All professional Valkyrie

Chapter 1586 Waiting for a Feast

Chapter 1586 Waiting for a Feast
"Who is it? Stop!" Suddenly, there was a shout.

It was the lich in the military fortress who discovered the existence of Hu Yang and others.

In an instant, a large number of liches flew out of the fortress, besieging Hu Yang and others.

Because it is on its own territory and blessed by witchcraft, flying is very easy.Therefore, Liches usually fly in the air.

"It's really strange. How could there be a lich riding a broomstick? Or a woman?" Sun Meiniang said with a frown.

"They are witches from the western world." Hu Yang said lightly.

"Witch? Who do you call a witch?" Someone among the liches shouted sharply.

It was an old witch wearing a dark gray hat, very dissatisfied with Hu Yang's words.

She is apparently the chief of all witches.Her cultivation level has already surpassed the peak of the Eight Diagrams Realm, and she is only one step away from the Nine Palaces Realm.

With such terrifying strength, it's no wonder that the Sun family can be easily wiped out.Sun Meiniang secretly felt embarrassed.

The other women also secretly felt a little worried.This old hag is hard to deal with!

Only Hu Yang smiled casually, and said casually: "You should go after Snow White!"

The old witch's eyes suddenly lit up, as if she had been hit by something Hu Yang said.Her complexion became very ugly, and she shouted sharply: "Who the hell are you? Why do you know Snow White? Are you also from Europa?"

"Europa? Hehe, of course I am not from Europa. I am from Asia."

"Asia? You are indeed from the same world as me! But what do you mean by invading my territory?"

"I'm just passing by here. By the way, I'm going to blow the autumn wind to you. Do you understand what it means to fight the autumn wind?"

"I don't understand. You Orientals are too cryptic. Who knows what you mean?"

"I mean, if you have something good, you can dedicate it to me!"

"I think you are impatient, and you dare to ask me for something?"

"What's so strange? I've always taken other people's things!"

"Hmph, because you are from my hometown, I don't care about you! Now, take your people and get out!"

The old witch seemed to be in a good mood, she wasn't very angry, and she didn't order other witches to do anything.It is probably rare to see a fellow!
If Populus euphratica is more enthusiastic and gentle, maybe he can become the guest of the old witch!

It's just that Populus euphratica has always been used to being arrogant and domineering, and he can't change it at all.

He smiled and said meaningfully: "I can guarantee that you will not be able to catch up with Snow White."

The old witch was a little angry.Populus euphratica is doing this on purpose, which pot should not be opened and which pot should be lifted!Her endurance is also limited.

She said coldly: "Young man, don't toast or eat fine wine! If you offend me, there will be no good fruit to eat! Don't think that your little oriental Taoism can resist my attack!" Dark magic! I think back then..."

Hu Yang interrupted her with a smile, "Then, I would like to ask your Excellency, who is better between you and the God of War Athena?"

The old witch was suddenly at a loss for words.Of course she couldn't say that she was stronger than the god of war Athena.

Who is Athena?He is a veritable god!
How dare she blaspheme a real god?

If Athena found out, she wouldn't be able to take one move.

However, she is also unwilling to admit publicly that she is not Athena, the God of War.So, he just kept silent.

Hu Yang smiled slightly, and said slowly: "Back then, Zhang Sanfeng, the patriarch of Taoism in the East, easily defeated Athena, the God of War in your Western world. Even Athena was full of praise for our Taoism in the Eastern world... "

The old witch said angrily: "Athena is Athena, I am me! You are not Zhang Sanfeng either!"

Hu Yang smiled and said: "But what if I am stronger than Zhang Sanfeng?"

The old witch couldn't help but laughed strangely.

Her laughter was terrifying, like the screeching of a crow.

She didn't actually want to laugh.However, she couldn't stop laughing.Populus euphratica is really too rampant.

How dare he say that he is stronger than Zhang Sanfeng, an old bastard?

who do you think You Are?Is it Yuanshi Tianzun?

The old witch actually knows the top powers such as Yuanshi Tianzun.

Although Zhang Sanfeng is powerful, even though he defeated Athena.However, there are many people who are more powerful than him.For example, Yuanshi Tianzun.

Hu Yang claims to be stronger than Zhang Sanfeng, doesn't it mean that he is equivalent to Yuanshi Tianzun?

"Well, since you said that, you can't leave!" The old witch suddenly restrained her smile.

"Little ones, take them all back!" The old witch shouted sharply.

The witches floating in the air immediately swarmed up.

The target they culled was Populus euphratica.

They had no intention of attacking the ball of light and the women at all.

They carried out the order of the old witch to the letter, that is, to arrest Populus euphratica and the others.

And Populus euphratica is undoubtedly the core of everyone.The so-called capturing the thief first captures the king, as long as Populus euphratica is captured, the remaining women will have no difficulty.

Their flying speed was very fast, and they were in front of Populus euphratica in an instant.The brooms in their hands almost touched Populus euphratica's eyebrows.However, with such a small difference, less than three inches, their brooms were attracted by some kind of magical force.

However, the dead spirit holy demon who transformed into a light ball next to him quit.It's just waiting to be eaten!
If the witches attacked the ball of light, it would have a feast.

However, the witches attacked Populus euphratica!
The Necromancer Holy Demon couldn't help yelling at the witches for their ignorance.

What's delicious about Populus euphratica?It is the best of the best among the best of the best!
There was no other way, the holy ghost had no choice but to resort to hooliganism and forcefully attract the witch.

With Populus euphratica as the support behind it, it can be said that the ability of the Necromancer has no upper limit at all.It easily attracted a large number of witches.

As a result, those witches riding brooms hit the top of the ball of light one after another, and then melted continuously.

The undead holy demon devoured all the witches in one gulp.

Responding to the top of the light sphere, the witches disappeared one after another.

As long as their bodies touched the ball of light, they would immediately disappear without a trace.

Seeing all this, people who didn't know the details thought that there was something weird about the ball of light, and imprisoned the witch.

Only those who know the inside story will understand how terrifying this is.

All the witches are treated as a wonderful meal by the holy demon of the dead!

The faster the witches attacked, the more people participated in the attack, and the more miserable the death.

The old witch soon realized that something was wrong.How is this going?How could his subordinates disappear so quickly?

She looked at Hu Yang suspiciously, but found that the other party had no expression at all, as if he was an outsider watching the fun.When her eyes made contact with Hu Yang, the latter smiled at her kindly, expressing that he had nothing to do with what was in front of him.

But how could the old hag believe that he was innocent?
(End of this chapter)

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