All professional Valkyrie

Chapter 1408 Fake Terrorist

Chapter 1408 Fake Terrorist

"Get down! Get down, all!"

"Everyone put their heads in their hands!"

Suddenly, there were bursts of screams from the cabin in the distance.

Immediately, there were dense gunshots.Apparently, terrorists have begun to control ordinary passengers.

They all came from the first class side.Since the spaceship has many cabins, it takes a little time to fully control it.

"No, they are here, what should we do?" Ye Xiang subconsciously drew out his gun.

This little sister actually has a gun on her body!
The undercover agents of the Central Bureau of Investigation were not covered!
Even if it is a rookie, he needs guns and guns, and money.

"Why are you nervous?" Fang Ziyu shook his head and said, "With just your gun, who can you deal with?"

"I can commit suicide!" Ye Xiang bit his lips lightly, "Those terrorists will never let go of a good opportunity to rape a beautiful woman, as long as it is a woman with a little bit of beauty..."

Fang Ziyu's face suddenly changed.She obediently sat beside Hu Yang.She pulled Yu Jingjie and refused to leave Populus euphratica for half a step.

Hu Yang did not move.He didn't seem to know what was going on.

Until those terrorists came to their cabins...

A total of more than 20 terrorists came to the cabin where Populus euphratica was.

All of them were carrying AK-47 assault rifles, covered their faces with black scarves, only two eyes were exposed, and they were murderous.

Facing the black muzzle of the gun, those mountain people could only silently raise their hands.

The students from the sports academy and art academy lowered their heads silently.

"Don't move! As long as you don't move, you are safe!"

"If you move around, it's tantamount to harming yourself."

The leading terrorist said coldly, his voice was as hard as a steel file.

Ye Xiang put away the pistol helplessly, not knowing what to do.

Hu Yang did not give any instructions.

However, the terrorists have already outflanked them.

They seemed to know the identity of Hu Yang, and all their guns were aimed at Hu Yang.

Fang Ziyu and Yu Jingjie's complexions also lost any color.They all felt that one of their hearts would not beat at all.

More than 20 terrorists, more than 20 guns, even if Populus euphratica has great abilities, it is estimated that he can only swallow his anger for the time being!Look at the leader of the terrorist, staring at Populus euphratica's movements, as long as Populus euphratica shows any signs of resistance, he will shoot immediately and beat Populus euphratica into a hornet's nest!
At such a short distance, the lethality of the AK47 is absolutely amazing.One shot is deadly enough.

The leading terrorist came to Hu Yang and stared at Hu Yang.

Hu Yang's face was very calm, without any expression.

The terrorist suddenly lowered his gun, stood at attention, and saluted.

Fang Ziyu, Yu Jingjie, and Ye Xiang were all stunned.The surrounding passengers were also collectively stunned.

Is Populus euphratica the real terrorist?Could it be that he is the leader of the deepest terrorist?Otherwise, how could they salute Populus euphratica?

"Yeah." Hu Yang nodded casually, and said to the terrorist, "How's it going?"

"It has been resolved." The terrorist said, "All captured alive."

"That's good." Hu Yang nodded in satisfaction.

All the terrorists dispersed immediately.

Their appearance has brought extreme panic to countless people.

Their departure has brought countless doubts, curiosity, and bewilderment to countless people.

Especially Fang Ziyu, Ye Xiang, Yu Jingjie and the others were completely confused, and had no idea what Populus Hu Yang was doing... What is going on here?

When they were about to ask Hu Yang what was going on, the radio of the spaceship was suddenly turned on, and the voice of the captain with lingering fear came from inside: "Dear passengers, there was a little accident on the spaceship just now, and it is now It has been handled properly. Please don’t panic. This spaceship will continue to land on the Capital Star as originally planned..."

Before the captain's broadcast was over, Ye Xiang couldn't wait to ask: "Hu Yang, what's going on? What did you do?"

"All the terrorists were captured alive!" Hu Yang said casually, "Don't you know if you go and see?"

"Then why did they salute you?" Ye Xiang felt more and more absurd.

"They are fake terrorists." Hu Yang said lightly.

"Fake?" Ye Xiang was puzzled.

"My men were posing as terrorists, and caught them by surprise."

"There are more than 300 terrorists. Of course not everyone knows each other. There will always be some strangers, and there will always be loopholes to exploit."

Hu Yang said slowly, "My people dressed up as terrorists and arrested them all when they were not paying attention. The matter is as simple as that, nothing special. Report to your superior, just say all 380 five Terrorists, not a single one. Those who are the backbone and the like are among them."

Ye Xiang said in disbelief: "Really? Where are they?"

Hu Yang snapped his fingers towards Xuekong.

Everyone is puzzled.

What does this finger snap mean?
There is no one else around him!
To whom did he snap his fingers?

Just when they were suspicious, two gunmen in military uniforms came over.

They were not wearing the military uniforms of the Perseus Alliance.However, it must be admitted that this military uniform is very beautiful, with a heroic posture and a dignified appearance.

They are actually soldiers from another world.To be precise, it is from Star Federation.They were all directly summoned by Hu Yang.One of them is Cheng Wufeng.He was one of Populus euphratica's earliest slaves.

Before, Hu Yang hardly used Cheng Wufeng.His role is mainly to undercover the Cheng family.Although this undercover is no longer necessary.The Cheng family is gone, why are they undercover?

But this time, he finally gave Cheng Wufeng a chance to show his face.In the end, Cheng Wufeng really lived up to expectations and easily dealt with those terrorists.

Cheng Wufeng at this moment, in another world, has long been a master of Wu Zun level.Even if you came to the new world and wanted to deal with hundreds of terrorists, wouldn't that be easy?

As for the people around Cheng Wufeng, they were temporary human forms of Hu Yang's other slaves.Their deities are actually monsters.Among them, the Tusk Blood Elephant and the Maomera Beast each have half.In order to avoid causing unnecessary panic, Hu Yang temporarily turned them into human forms and took up weapons to fight.With their terrifying fighting power, no number of terrorists are enough to die!

Moreover, Populus euphratica also dispatched Mochido beasts.In front of Mokidor, no terrorist can hide his whereabouts!
(End of this chapter)

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