I'm coming back after wearing the scum

Chapter 1027 Becomes a mentally retarded fish 1

Chapter 1027 Becomes a mentally retarded fish 43
After Mo Li left, he first went back to Yilie Ji's house.

I thought that in three years, Ji Yuanbai and Ji Shu had already been released.

What I didn't expect was that Ji's house was empty, there was no one there, not even the housekeeper.

After many inquiries, after Ji Yuanbai and Ji Shu were arrested, Diwangxing directly made the veteran Ji Yuanbai into a mentally retarded mermaid in order to conceal what he had done, and died because of his resistance to Ji Yuanbai.

But Ji Shu is a newcomer after all, so he was temporarily imprisoned on the Emperor Star, trying to make him surrender.

However, three years later, Ji Shu still did not give in. Last month, he was made into a mentally handicapped mermaid, but unfortunately died during the production process.

After hearing about Ji Shu's misfortune, the butler finally couldn't bear the stimulation and died.

The Ji family just disappeared.

Don't have mixed feelings in your heart.

She never thought of it, so she posted a few posts without even mentioning her name.

Both of them, including the housekeeper, were going to die.

She should have thought about it a long time ago, the people on Diwangxing are so cruel, how could they let them go.

In other words, she knew it, she knew they might die, but she did it anyway.

She is so selfish and will do whatever it takes to achieve her goals.

But why so sad?

Emperor Star, as early as 20 years ago, she should have destroyed it.

Over the years, it would not have killed so many people.

Since they want to transform people into retarded mermaids so much.

Then she makes them all mentally retarded mermaids.

The emperor of Emperor Star has not changed in the past 20 years.

It's just that from that dandy boy back then, he has grown into a cruel emperor.

Even if it was his own son, he could throw him to the Mermaid Research Center and match him with someone else.

This kind of character is simply frightening to see.

Now he can finally sit back and relax.

No one knows what happened back then.

All the people who experienced those things, all died.

The emperor leisurely poured a bottle of the most precious wine in the outer galaxy, and sipped it slowly. He just liked the taste of this wine, which was spicy and sweet.

Just like his life, although the beginning was a bit difficult, but now the hardships are all coming.

"Not good, not good."

The emperor, who was tasting the wine, poured the wine into his nostrils with one sip.

The ruthless eyes flashed past.

He has decided to send the yelling person to a research center to make a mentally handicapped mermaid.

"It's not good, the emperor is not good, you go to see Xingwang."

"Shut up, it's not good for you. Go to the mermaid center consciously now, or I will make you die."

"My lord, please forgive me."


Seeing that the emperor was still ruthless, the visitor laughed loudly: "Marshal Li should have been our emperor in the first place. An incompetent person like you should be made into a mentally handicapped mermaid."

The emperor slapped him across the face.

Seeing that the visitor was ruthlessly dragged away, the emperor boarded the star network.

Just looking at it, he directly smashed the optical brain.

At the same time, a stunning figure suddenly appeared in front of the emperor.

However, the emperor was scared to death: "Marshal Li, aren't you dead?"

In order to let her old acquaintances recognize her, Li Li deliberately restored her previous appearance.

She is still very understanding.

With a light grab, Li Li grabbed him in front of her: "You haven't died yet, how can I be willing to die?"

"Come... come, someone."

"No one will come. Those people who work for tigers have all been transformed into mentally handicapped mermaids by me. And so is your second son."

"Oh it's you."

He said how could he become a mentally handicapped mermaid after being a good eldest son.

The emperor said in horror: "Let me go, you are still the marshal. I don't care about anything."

"But I have to worry about it. Who told you to kill my people?"

Before the emperor could speak again, he felt that his legs began to turn into fish legs, and slowly his lower body turned into a fish tail.

He watched all this in horror, and wanted to scream, but nothing came out.

He couldn't even speak, he could only watch himself become a mermaid, and his body was out of control at the same time.

Until Li Li left, the people on the ground looked dumbfounded.

He looked stupidly at the optical network in front of him who didn't know when it would be turned on.

There was the scene of how he frantically framed Li Li 20 years ago.

Then he was sent to the research center by angry people.

Soon the first match comes.

After seeing his face, the man took him as a target to vent his anger on.

A few beats a day is fine.

I have seen a very bad group of Diwang Xing.

Mo Li finally felt relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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