material is this guy made of?How could it be so against the sky?I wonder if there is any master behind the time vortex?I don't know if this master will be pissed off?


"I've upgraded again!"

Suddenly, Populus euphratica's roar came clearly from inside.

This guy was afraid that others would not know that his star soul had been upgraded, and his roar was particularly loud, which contained extremely sufficient primordial energy.

If there are no accidents, it feels like the practitioners in the entire spinning city should be able to hear his long roar.I don't know if the practitioners of Vulture City have left the city of rotation?I don't know what kind of reaction they will have if they hear Populus euphratica's long roar...

"No way? Is this the voice of Populus euphratica?"

"That guy actually upgraded again? My God, how did he do it?"

"Could it be that the high-level executives of some other forces have been used by him? Hasn't that nasty guy entered the time vortex yet?"

Beigong Bohe and others' guesses are really correct, the practitioners of Vulture City have indeed not left the city of rotation.They are just far away from Populus euphratica and are determined not to get close to Populus euphratica.Therefore, they also heard the long roar from the time vortex.To say that the mood is the most complicated, it must be Park Huijing, Wu Dashen, and Ruan Haiyue.

In order to terminate Populus euphratica's star soul level, they decisively stopped fighting and fled decisively.Unexpectedly, someone else took over.

An idiot can guess that Hu Yang must have borrowed the coercion of a certain master's star soul to quickly increase his star soul level.No, after only a while, his star soul has been upgraded again.

"You said, will this guy be willing to leave after being promoted to Wu Zong in the spinning city?" Park Huijing said enviously and hatefully, "Is he going to be so crazy?"

"If you encounter such a good thing, are you willing to let it go?" Wu Dacan said with a wry smile, "If it was me, I would definitely not want to let it go!"

"I'm afraid that the Yongping territory will be ravaged by this guy in the future." Ruan Haiyue said in an extremely depressed mood.

"It's best for him to go to the cave immediately after he leaves the spinning city." Wu Dacan said bitterly, "Don't continue to harm the Yongping territory."

"By the way, what's the matter with Yang Huancai?" Park Huijing suddenly frowned, and said cautiously, "Everything is caused by this Yang Huancai. Maybe after we figure out the truth of the matter, we can talk to this person." The nasty guy turned war into jade?"

"No way? Third child, you want to make peace with Hu Yang?"

"Why? Can't you? Don't you want to see him kill all the people in Vulture City?"

"Don't forget. Once this guy's Star Soul level rises above level [-], we may not be able to deal with him together. At that time, what will Vulture City do to deal with his butcher knife?"

As long as they think of Populus euphratica's star soul level continuing to skyrocket, all the high-level officials of Vulture City will feel that there is a dark cloud hanging over their heads.Moreover, this group of dark clouds is getting bigger and thicker, and there is a feeling that the black clouds are overwhelming the city, and the mountains and rain are about to come and the wind will fill the building.Indeed, after Populus euphratica was promoted to Wu Zong, it was a breeze to destroy Vulture City!
Vulture City did have a sworn hatred with Populus euphratica.If they could kill Populus euphratica, they would never hesitate.However, if it cannot be killed...

Especially in the current situation, not only is Vulture City unable to threaten Populus euphratica, but Populus euphratica is threatening Vulture City more and more.In case this guy really lost his mind and wanted to wipe out the entire Vulture City... what would they do?
Are they sitting back and watching Vulture City be wiped out, or are they going to sit down and negotiate with Populus euphratica temporarily?Are they stubborn and unwilling to give in, which resulted in the end of Vulture City, or did they take a step back temporarily and pay a certain price in exchange for Vulture City's survival?As long as they can avoid the current catastrophe, they will not have any confrontation with Populus euphratica in the future. I believe that Vulture City can continue to exist.

Judging by the promotion speed of Populus euphratica's star soul level, it is estimated that in the near future, this guy will leave the territory of Yongping and go to other places.As long as he is no longer in Yongping territory, Vulture City will be fine.

(End of this chapter)

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