The president's hardcore fairy

Chapter 207 Where is the Dragon Vein

Chapter 207 Where is the Dragon Vein

"This is where the Nilin of the Dragon Vein is located." Xiao Ruanruan opened his eyes, and his eyes fell on the central axis, as if he saw something through the central axis. "It's more powerful than I expected."

Si Jijing's expression was surprised: "Can you feel the dragon veins? How is it?"

Xiao Ruanruan didn't say anything, just pulled him to a position: "Listen."

Si Jijing didn't know what she heard, but he still followed her example, closing his eyes intently, and his consciousness stretched out.

In an instant, the world seems to be far away, but it seems to be completely visible.

Her breathing, the condensed clouds in the sky, and the small animals hibernating under the snow are all extremely clear.

But where is the dragon vein?
Si Jijing kept searching underground...

Xiao Ruanruan was secretly filming.

I have to say that Shengshi Beauty is a good thing, no matter what the background is, no matter how you shoot it, it looks good.

As for the thing that made him feel the dragon's pulse, she just let him try it, but she didn't hold out hope in the end.

With his current consciousness, if he can feel the dragon's veins, if it's not related to the dragon's veins, it's because Heaven has opened a huge back door for him.

From another angle, as soon as she pressed the shutter, she heard Si Jijing say, "I heard a sound, like... a drum beating at a constant speed? It didn't quite sound like it." He thought for a while before finding an adjective, "like a pulse The sound of beating."

Xiao Ruanruan suddenly opened his eyes.

Fuck, she really deserves to be the illegitimate child of heaven!

Just as he was about to ask, Si Jijing's cell phone rang.

Si Jijing was interrupted for a moment, and then focused on using his divine sense, but he couldn't hear it anyway.

He sighed regretfully, picked up his mobile phone to see who was disturbing him, but fell silent after receiving the call.

The Three Realms Administration called, asking him to discuss matters with Xiao Ruanruan.

The game was terminated, and there was no time to find the dragon's veins, so the two went straight to the meeting hall.

The atmosphere in the conference hall was serious, except for the Qingshi Three Realms Office, which is the southern branch of the Kyoto Three Realms Administration, the head of the Kyoto Three Realms Administration's main bureau, and the four branches in the east, west, and north.

The big boss from Kyoto came to listen.

The one in the middle is somewhat similar to Si Jijing, with a particularly majestic aura.

When Xiao Ruanruan saw him, he couldn't help but "tsk" in his heart, and finally understood why Si Jijing was full of stars wherever he went.

In ancient times, he was not only a grandson, but also a veritable prince!

For a monk, everything in the mortal world, be it princes, generals or ordinary people, is just a passing moment, at most it is a small episode in the long journey of immortality, she will not pay too much attention to it, nor will she take it lightly.

Therefore, she has always been neither humble nor overbearing, calm and calm.

On the contrary, all the persons in charge of the Three Realms Management Bureau were sitting upright, feeling a little nervous.

In contrast, Xiao Ruanruan stands out.

The bosses couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

Seeing this, Si Jijing put his hands on the back of Xiao Ruan's chair, and declared possessively: "Don't stare at my wife."

Big guys: "..."

They all basically knew Si Jijing, and laughed a few times, and said to the boss: "Your young master is still so lively and cute, it's rare."

Boss Si: "..."

A simple joke made the atmosphere in the conference hall a lot easier.

The first half of the meeting was mainly to ask Xiao Ruanruan basic questions about monks.

As for the Chinese cultivation world, Xiao Ruanruan always asked questions from Qin Shaokang, similar to Wu Pu, but her understanding of the cultivation world and monks was much deeper than anyone present.

(End of this chapter)

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