I'm coming back after wearing the scum

Chapter 370 1 Accidentally Became an Interstellar Male God 40

Chapter 370 Accidentally Became an Interstellar Male God 40
Li Li had already had the system check the four weeks ago. There is no imaging equipment here at all, probably for the convenience of hands-on, so she is very relieved now.

"Xiao Li, what did you say 'from' just now?"

There was a gnashing of teeth from the ring.

Obviously, what Li Li said here, he could hear clearly there.

"Don't worry, the queen will not agree to her."

"Then what if she agrees?" Feng Mu gasped.

"Not with you."

What Li Li meant was that with Feng Mu testifying for her, the charges of corruption would naturally come to nothing.

Coupled with the fact that the generals rescued from the base testified for her, she will soon be cleared.

Although she has many other crimes, as long as some of them are cleansed, the others will naturally be cleared up.

For all would think that the other sins were invented as well.

When she cleans up, they don't need to stay here anymore, and she can use the blackening value with peace of mind.

However, Feng Mu didn't think too much.

He only felt that Li Li had given him such deep trust.

[Blackening value -5, current blackening value is 52. 】

"Little Li, I miss you."

At this moment, Li Li heard the movement again.

"Wait, someone is here again."


Someone always interrupts him to spread dog food.

Li Li was taken to an interrogation room with an extremely strong iron fence in the middle. She sat alone on one side of the iron fence. There was also no video equipment here.

Finally the door was opened, and a person came in from the other side of the iron bars.

Li Li looked at that person, and suddenly said pleasantly: "Queen."

The queen was dressed in gorgeous clothes, her face was delicately made up, and she looked elegant and luxurious, but she usually looked at Li Li's kind and peaceful face, but now she was full of disdain and pride.

"Xiao Li, kill yourself."


Mo Li's eyes were suddenly filled with mist, his eyes were sad, hopeless and painful, and his heart ached.

This was the first time Li Li looked so vulnerable in front of the queen.

"Do you know what people outside say about you now? Saying that you betrayed the empire, amassed money everywhere, and even stole other people's scientific research results, no matter what, it's enough to put you in prison."

In fact, what the dummy did was instigated by the queen, and all the money fell into the queen's pocket.

"But...but I haven't done any of these."

Mo Li's expression of knowing nothing made the queen feel like she had eaten shit.

The little slut in front of me is really good at pretending.

She obviously asked her to do everything, yet she didn't know anything.

"Li Li, don't pretend, you will be to blame for today."

"Queen, I really didn't do it. I just want to do research and report back to the empire. I really don't know anything. You must believe me."

Besides, she really didn't do these shitty things, because they were all done by dummies.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you are told to kill yourself, you will kill yourself. There is so much nonsense. Do you want to be humiliated to death? Don't forget that you are a woman."

The queen's words became more and more bitter.

Seeing Li Li pretending that way, she immediately lost her patience.

After all, she didn't have much time. If the emperor reacted and investigated Li Li's matter, her matter might be exposed, so she must act first.

"I... I can kill myself, but I want to know who put these on the starnet."

(End of this chapter)

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