All professional Valkyrie

Chapter 1503 An allusion known to all business travelers

Chapter 1503 An allusion known to all business travelers

"I'll go to Suiye City with you!" Yu Qingzhi made a decisive decision.

"Then let's set off as soon as possible!" Tang Linna seemed to feel that the danger had already begun to come.

Ever since the inscription of the master class appeared, her heart has been very tense.

Everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty. Populus euphratica must not provoke right and wrong.

If there are really masters from the Five Elements Realm, Liuhe Realm, and Seven Luminaries Realm, it will be really troublesome.

Under Yu Qingzhi's arrangement, the group left Bashanji and began to cross the Congling Mountains.Obviously, this is definitely not an easy task.

Because the Congling Mountains are very high, very steep, and the road is very winding and narrow, it is completely closed in winter.Only in summer, it is barely open for three months.

Of course, no one is responsible for guarding the Congling Mountains, and no one stands in your way.Even in winter, you can try to pass.

However, getting in is easy and getting out is hard.Entering the Congling Mountains and being able to come out smoothly are two completely different things.

"There are not many business travelers entering the mountain at this time." Yu Qingzhi said cautiously.

"If there is any accident, we must rely on our own strength to solve it." Tang Linna added.

All eyes were focused on Populus euphratica.Their greatest reliance is Populus euphratica.

Hu Yang said lightly: "It's okay, let's go on!"

Tang Linna said, "I wonder if any of the guides from Xiangshan Castle are willing to go with us?"

Yu Qingzhi pondered for a moment, then said slowly: "Money can turn ghosts around. As long as the price is right, there will always be people who are willing to take risks."

Lin Yueyin asked curiously: "What? Still need to find a guide? Don't you often travel to and from the Congling Mountains?"

Tang Linna said: "Although we communicate frequently, the Congling Mountains are too mysterious."

She explained that there are no fixed roads in the Congling Mountains at all.

Its path seems to change from time to time.

The entire Congling mountain range is like a huge maze.

There are many paths in the maze.Some roads lead to Suizhou.Some lead to impasse.

There are also roads that are simply traps.As long as a cultivator breaks into it, nine out of ten will lose their lives.There are many bones in the Congling mountain range, it's not a joke.

Among so many roads, it is definitely not easy to find a road that can safely cross the Congling Mountains.

Even if it is a business traveler who travels frequently, he is not sure that he will be able to walk this time the way he walked last time.

Only those aborigines living in the Congling Mountains have enough confidence.

And these natives, who are easier to contact, are from Xiangshanbao.They are very familiar with the Congling Mountains.

Most of the guides hired by business travelers are from Xiangshan Castle.The guides hired by the former Yu Mansion or Mark Caravan were also from Xiangshan Castle.

However, now that the road is about to be closed, it is hard to say whether there will be any guides willing to accept the employment!
The natives of Xiangshanbao respected and feared the Congling Mountains very much, so they would not violate the rules easily.

Two days later, Xiangshan Fort arrived.It really was a bleak place here.

All the natives have already left Xiangshan Fort.

As expected, they obeyed the regulations very well, and they absolutely did not overstep.

The natives of Xiangshan Castle had all left, which meant that Yu Qingzhi couldn't find a guide.Without a guide, the danger will be greatly increased.

"What should we do?" Yu Qingzhi said helplessly, "Should we advance or retreat?"

"Hu Yang, please decide!" Tang Linna and the others spoke in unison.

"Go on!" Hu Yang didn't hesitate at all.

"Really?" Lin Yueyin asked cautiously.

"Are you going back?"

"All right……"

After a moment of hesitation, the caravan continued on its journey.

The route they chose was Tang Linna's route from Suizhou.

Tang Linna came from Suizhou last year, and the team was led by the natives of Xiangshanbao.There is little risk along the way.

If there are no accidents, this road should be smooth.

However, the premise is that there are no surprises.

Who knows if a year will pass, will there be any accidents?
One year is enough for many accidents to happen in the Congling Mountains.The road may have changed a lot.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Hu Yang called out softly, with a strange look on his face.

"What's the matter?" Yu Qingzhi hurriedly ordered the caravan to stop.

"We seem to be developed..."


All the girls didn't understand Hu Yang's meaning.

What they are most worried about now is encountering danger in the Congling Mountains.

For them, safety is everything.As long as they can reach Suizhou safely, they will be satisfied, thank God.

However, Hu Yang is now telling them that they seem to be able to obtain additional benefits?
"That's right, we are indeed developed!" Hu Yang said in a deep voice.

"I found traces of Jewel Cat!"

Yu Qingzhi, Tang Linna, Lin Yueyin and others all looked at each other in blank dismay.

Jewel cat?What jewel cat?They had never heard of this strange name.

"Red-eyed jewel cat!" Populus euphratica said slowly, "It's a small animal that can use its own eyes to find gems deep underground. It's very cute."

"You want to dig gems in the Congling Mountains?" Tang Linna shook her head again and again, "I definitely don't suggest you do that."

"That's right! The Congling Mountains are protected by the gods!" Lin Yueyin also shook her head and said, "It cannot be destroyed!"

Yu Qingzhi said tactfully and cautiously: "Business travelers traveling to and from the Congling Mountains will not capture any monsters. This is against the rules."

"The natives of Xiangshan Castle have reminded us many times that the monsters in the Congling Mountains are spiritual. If they are harmed, the Congling Mountains will retaliate."

"A long time ago, someone disobeyed the guide and brazenly captured the monsters in the Congling Mountains. As a result, they all suffered accidents. Everyone died, and only the guide survived. After that, no more No one dares to capture the monsters in the Congling Mountains."

Hu Yang half-believingly said: "Really?"

Tang Linna nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Of course! All business travelers know this allusion!"

Hu Yang frowned, hesitated to speak.He actually didn't believe in these messy legends.If it was him before, he would have captured that jewel cat long ago.

However, the present him is no longer the former him.His current strength is not as strong as before.He is very fragile now.

He has only just broken through the Ten Stars Lianzhu now.Even if two star rails are connected, it is nothing more than twenty stars in a row.

Twenty stars in a row, obviously still can't fight against the danger in the Congling Mountains.

So, he had no choice but to let go of the idea of ​​catching monsters.

In the end, he gave up the idea of ​​catching the gemstone cat here, and there...

Suddenly, another monster appeared, and it was the Golden Seal Snow Lion!

This time, Hu Yang could no longer calm down.

(End of this chapter)

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