All professional Valkyrie

Chapter 1300 One escape is one

Chapter 1300 Escaped one by one

Vaguely, Populus euphratica felt some kind of energy fluctuation frequency from afar.

Obviously, there are other creatures approaching quickly.Their crystal nucleus level should also be high.Otherwise, Yuan Energy fluctuations would not be so obvious.

Obviously, the reduced attack power of the five werewolves was related to the sudden appearance of creatures... Could it be that they were afraid?
Hu Yang had a strange intuition that the five werewolves in front of him seemed to be afraid of something.

When other creatures appeared in the distance, their minds fluctuated greatly.

"Brother, those guys are chasing after us again, what should we do?"

"These lingering guys, why do they think we are the murderers!"

"Yeah, we obviously didn't kill Banbasa! We haven't even seen Banbasa's face!"

"Brother, there must be someone with ulterior motives who wants to plant us on us! We can't keep running! We have to make it clear to them!"

The four werewolves gradually became agitated.They seem to feel that they have been greatly wronged and must prove their innocence.However, the light words of the werewolf in the head completely messed up their minds.

It said, "Do you think you'll have a chance of discernment?"

The other four werewolves immediately turned ugly.Immediately, they all lowered their heads silently.

Yes, what the leader werewolf said is not wrong. Since others deliberately regard them as scapegoats, it is impossible to give them a chance to speak...

Who is chasing and killing them, and why they are chasing and killing them.In fact, they themselves are a little bit clear.It's just that they themselves are unwilling to admit this cruel reality.They don't want to admit that they have no way out.They hope that they can still have a thread of life.

It's a pity that the words of the werewolf in the head shattered their last sliver of fantasy.

"Big deal, we fought with them! I, Gullit, am definitely not a coward!"

"Yes, I, Hasenu, am not a coward either! I will fight them!

"If you want to go all out, count me in Danielson!"

The five werewolves completely ignored the existence of Populus euphratica, struggling to face the pursuers behind them.

The leader of the werewolf crystal core level is the highest, a full 66 levels, a full 21 levels higher than Populus euphratica.However, its complexion is also ugly.

Obviously, the strength of the chasing soldiers made it feel that the end was coming.Even it is not the slightest sure.

Different from the fear and anxiety of the five werewolves, Hu Yang was full of depression and anger.

Depressed, of course, because his star soul did not continue to evolve.

Anger, of course, is because someone interrupted one's good work.

He didn't know what those chasing after all were.He doesn't care either.

He only knew one thing, that his good work was disturbed.

Those who disturb their good deeds must pay the price.

No matter what kind of creature the opponent is, they are definitely dead...

"Hahaha! Cruz! You are dead!"

"Aren't you very capable? Why didn't you run away? Hahaha!"

As the frequency of Yuan Energy fluctuations got closer and closer, the chasing soldiers finally appeared gradually.But a large group of werewolves.

It is absolutely no exaggeration to say that there are a large group of werewolves.There are more than 300 of them.Moreover, their crystal nucleus grades are very high.The few werewolves in the lead are as high as level 69!This is already the second level of "Shangxian" in the level of true immortals.

No wonder the werewolf named Cruz didn't have their confidence.The chasing force is really too strong.

In fact, there is no need to dispatch hundreds of werewolves at all.It only needs to dispatch a peak-level "Shangxian" werewolf, which is enough to deal with Cruze and Elantra.

Since the opponent dispatched so many werewolves, there was obviously only one purpose, and that was to kill Cruz and the others.

"Prado, don't think we don't know about your machinations!" Cruz responded angrily.

"What can you do if you know? Do you think you still have a chance to come back?"

"You guys killed Banbasa, but you framed us as murderers!"

"You're right, Banbasa was indeed killed by us, so what can you do?"

The werewolf, known as Prado, was obviously determined to eat Cruz and others, and he did not hide his arrogance and arrogance at all.

In fact, it does not need any cover-up.Cruz and the others are absolutely inescapable.

In order to hunt down Cruz, Prado brought enough manpower.

Its purpose is not as simple as just killing Cruz.

Its purpose was to get Cruz to "confess".

It needs to make the whole thing an "iron case."

It requires "tearful" "confessions" by Cruz and others.

At that time, all the werewolves will think that it is indeed Cruz and others who killed Banbasa, and they don't think so.

"Prado! Don't even think about it! We will never give in!" Cruz said angrily.

"It's okay, we have plenty of time to play slowly..." Prado said with a smile.

Cruz, Elantra, Gullit and others looked at each other.

They retreated from five different directions at once.

Their minds are very simple.

Get out one is one!
As long as one person is alive, it is a victory!

"How dare you play such a joke in front of me!" Prado sneered disdainfully.

Without it needing to make any moves, a werewolf immediately caught up.The werewolves responsible for hunting down all had crystal nuclei above level 67.

In other words, all of them were werewolves at the "celestial" level.The overall combat effectiveness is stronger than Cruze.

More importantly, their number is also much more than that of Cruz and others.

There are at least ten pursuers behind Cruz!
The same is true behind Elantra, Gullit and others!
The chasing soldiers were so powerful and numerous in number that it was impossible for Cruz and the others to escape!

Therefore, Prado appeared very calm.It doesn't even feel like it is at all.

Dozens of celestial beings chasing and killing a few real celestial beings, what is that called?

What a waste of manpower and material resources!


At this moment, there were two short screams.

It was the two werewolves who were chasing Cruz, and for some reason, suddenly fell from mid-air.

But seeing that the surface of the body was pierced with several holes, blood gurgled out, dripping on the snow in strings, rendering the white snow like a piece of bright red.

"what happened?"

"What's the matter with you two?"

"That bastard, Cruz, actually set up a backhand?"

Prado frowned involuntarily, thinking that they were plotted by Cruz.

The other werewolves also felt strange.Cruz actually set a trap?
There is no doubt that their companions were definitely plotted by the trap.

It must be a trap laid in the void.

If it wasn't a trap, the two werewolves would never have been caught.

With Cruze's ability, they can't be harmed at all.

Besides, Cruz was so focused on running for his life, how could he have time to turn back and fight?

If Cruz turns back, he will be in a trap completely.

(End of this chapter)

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