All professional Valkyrie

Chapter 1348 Zeng Jingyi

Chapter 1348 Zeng Jingyi

Fang Ziyu explained that the Perseus Alliance does not have public security bureaus, police stations, and judicial bureaus, but only simple institutions such as the Legislative Yuan, the Procuratorate, courts, and prisons.

There is no need to explain what the Legislative Yuan is.The procuratorate implements the system of independent prosecutors.Different levels of independent prosecutors have different levels of power.The highest is level nine and the lowest is level one.People who help prosecutors with their cases are called detectives.Agents also enjoy different powers in different levels.The highest is level nine, and the lowest is level one.

First-level agents are, of course, the lowest-ranking agents.The power he has is almost equal to nothing.It cannot investigate cases independently, nor can it act independently.

Only agents with level three or above enjoy the ability to act independently.They were able to independently arrest suspects on the order of prosecutors.Of course, only prosecutors at the corresponding level can act independently.

"What level of prosecutor is this Zeng Jingyi?" She suddenly asked gossip.Anyway, this Zeng Jingyi is already his "boss"!
"She is amazing! The youngest eighth-level prosecutor in the league!" Fang Ziyu said enviously.

"Level eight?" Hu Yang nodded thoughtfully, half understanding.

"In the entire Perseus Alliance, there are only nine ninth-level prosecutors in total!"

"Below the ninth-level prosecutors, there are eighth-level prosecutors. There are only 80 people in the entire alliance!"

Fang Ziyu's eyes lit up, and he said with longing, "There are a total of seven hundred prosecutors at the seventh level. As for the prosecutors below the sixth level, there is no quota."

Hu Yang said suspiciously: "Since she is so powerful, how could she be stationed in Dapeng City?"

Fang Qingyun's eyes darkened, she shook her head and said, "We'll talk about this later!"

She changed the subject and said, "Okay, now you have legal status and can fight Stinger."

After a slight pause, she added: "But you have to pay attention, no matter who you are, you can't hurt other people at will, let alone murder."

"Especially after you have the status of a first-level detective, you can't kill people at will. However, having said that, as long as you have enough evidence to prove that the other party is trying to harm you, or is a member of an illegal organization, even if you kill You don't need to bear any responsibility if you kill them. In other words, you now have a legal license to kill."

Fang Ziyu said with a smile: "But if you kill innocent people indiscriminately, other agents will come to trouble you."

"Different prosecutors monitor each other, and different agents monitor each other. There is a delicate balance between each other. This is the order of Perseus."

Hu Yang nodded, but did not speak.He's not really a person who likes to kill.However, if someone else took the initiative to provoke him, he would definitely not catch him without a fight.He felt that he was a good and law-abiding citizen.

The Stinger is apparently one of the terrorist groups that the coalition has classified as high risk.As long as they are members of the Stinger Organization, or serve the Stinger Organization, they are all included in the ranks of being wiped out.

In other words, when facing the Stinger organization, he just needs to let go and do it.Come and kill as many as you want...

"Miss, Agent Eval is here!" At this moment, someone came to report.

"Evar? Why is he here?" Fang Ziyu looked at his sister in surprise.

Fang Qingyun's face was a little weird, as if she was a little sullen, but also a little helpless, she frowned slightly, and didn't speak.

Fang Ziyu glanced at Hu Yang subconsciously, as if he wanted to say something, but it was hard to say.

Obviously, there is something related between this Evar and Fang Qingyun.

However, Hu Yang has never been interested in other people's emotional life.

If Evar came to pursue Fang Qingyun, it would be normal to visit him!
"Let's just say I'm sick and uncomfortable..." Fang Qingyun frowned and said, "Let him sit here and leave!"

"But... elder sister..." Fang Ziyu said a little embarrassed, "he..."

Fang Qingyun shook her head and left without saying anything.

Fang Ziyu glanced at Populus euphratica, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

She said with an open mind: "Mr. Hu Yang, please welcome Agent Eval!"

Hu Yang said in amazement: "Me? How can I receive him? I don't know him!"

Fang Ziyu said bluntly: "You just need to find a way to drive him away."

"Eliminate?" Hu Yang said suspiciously, "Why don't you expel?"

"Because we are embarrassed..." Fang Ziyu said hesitantly.

"Is he here to pursue your sister?"


"Your sister disagrees?"

"It's not that I don't agree... The main reason is that the conditions he proposed are too uncomfortable..."

"What conditions?"

"He forced my sister to marry him on the condition that we protect our family from the Stinger Organization..."

"Oh, that's it... how does your sister feel about him?"

"Of course it's bad! His character is so bad!"

"Oh, is he an agent too?"

"Third-level agent...from Eddie's family?"

Fang Ziyu simply explained that Hongguan Town is actually under the jurisdiction of Dapeng City.

Dapeng City is a very large city with a permanent population of nearly ten million.It has no regular governing body and is currently under the management of several larger families.

Fang Ziyu did not say how this management method came about, but what is certain is that independent management still has many advantages.However, any management method has its own flaws.Independent management cannot be avoided.Most of the members of the several families in Dapeng City are honest and self-disciplined.However, it does not rule out that there are a few people with relatively low quality.

The Aidi family behind Evar is not to say that it is a very powerful family, and it is not ranked well in Dapeng City.However, to the Fang family, it was a giant.

When the sisters Fang Qingyun and Fang Ziyu went to Dapeng City to participate in the trade promotion meeting, they were spotted by Evar, and they kept pestering them endlessly.

After learning that the Fang family had been blackmailed by the Stinger organization, Evar immediately felt that his chance had come.

He made no secret that as long as Aidi's family and Fang's family are in-laws, the Stinger Organization will not dare to offend the Fang family.

Originally, Fang Qingyun still had a good impression of him.However, the conditions proposed by Evar made Fang Qingyun lose any goodwill.

In Fang Qingyun's bones, she will not give in easily.She is actually very stubborn.She will not easily accept the fate of others.Otherwise, she would not easily cooperate with Populus euphratica to fight against the Stinger organization.

(End of this chapter)

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