All professional Valkyrie

Chapter 1382 Beautiful Vase

Chapter 1382 Beautiful Vase

No matter what kind of social system, it is impossible to allow this kind of leather bag company to exist openly on a large scale.Even with the Luo family as the backstage background, they will always be hit.

The Perseus Alliance has several law enforcement agencies, all of which have the right to strike against all kinds of leather bags and shell companies.This time, it was the Federal Taxation Bureau who attacked the Luo family.They found evidence of tax evasion by Fengfa Hi-Tech.In order to avoid blows, the Luo family put all the blame on Yu Jingjie's father, Zhang Dongsheng.As a result, Zhang Dongsheng was arrested by the Federal Tax Administration.

Of course Yu Jingjie knew that her father had been wronged, so she went to the top of the Luo family to discuss and resolve the matter.In the end, Luo Hetian was astonished by her beauty.

Luo Hetian made it clear that Yu Jingjie must pay the price if she wants to release Zhang Dongsheng.

The price is to be his secret lover.

Of course Yu Jingjie would not succumb to such a bad old man.

As a result, his father died magnificently.According to the outside world, he was arrested and then beaten to death.

Yu Jingjie herself didn't know the specific method of death.That's why she thought of secretly going to Capital Star to find her father's whereabouts.

She didn't believe that people from the General Administration of Taxation would kill her father easily.However, Luo Hetian refused to let her go.

Luo Hetian was so obsessed with her beauty that he actually ordered the plane to return.

If it wasn't for Populus Hu Yang's intervention, it is estimated that Yu Jingjie at this time has already...

"Sister Yu, is your mother's last name?" Fang Ziyu asked curiously.

"Yes." Yu Jingjie said very sadly, "My mother passed away early, so my father gave me my mother's surname."

"So you're an orphan now? Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you...I mean, you don't have any close relatives now?"

"The capital star has some friends of my father, and I can stay at their house. They don't need to be afraid of the Luo family of the birch star."

"That's good. Otherwise, what can you do if you go to Capital Star alone?"

"I want to avenge my father, even if I am alone, I must go forward."

When Yu Jingjie said these words, she didn't hesitate or fear at all.

She was already prepared for the worst.Even if she was violated by that bad old man Luo Hetian, she still had to swallow her anger and look for opportunities for revenge.

She absolutely cannot allow her father to spend the rest of his life in the alliance's prison with inexplicable charges.

"But, how are you going to avenge your father?" Fang Ziyu said after deliberation.

"I don't know yet... I'll talk about it when I get to Capital Star..."

The two of them were whispering there, and the conversation was very speculative, but Hu Yang really fell asleep.

With two beauties by her side, she was actually in a good mood.

When you are in a good mood, it is easier to fall asleep.

When he woke up, the plane had already started to descend.

The local weather conditions in Pune City are not very good, and the process of the plane's descent is very bumpy.

Although Populus euphratica is bold, he also feels a little uneasy.He wanted to fly out by himself several times, and landed by himself.

But considering the rules of the new world, it would be too shocking to do so, so I finally held back.

Fortunately, the plane finally landed safely.

A black law enforcement car held a sign welcoming Populus euphratica, which was very conspicuous.

Around the law enforcement vehicle, there were a total of eight heavily armed special police officers.That's right, it's the heavily armed special police, the kind armed to the teeth.

They are all affiliated to the Puna City District Procuratorate, and they came to welcome Populus euphratica under the order of Zeng Jingyi.

The leading special police officer named Zhou Ming was serious and almost cruel.

He said straight to the point to Hu Yang: "Detective Hu Yang, Zeng Jian said that you will help us handle the case."

Hu Yang rolled his eyes.This Zeng Jingyi hurriedly called herself to Puna City, it turned out that she had ulterior motives at all!I just got off the plane, and I have work to do right away.

These guys from the Puna City District Prosecutor's Office are also very ignorant, knowing that they took two beauties off the plane, and so...

Forget it, Hu Yang tried hard to restrain his inner discomfort, and asked casually: "What case?"

Zhou Ming looked at Fang Ziyu and then at Yu Jingjie, obviously feeling that the two of them were outsiders and it was inconvenient to disclose.

Yu Jingjie was a very well-behaved person, and when she realized that she was not suitable to be present, she immediately left politely.

Only Fang Ziyu knew what was going on, but he was reluctant to leave.

Hu Yang said indifferently: "It's okay, the two of them will not leak the secret."

After a slight pause, he said casually: "Even if they leak the secret, it's not a big deal."

Zhou Ming frowned, and said in embarrassment: "Detective Hu Yang, I'm afraid..."

Hu Yang couldn't help but said, "Let's talk about it, what is the case?"

Zhou Ming had no choice but to send the relevant briefing.

Hu Yang browsed quickly, then handed it to Fang Ziyu.

Fang Ziyu hurriedly took it, and after reading it carefully, he said in a low voice: "It's about the He family!"

Hu Yang actually knew nothing about the situation in Puna City, let alone what the He family was.However, Fang Ziyu is somewhat familiar.And Yu Jingjie is even more familiar with this He family.

Why?Because the He family and the Luo family are in-laws.The two are often married.The two of them are definitely prosperous and prosperous, and both are lost.

The He family's status in Puna City is equivalent to that of the Luo family's Luo Jing City.

No wonder Zeng Jingyi needed to intervene in the case of the He family.

Ordinary prosecutors don't want to intervene, but they don't have the ability to intervene.

The prosecutors who had intervened in the He family's case all died inexplicably, and the final conclusions were all nothing.

Many people speculated that they might have been threatened by the He family, either to be killed or to commit suicide.However, due to lack of evidence, the He family is still covering the sky in Puna City.

Fortunately, there are also many smart people in the Puna District Prosecutor's Office.When Zeng Jingyi was in transit, the case happened to be placed in front of Zeng Jingyi.

And Zeng Jingyi's answer was also very straightforward.Case, she's next.Give Hu Yang to investigate first.

Of course, the Pune City District Attorney's Office will provide the necessary personnel and equipment support.

"Miss Yu, what's the matter with you now?" Hu Yang said suddenly.

"Not yet...but, I'm going to Capital Star..." Yu Jingjie said hesitantly.

"I don't care about your father's affairs anymore. If you assist me in this case, I will help your father out." Hu Yang said very directly.

"But I don't know how to handle cases!" Yu Jingjie said awkwardly, "I've never been in contact with judicial aspects..."

"You don't need to understand." Hu Yang said bluntly, "You just need to make a beautiful vase."

(End of this chapter)

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