All professional Valkyrie

Chapter 1448 Developing and growing like a snowball

Chapter 1448 Developing and growing like a snowball

The No.30 Detachment Five also received orders from their superiors.

Their task is to block the Foca node.All objects from Milan are strictly prohibited from approaching.

Of course, relying solely on a small destroyer detachment is definitely unable to complete such a major task.After all, the Foca node is too close to the Milan star.

Therefore, as the only female five-star general of the Alliance Military Affairs Department, Masaharu Zhoushan will personally lead the No.15 fleet to support the Fuca node.

Fleet No.15 has hundreds of battleships, thousands of cruisers, countless destroyers and frigates.

Its arrival definitely means that the connection between Milan Star and Baihua Star has been completely cut off.

However, it takes forty hours for the No.15 fleet to reach the Foca node.

Before that, there will be some local fleets supporting the Foca node.

However, the strength of the fleets in these places is not strong.

They are the same as the No.30 five destroyer detachment, without battleships and cruisers.

On the side of Milan Star, there are also constant phone calls to report the situation there to Doma, and at the same time understand the movement here.Mainly to listen to the rhetoric of Populus euphratica.

Hu Yang actually didn't have much to say.He was waiting calmly.Waiting for the high-level Milanese to make a decision.

An hour passed quickly.

Finally, the top executives of the Milan clan couldn't hold on anymore.

They finally gave in.

They accepted all of Hu Yang's suggestions.

Quarantine all people who have been close to the source of infection within [-] kilometers.

A step-by-step retreat of all humans on Milan Star.

"We warmly invite you to Milan Star." Doma said.

"It really is a warm invitation!" Hu Yang smiled, "There is no more warm invitation than this."

"I don't think we did anything wrong." Doma said slowly.

"Pretend I didn't say anything." Hu Yang nodded.

"Zeng Jian, please." Hu Yang said to Zeng Jingyi.

"Should I go too?" Zeng Jingyi asked a little strangely, "What can I do?"

"You don't need to be afraid of toxins." Hu Yang said lightly, "The magical energy in your body can protect you from toxins. Trust me, you will be fine."

"I'm not worried about myself. But..." Zeng Jingyi frowned and said, "What can I do if I go to Milan Star?"

"Temporarily pardon Emma's crimes!" Hu Yang said lightly, "Only you have this power."

"Okay!" Zeng Jingyi agreed, "Then I'll follow!"

She felt that Hu Yang was just talking nonsense.

What temporary pardon for Emma?
She is just a prosecutor, not a judge!

She only has the power to investigate Emma, ​​but not to pardon Emma.

But since Hu Yang said that, she readily agreed.She also wants to see the magical energy in her body.

"Do we need to go too?" Ye Chuling asked curiously, "We don't have to!"

"Do you want to go?" Hu Yang asked casually.

"Will someone die?" Ye Chuling hesitated.

"Not as long as I'm by my side." Hu Yang replied lightly.

"Okay! I'll go." Ye Chuling made a very bold decision.As a result, after a while, she began to regret it.

She wanted to say that she didn't want to go.She wanted to say that she had no confidence in Populus euphratica.However, the words have been exported, and there is no possibility of changing them.After all, her face is still a little thin.

Although she is a woman, she is weak.But, she is a soldier after all!She is a liaison officer after all!It's a bit embarrassing to retreat temporarily...

"We're leaving immediately." Doma said very anxiously, "We must rush to Park City as quickly as possible."

"Emma is in Park City?" Ye Chuling asked in surprise, "Where did the toxin spread from?"

"Yes." Doma's complexion was very bad, and his heart was heavy.

Park City is a very large city above Milan Star.

The permanent population of Park City is well over 5000 million.

It is conceivable what the consequences will be once the toxin erupts from here.

There are more megacities not far around Park City.Once the toxin spreads, it will definitely set the company on fire!

No matter how aggressive the top management of the Milan clan is, they have to succumb at this time.

There are billions of Milanese in Park City and surrounding cities alone!

That's one-tenth of the Milanese population!
Moreover, most of them are elites!

"Then let's go!" Hu Yang nodded.

The group immediately transferred to the battleship of the Milanese.

The battleship flew towards Park City at top speed.

Doma seized the time to introduce the corresponding situation to Hu Yang.

"There is no need to introduce the situation of the toxin. I know it very well." Hu Yang said briefly.

"You know it all?" Doma felt incredible, "But you have never been to Park City!"

"I know." Hu Yang nodded, "You don't need to introduce."

Of course he can't say that I am the person who is most familiar with the Kongchan Mandala Yan Nirvana Poison Sutra.

Even if it's a few planets away, he can send me to the pulse of the Kongchan Mandala Yannier Poison Sutra.As clear as ever.

Now he has gradually guessed who released the toxin.

In the final analysis, the responsibility for this matter has to be counted on him.

The poison was unleashed by his slaves.

Shaggis has a share.

Paul Na Yingmu has a share.

Wu Gang has a share.

Cheng Wufeng is also involved.

Other messy slaves have a share too.

It was their activities in the New World that inadvertently leaked the Kongchan Mandala's Nirvana Poison Sutra.

Creatures in the new world have no resistance to the Kongchan Mandala Yan Nirvana Poison Sutra, as long as it is a little bit, it can flood into disasters.

It must be that a certain slave inadvertently used the Kongchan Mandala Yan Nirvana Poison Sutra when killing people, and leaked it out.In the end, it was such a little bit of poison that seized a difficult opportunity and possessed Emma.

Yep, you guessed it.This little bit of poison already has a little bit of self-awareness.He already knows how to replicate, protect, and strengthen himself.

If there is any drawback to the 25th-level exercises, it is that their self-awareness is greatly enhanced.

Just like high-level weapons or elixirs, toxins also have spirituality.

It possessed Emma's body and got the chance to survive and develop.

Now, it is ready to run out and wreak havoc all over the world.

It must not have realized that its master had appeared.

Right now, it should still be dreaming of destroying the world!
The more humans it destroys, the stronger it becomes!
It needs to snowball to grow big.

This is why Hu Yang guessed that Milan star would not be able to hold on three days later.

If the toxin was given three days to develop, it must have spread to every corner of Milan Star.

As time goes by, the destructive power of the toxin increases geometrically.Even an hour is enough for it to double in size.It can be doubled thousands of times in a day.

At present, the toxin is still in a highly developed state, and it is spreading everywhere, desperately expanding its influence.Therefore, its combat effectiveness is not very terrifying.

Once it realizes the danger and starts to shrink the battle line and curl up into a ball, it will be difficult to deal with.

Hu Yang is most worried about what will happen next.Once the toxin starts to shrink the combat power...

(End of this chapter)

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