All professional Valkyrie

Chapter 1642 Chang'e Fairy

Chapter 1642 Chang'e Fairy
The plot developed too fast, and Hu Yang didn't react for a while.He was stunned for a long time before he frowned and said, "Are you going to the mortal world?"

Hong Ling nodded, very still, and said very resolutely: "I have already made up my mind. This time, I must go to the mortal world!"

Hu Yang tilted his head to look at her, and said to himself: "What's so good in the mortal world? What are you going to do in the mortal world?"

Hong Ling said without hesitation: "I'm going to finish reading "Descendants of the Moon" before coming back!"

Hu Yang suddenly felt like grabbing the ground with his head... What is this called?
You don't hesitate to pay a huge price to go to the mortal world just to watch a TV series?

I said, is your brain out of your mind?How childish?
TV dramas in the mortal world can be watched in Heaven!
In the mortal world, you don't have to chase after...

Mortals didn't say that it has finished broadcasting, you can watch it all in one sitting!

"Well, Miss Hong Ling," Hu Yang said cautiously, "I think the mortal world is really not suitable for you..."

"Then take me to another place!" Hong Ling's eyes were like autumn water, eager and pitiful, as if she had the urge to make Hu Yang agree on the spot.

Fortunately, Populus euphratica can be regarded as rolling out of the powder pile.What kind of beauty has not seen?There is nothing special about fairies either.Seventh Fairy's appearance is similar to that of Lin Youe, Bai Yuyi, Feng Xizhu and the others.The only difference is that their background is heaven.

However, Hu Yang felt that he could not reject Hong Ling's wish immediately.

What if she really wanted to go to the mortal world to experience life?

What if she is extremely tired of life in heaven?

"Actually, you can go down to earth by yourself!" Hu Yang said vaguely.

"But, I'm not familiar with the mortal world! What if I'm cheated by someone?" Hong Ling said worriedly, "It is said that there are many liars in the world!"

"Who said that? Since when are there so many liars in the world?" Of course Hu Yang wanted to defend the world.

"What Xu Fu, what Dong Yong, what Liang Shanbo, what Ning Caichen are all liars!"

" actually know their names? Since when are they liars?"

"That's what other people say. So does my mother."

"Your mother... Forget it, pretend I didn't say it."

Populus euphratica reflexively said, what do you care about your mother?

However, before the words came out of his mouth, his whole body trembled.He suddenly realized a serious problem.

Who is the mother of the Seven Fairies?It's the Queen Mother!Didn't he actually say that it was the queen mother's fault?

If the boss of Heavenly Court is the Jade Emperor, then the Queen Mother is the boss lady!

Offending your boss is probably no big deal.The boss is generally nice to talk to.

However, if he offended the proprietress, he would definitely die.

According to the experience of Populus Hu Yang, the proprietress and the proprietress's wife have always been the most difficult masters to deal with.

I have just entered the Heavenly Court from the mortal world, and I don't even have a formal labor contract, which is still in the nature of labor dispatch.If you offend the Queen Mother... Huh, idiots know the consequences.Moreover, Fairy Chang'e...

I don't know why, it seems that in the heaven, Fairy Chang'e is a very powerful character?

"Hu Yang, I heard from the people at Lingshan that your labor relationship is in Lingshan, not in Heaven, right?"

"Yeah! Why, you want to hit me too? Come on, I've already been hit hard."

"You misunderstood. I mean, you are smarter than Xia Xingxiao!"

"Smart? I really don't quite understand what you mean..."

"You actually know how to put labor relations on the side of Lingshan, not in heaven."

"Well, let's be clear, I don't understand."

"It's just that if you commit something on the side of Heavenly Court, Heavenly Court will not be able to deal with you!"

"But they will report to Lingshan!"

"But Lingshan may not believe it!"

"What's this saying?"

Hu Yang vaguely felt that his time seemed to be turning around?
Could it be that, as a cleaner in the nature of labor dispatch, he actually has some privileges in the heavenly court?
But looking left and right, looking up and down, looking forward and back, it doesn't look like you have privileges!On the contrary, if something really happened, I'm afraid I would be caught and blamed immediately.Don't you see, no matter what plane or unit they are in, temporary workers are the best representatives of scapegoats!

"Maybe you don't know yet? Since Monkey King made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace last time, the relationship between Heavenly Court and Lingshan has not been very harmonious." Hong Ling said as briefly as possible, "Tianting thinks that Lingshan is a bit domineering and condescending. Lingshan thinks that Tianting is ungrateful , revenge for kindness..."

Hu Yang nodded thoughtfully.In fact, he couldn't understand anything.But, it doesn't matter, he just needs to know the result.

"Then why was I sent by Lingshan to Tianting?" Hu Yang asked casually, "Isn't the relationship between Lingshan and Tianting not very good? Why do you need to dispatch labor? Is it true that there is no one in your Tianting who can do cleaning Are you working? Can’t you?”

"What won't. Will. People in the heavenly court have high-mindedness and low-handedness. They think they are very high-minded, and they don't want to do this job. They have no choice but to turn to Lingshan for help. Only Lingshan will have some childish brains." guy..."

Hu Yang couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

When did I become childish in my mind?

In other words, you Heavenly Court doesn't have a job that anyone is willing to do, so you arrested me to do it?

In order to show that he is not such a naive person, Hu Yang did not rush to refute Hong Ling's words, but listened quietly.

As a result, the box of Hong Ling's words was opened, and she couldn't take it back.Probably because she hadn't talked to outsiders for a long time, she chattered for two or three hours, which basically gave Hu Yang an overview of the situation in Heaven.Of course, with serious personal negativity.

In Hong Ling's view, there is no good place in heaven, and there is no good person.Including the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother.Well, there is also Chang'e.

"How did Fairy Chang'e offend you?" Hu Yang asked curiously, "Isn't she in Guanghan Palace?"

"She is in Guanghan Palace! But, her jade rabbit is running around!"

"Yutu... What's wrong with the jade rabbit running around?"

"Animal Protection Regulations, don't you know?"

"I know! So what?"

"Protect animals!"


Hongling said that Tianting's animal protection regulations are abnormal.

Most of the gods in heaven evolved from other different types of creatures, which are different from humans.

These gods are very caring and sensitive to animals, and they cannot be hurt easily.Especially for such a cute animal as the jade rabbit, of course it should not be offended.In addition, its owner, Fairy Chang'e, is so beautiful and lovely, so it is natural to give a lot of face.

What?Do immortals not have the seven emotions and six desires?joke!Immortals also get married and have children, okay?Otherwise, where did Nezha come from?

(End of this chapter)

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