All professional Valkyrie

Chapter 1649 Bloodline Fusion

Chapter 1649 Bloodline Fusion

Of course Yankui didn't want to be killed.

So, will Populus euphratica take the initiative to remove the zombies?
The answer is probably self-evident.Populus euphratica is not such an easy talker.

There is also a third way, that is, Yankui sends the plasma monster away, never provides any food for the zombies, and cuts off the way for the zombies to upgrade.

However, this approach is slightly dangerous.That is, without the protection of the plasma monster, Yankui would be completely exposed to the zombies.At that time, a large group of zombies will swarm up, biting here and there, and he doesn't know what the consequences will be.

"Alas!" Jin Sheng Demon Emperor and others could only sigh silently.

Yankui is definitely not dead.The Devil Emperor will definitely come to the rescue.

The top ten outstanding youths in the devil world are all disciples of the devil emperor!
As a master, you can't just watch your apprentice die in front of you.

Right now, perhaps the Devil Emperor is deliberately testing Yankui...

... Well, think too much, these have nothing to do with them.

Their task now is to prevent Populus euphratica from going to Guarda City.

"Hu Yang, I heard that you also have profound attainments in alchemy, right?"

"Yes. But, which one are you?"

"I'm Huang can call me Huang Yao."

"I know a man named Huang Yaoshi. But I don't know Huang Yao."

"You can get to know each other now. I want to compete with you in alchemy. If you win, you can go to Guarda City."

"Good bet. But why should I bet with you? Why should I pay you?"

"If you don't bet with me, you will definitely leave regrets in the future."

"Okay, you win. What do you want to bet?"

"Simple alchemy."

"Appreciate further details."

"Five Dragon Blood Dissolving Pill."


"Whatever you say."

Hu Yang nodded thoughtfully, and said to himself: "Potion!"

What are potions?Of course it's not the medicine of the demons.Things are not that simple.Potions are elixirs that involve blood.

What is a blood vessel?It's the genes that are inherent in living things.For example, human genes can be called human blood.As long as you have human genes, you are destined to be human, not other creatures.Therefore, this gene is very difficult to change.

You can't say that you don't want to be a human anymore, you want to be a monkey...unless you can change your genes.

Genes are incompatible between different species.In other words, each creature can only have a special gene.

If you are a human being, you can only have special human genes, and you cannot have monkey genes at the same time... You cannot be human and become a monkey at the same time.Unless, you gave up human genes and accepted monkey special genes.

This unless, is the source of the potion.Its function is to change the bloodline and the gene of the species.

To put it simply, through some kind of special medicine, you can get rid of the special genes of being a human being, and turn yourself into a pig or a mouse or something.

Obviously, this change is very shocking.Ordinary creatures simply can't do it.And the consequences of changing genes are not acceptable to every creature.For example, a perfectly fine person suddenly turns into a pig... Well, the picture is too beautiful to look at.

Because the effects of potions are too special and terrifying, and the side effects are difficult to guarantee, it has always been a taboo for alchemists.Ordinary alchemists are very taboo about the existence of potions.As long as it is an alchemist with a normal mind, he will not accept potions.

However, there are always alchemists with abnormal brains, and there are quite a few of them.So, potions are always there.

Especially in this place of the devil world, the existence of potions is more common.Daedric creatures often alter their genes.They often masquerade as other species.

Huang Yao Demon Emperor is a master at refining potions.In the devil world, he is the only potion master.In the study of potions, no one is stronger than him.Even the Devil Emperor is the same.Therefore, in the devil world, his status is very high.He is basically the representative figure of potions.

What kind of medicine is Wulong Dissolving Pill?To put it simply, it is the crown of potions, the best of the best, and the best of the best.

Its function is to forcibly add dragon genes to the genes of a certain species, making a certain creature as powerful as a dragon.

Why do you say it seems?The main reason is that the dragon's genes are so powerful that ordinary creatures can't bear it.

If all the genes of a certain creature were changed to those of a dragon, it would definitely explode because it was too powerful.

Therefore, the process of blood fusion is a very dangerous process.Too little fusion, too little power.There are too many fusions, and the power is too strong.

Similarly, the stronger the fused bloodline gene, the more dangerous the process will be, and the consequences will also become more and more serious.

Theoretically speaking, blood fusion can be 100% perfect.

For example, to fuse the blood of a dragon, you only need to fuse the useful genes in the blood of the dragon.

And those genes that are useless or prone to side effects can be discarded decisively.

The problem is, theory is theory and practice is practice.It is difficult to achieve a perfect combination of the two.There is always a gap between practice and theory.

Unless someone can completely figure out the dragon's gene, it's like a computer program that reads out every byte in it, and then combines and replaces it at will.Otherwise, once the bloodlines are fused, there will always be problems of one kind or another.

However, is it an easy task to fully understand the dragon's blood gene?

Even the most brilliant potion master can figure out only a small part of it.

Huang Yao Demon Emperor considers himself noble and proficient in controlling potions, and dare not say that he has controlled all the genes of the dragon's blood.

If the dragon's gene has 100 million bytes, then Huangyao Demon Emperor has probably a few hundred bytes!Almost negligible.Therefore, he felt that Hu Yang was doomed.Hu Yang guessed that Lianlong didn't know anything about the bloodline genes.

"It really is a problem!" Hu Yang said honestly, "I don't know anything about potions!"

"You can learn it now!" Huang Yaomo Huang said with a half smile.

"Yes!" Hu Yang agreed without hesitation.

This time, it was Huang Yao Demon Emperor's turn to be suspicious.

He vaguely felt that his strategy seemed to have no chance of winning?
Originally thought that Populus euphratica would show his timidity.Unexpectedly, this guy actually readily agreed.

He couldn't help wondering whether Hu Yang had been exposed to potions before?

After all, this guy's alchemy skills are also very high.

(End of this chapter)

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