All professional Valkyrie

Chapter 1318 The Calm Werewolf

Chapter 1318 The Calm Werewolf

Like many other races, the fox clan is divided into many tribes, large and small.Among them, the most powerful ones are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, black, white, gray and so on.

This woman named Bai Su is from the White Fox Clan.There is no doubt that the relationship between the white fox clan and the blue fox clan is not very good.

More importantly, Bai Su and Lan Fu obviously both went to Lai Nai City.

Bai Su is blocking the way here, even an idiot can see what her intentions are.

Hu Yang pretended that he didn't see anything, he didn't hear anything, and the two of them just let it go (si)teng (bi).

Bai Su's eyes turned around Populus euphratica, and said with a half-smile, "Hey, our elder sister of the Blue Fox Clan, why is she learning how to raise a little boy? Congratulations!"

Lan Fu blushed slightly, her anger was fleeting, and said coldly: "This is my business, it has nothing to do with you! Get out!"

Bai Su smiled and said, "I'm going to Lai Nai City, how about you? Do you want to go together?"

Lan Fu's face immediately became ugly.

Bai Su made it clear that he wanted to have a leg!

She went to Reinai City herself, and any idiot knew what she was going to do.

To be honest, Lan Fu is not afraid of other races intervening.Because she has plenty of ways to deal with other races.

However, it is a pity that the white fox clan, like the blue fox clan, is the most outstanding vixen group.Her beauty trap is of no use to her own people.

"Hey, I said you two really have a very good relationship! You ran to Lai Nai City quietly, but you left our Qinghu clan behind. Sister Jin Shao, do you think the two of them are not moral enough?"

"Hmph, do I need you to say more? I already knew that the two of them had an affair. However, Qing Zhi, you don't have to be angry. Bai Su and Lan Fu don't want you, but I, Huang Qian, definitely want you! Luying, dont you agree?"

"You shouldn't ask Lu Ying about this sentence, you should ask Zi Yuan. Who doesn't know that the relationship between the two of them is the closest, and what Zi Yuan says, Lu Ying will do, right?"

"Heizhu, don't you want to say something? And sister Hongxun also cherishes ink like gold!"

Just when Hu Yang was about to speak, another group of beauties arrived.

Hu Yang just glanced at it, and knew that the elder sisters of fox spirits from various tribes had arrived collectively.

The head of the eldest sister of the Red Fox Clan, Hong Xun.

The eldest sister of the Golden Fox clan, Jin Shao.

The eldest sister of the Yellow Fox Clan, Huang Qian.

The eldest sister of the green fox clan, the green warbler.

The eldest sister of the Qinghu clan, Qingzhi.

The eldest sister of the Blue Fox Clan, Lan Fu.

The eldest sister of the purple fox family, Zi Yuan.

The eldest sister of the black fox clan, Heizhu.

The eldest sister of the White Fox Clan, Bai Su.

If the calculation is correct, there are nine vixens in total.

Oh no, I was wrong.To be exact, it is the heads of the nine tallest and most beautiful vixen elder sisters.

You can imagine with your knees, what is the purpose of their gathering here.

However, Populus euphratica was too lazy to care.He feasted his eyes on it.

A Lan Fu is already very eye-catching, and then another Bai Su...

There is more than one Baisu coming, and a few more will come, that is really a great opportunity bestowed by God!

How can you be worthy of God's arrangement if you don't look at it?

Especially the vixens among them...

In other words, their dress is really too revealing!
Showing half a ball, showing half a ball, is no longer attractive... Some vixens only have a few leaves on their bodies!

No wonder the fox family can dominate all business and trade in the Cassel Mountains.In fact, every idiot knows that doing business with a vixen is definitely a pleasing thing!Not only can you make money, but you can also feast your eyes!Compared with magnetic creatures of other races, the vixen's beauty is simply too advantageous.

"Lan Fu, your little friend seems very calm!"

"However, isn't its crystal nucleus level too low?"

"That's right! Lan Fu, even if you want to recruit some cannon fodder, you don't have to be so obvious, right?"

"With your good looks, if you just wave your hands casually, get a few real immortals, upper immortals, etc. to serve as ghosts, isn't it easy?"

Finally, a few fox spirits discovered the existence of Populus euphratica.They are all capable of sarcasm and ridicule towards Lan Fu.However, if you thought they were really just there for sarcasm, you'd be wrong.

How can he be the patriarch of each tribe who is a vixen?They discovered the abnormality of Populus euphratica at first sight.

First of all, Populus euphratica has no special reaction when faced with so many beauties.

Secondly, he didn't panic at all.

Again, this guy seems to be a bit of a sideline?

All the vixen beauties can't figure out what is the origin of this guy, and how can he be so calm?

It stands to reason that with so many top beauties appearing at the same time, if they were just ordinary werewolves, their eyes would have been red, how could they bear it?The lewdness of werewolves is famous throughout the Cassel Mountains!
But the werewolf in front of him was extremely calm.It can even be said that his calmness is a bit too much.It has even hurt the vixen's self-esteem.

There is no doubt that the beautiful fox girls present are extremely confident in their beauty.However, Populus euphratica's expression...

They subconsciously feel that this Populus euphratica completely appreciates them as works of art!
Appreciate... a very complicated word.Sometimes there is no ambiguity.

In fact, Hu Yang didn't have any coveting intentions for the beautiful fox girl present.

There are enough beauties around him, and his anti-beauty ability is strong enough, so he won't be attracted by them at all.

As a result, his natural reaction, in the eyes of the vixen, was abnormal.

However, Populus euphratica didn't notice anything wrong with it.

"Lan Fu, who is this guy?"

"Which tribe of the wolf clan does it belong to? What are you doing here?"

Jin Shao and Huang Qian talked the most, and were most concerned about Populus euphratica's identity, asking a series of questions non-stop.

Although the other beautiful fox girls didn't speak, their eyes rolled around Populus euphratica.Obviously, they are also very curious about Populus euphratica's identity.

You know, as the leader of the Blue Fox Clan, Lan Fu has always had a bad impression of werewolves.If it is not absolutely necessary, it is impossible for her to be alone with a werewolf.From this, it can be inferred that this guy must have some kind of very favorable conditions for the treasures in Reinai City, which made Lan Fu willing to make such a big sacrifice.

The problem is, none of them can think of what strengths Populus euphratica has that can make Lan Fu look at him differently?
His star soul level is only a mere 46!It's too low, too low!
Which leader of the fox clan present, the star soul level is not above seventy?
A level 46 Star Soul doesn't even have a chance to be the background in front of them!

(End of this chapter)

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