All professional Valkyrie

Chapter 371 Landing Immediately

Chapter 371 Landing Immediately
The Histh Empire's 201st Squadron.

Fleet commander Ma Hong is complacent and complacent after winning the prize.

Since the war between the Hiss Empire and the Star Federation, the fleet he led has achieved extraordinary results and has repeatedly received commendations from above.

Originally, as a fleet commander, he had no interest in a single Xingyao Federation battleship.However, Ma Hong felt that he was really bored and needed to find something to stimulate himself, so he personally led the battleship out.

At the same time, the commanders of the other two squadrons also came out.They also have the rank of lieutenant general, they also feel too boring, and they also want to seek a little excitement.Their purpose is not to destroy this lonely Xingyao Federation battleship, but to abuse it, tease it, play with it, in short, to use this Xingyao Federation battleship to pass the boring time.

No one cares about why the battleship of the Star Federation appeared alone in the Yucatan star field, and no one cares about who is on the battleship.Because these are not important.When this battleship entered the Yucatan star field, it was destined to be wiped out.Even if the battleship has a Thai master sitting on it, it is impossible to escape the pursuit of the Heath Empire fleet.

"Report!" While Ma Hong was planning how to abuse the Xingyao Federation battleship in a whimsical way, the intelligence officer rushed over.

"What's the matter? Is another squadron rushing in front of us? Didn't I tell you? Advance at full speed! Advance at full speed! Don't save energy!" Ma Hong said very unhappy, "We have enough There are enough personnel reserves, enough energy reserves, the only thing lacking is time! We must be the first to rush to the battlefield, otherwise, there will be nothing for us!"

The intelligence officer said cautiously: "Commander, it''s from the cruiser Hunting Bow..."

Ma Hong said impatiently: "Speak if you have something to say, and fart if you have something to say!"

The intelligence officer said cautiously: "The cruiser Hunting Bow suffered heavy damage..."

Ma Hong frowned and said: "Severely injured? What do you mean? They attacked the enemy without authorization? Well, you are looking for death!"

The intelligence officer was sweating coldly, and said cautiously: "No, yes... yes..."

Ma Hong shouted angrily: "What is it? Make it clear!"

The intelligence officer hurriedly said: "The 1073rd Patrol Fleet suffered a devastating blow!"

Ma Hong was slightly stunned, then shook his head and said with a smile: "Today is not April Fool's Day, don't joke with me! A devastating blow? How is it possible?"

He knocked on the edge of the table with his hand, made a sound of tuk-tuk, and said with a solemn face, "If the patrol fleet encounters a Star Federation fleet, I believe they will suffer catastrophe." But, isn’t there a single battleship? How can it deal a devastating blow to the patrol fleet? How can it do it?”

The intelligence officer said helplessly: "This is the situation reported by the cruiser Hunting Bow. They said that the battleship of the Star Federation fired its main gun brazenly and severely damaged them. Afterwards, it quickly withdrew from the battlefield. Now, The Yuanneng radar of the hunting bow cruiser can no longer find any trace of the enemy."

Ma Hong frowned and said, "You said, the enemy disappeared immediately after firing the main cannon?"

The intelligence officer said helplessly: "Yes. That's what they reported. I have checked with the other two cruisers."

Ma Hong shook his head and said: "Impossible, absolutely impossible! After firing the main cannon, how could they run away immediately? How did they get their energy? Will their energy not be exhausted? Could it be that there are some important people sitting in the town?"

Thinking of the last possibility, Ma Hong's complacency and self-confidence just now disappeared.He knew very well that it was definitely not an ordinary person who could make the battleship escape quickly after firing the main gun.At the very least, he is also a master above the peak level.Maybe it's Wu Zong or Wu Zun.Because only they have such powerful abilities.

"Could it be Dongfang Wenying's ship?" Ma Hong's imagination is still very rich.

"Impossible?" The intelligence officer was stunned.

He started sweating again.

If what they were after was really Dongfang Wenying...

That is not chasing and killing at all, but being hunted and killed!With their strength, how could they be Dongfang Wenying's opponent?

"slow down!"

Mahon ordered without thinking.

All Histh Empire warships immediately reduced their flying speed.

"Report to the Fleet Command, saying that we may have found Dongfang Wenying, and ask them to send experts to reinforce." Ma Hong continued to order, "Our fleet will continue to closely monitor the movements of the enemy ships."

Following the appearance of the words Dongfang Wenying, the atmosphere of the Histh Empire's 201st Squadron suddenly became tense.All the Histh people went from the happy hunting state to the frightened state of being hunted.They all carefully activated the Yuanneng radar to monitor the surrounding void, for fear that Dongfang Wenying would suddenly appear.

The other two squadrons that came out together with the 201st Squadron also reduced their flying speed and wisely avoided the battle zone.Ma Hong didn't want to bump his head into Dongfang Wenying's arms, and they certainly didn't want to either.Others don't want to either.

So, as the news gradually spread, all the battleships of the Hiss Empire in a certain direction of the Yucatan star field automatically and consciously avoided it.None of them wanted to directly confront Dongfang Wenying.None of them wanted to be a victim of Dongfang Wenying's subordinates.

"Strange, what are the Histh people doing?" The battleship Eagle, which was sneaking at high speed, soon discovered the relevant situation.Tang Li and the others accidentally discovered that all the waterways to Goro Star had been opened.All the warships of the Hiss Empire who tried to intercept the Star Federation warships all backed down.

Originally, according to intelligence, there should be a large number of Heath Empire warships gathered around Goro Star, among which there are many heavyweight battleships and even star destroyers.But now, all the battleships and star destroyers have all disappeared.Yuanneng radar repeatedly scanned the surrounding void, but found no danger.

"The Hiss probably misunderstood our identities." Xu Yuemei said lightly, "They thought there were super-top big shots among us. Battleships are useless in front of Wu Zun-level masters. If you want to deal with Wu Zun Master, only higher-level martial masters are dispatched. Perhaps at this time, the high-ranking military masters of the Heath Empire are rushing here. We just seized this time and landed on Goro Star."

Hu Yishan nodded, and said resolutely: "Okay, let's land immediately!"

Tang Li hesitated and said, "Is the landing place still Huoyin City?"

Hu Yishan shook his head and said: "No! Choose the nearest place to land! We must hurry up!"

Xu Yuemei said solemnly: "That's right, we must land as soon as possible. Otherwise, we will be in trouble once the martial masters from the Histh Empire arrive."

Hu Yang said worriedly: "But, if we didn't land in Huoyin City, wouldn't the plan have to be changed?"

Xu Yuemei nodded, and said calmly: "Plans can never keep up with changes, and we can only adapt to changes."

Tang Li, Wang Fei, Wang Huohuo and others immediately manipulated the battleships and sneaked towards Go Luoxing.

(End of this chapter)

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