Starting from Douluo, the heavens die

Chapter 170 The Traps in the Soul

Chapter 170 The Traps in the Soul
"That's good! Let me think about it, I'll go in the original book, right!" Wang Qiuer immediately felt relieved after hearing this.

"So, what kind of mentality did you go for in the original book! You are merciless when you attack soul beasts, and they are even more ruthless than humans!" Liu Tianxin has never gone to the Star Dou Forest. This aspect of the problem.

"For us, soul beasts that are less than [-] years old are basically not considered clan members. Most of them have limited intelligence. It would be good to have a clear self-awareness. Besides, we usually have to hunt!"

When Wang Qiuer said this, he paused: "At that time, Huo Yuhao might have come up with the reason for the idea of ​​the soul. I guess I would think that the days when humans and soul beasts live in harmony are not far away."

"Hehe, the soul will let humans and soul beasts live in harmony? I dare not say that even if I can make a soul ring. The soul can only show you how despicable human nature can be!" Liu Tianxin sneered.

"Ah? How could this be? Didn't the original book say that after the establishment of the Spirit Pagoda, old soul beasts, or seriously injured soul beasts that are dying, can choose to become souls? Isn't this improving the relationship between humans and soul beasts?" Is it related?" Wang Qiuer was puzzled.

Liu Tianxin sat down beside her and said: "Let me tell you about the things that happened in human history, and you will understand what the hell we are.

It was probably the early days of the Industrial Revolution, when the term science became popular, people's belief in gods was shaken, and the beast of capital escaped from its cage. Into the poorhouse. "

"Isn't this great? Even people without special skills can survive." Wang Qiu'er deliberately didn't read the memories in her mind, otherwise listening to the story would be meaningless.

"The workhouse is not the kind of place you imagined. At that time, people believed that poverty was due to laziness, so those who entered the workhouse had to face terrible labor. People often died of exhaustion, so no one wanted to enter the workhouse. The workhouse is naturally diligent."

"Uh... so humans are so cruel to themselves! No wonder soul beasts can't beat humans! Wait, what you want to compare is not that humans will slaughter soul beasts even more crazily, and then make soul beasts have to voluntarily become Soul?" Wang Qiuer was taken aback by this thought.

"This kind of thing is just one of the worse possibilities. If you listen to me, you will understand what is more likely to happen. I just said that people in the workhouse often died of exhaustion, and their dead bodies , it will be dissected, after all, it is indispensable in the development of science."

"That's so tragic, you can't even rest in peace after death!" Wang Qiu'er's thoughts, influenced by Douluo's tradition, are more conservative than Liu Tianxin, and are less accepting of autopsy.

"This is not the darkest, because the corpses in the workhouse can be dissected, so people are often killed by trying to find a way, and then sold, and they have to fool the autopsy officer, so every year the river flooded." Kill some people, especially when the medicine class starts every year." Liu Tianxin's words made Wang Qiu'er shudder.

Although she is a little nervous, she is not stupid: "You mean... If souls are widely accepted by human beings, there will be many soul beasts who are suitable to become souls. Spirits? Like those who 'drown' in the river every year?"

Liu Tianxin nodded: "It seems that you are not stupid, anyone can see that the soul is much better than the soul ring, not only can you choose the type of soul skill, but also the soul assists in the battle.

Such a great temptation, and only a few people can get it, will naturally lead some people to take risks and use this despicable method to force those cherished soul beasts to submit, and this situation, even with artificial soul rings, cannot be reversed.

Artificial soul rings are not as diverse as natural ones, so how can they be more attractive than soul rings?So, old man, don't eavesdrop on our young couple's conversation when you are old. I have the soul gem, and I can completely isolate you from your old investigations. "

Electrolux heard the words, a figure emerged, and looked at Liu Tianxin solemnly: "Don't tell me, what you said is true. I gave the soul contract to ease the conflict between humans and soul beasts!"

"But some things are like poured water. Even if you regret it, it's too late, isn't it? How is it? How does it feel to create a demon with your own hands?" Liu Tianxin's voice was very mocking.

"You! You bastard!" Electrolux was furious, and was about to cause Liu Tianxin's sea of ​​spirit to shake, but he was shocked to find that the other party's sea of ​​spirit was as solid as a rock, and he couldn't shake it at all: "How is it possible! what have you done?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, you always take the initiative to attack me, and even ask me what I did. It's as ridiculous as a murderer asking the victim why you weren't killed by me." When he said this, he paused:
"However, let me explain for the moment that although I can only use a little bit of the power of the Mind Gem, it can suppress my spiritual sea and be immune to most spiritual attacks.

Another point, what I want to declare is that when I asked you about the soul technology, I never forced you to disclose it, let alone whether he is good or bad, and even what I said now is just a guess, so your boss can Don't be so excited. "

Liu Tianxin's words were ridiculed, but Electrolux calmed down. According to the agreement, Liu Tianxin had to send him back to Huo Yuhao's side, and he said these things today for the purpose of fishing.

In fact, Liu Tianxin's goal has always been him, and he himself knows this very well. With him, Liu Tianxin can safely tease any existence below the god level.

And since Liu Tianxin had cast the bait, he must be holding a fishing rod in his hand, that is to say, he must have a solution to all this.

Electrolux was able to get into the position of No.1 under God, and his brain is not stupid. It took only a moment to figure out the key point, and sighed: "Tell me, do you have any solution? Now that I think about it, at first You led me to pass down the soul art, I don't trust you, so I passed it on to Huo Yuhao, all of this is your plan!"

Liu Tianxin smiled without saying a word, once he boarded his pirate ship, don't even think about getting off, the first time he saw Electrolux, Liu Tianxin had no intention of letting him go.

"To show my sincerity, I have hidden the artificial soul ring technology in Fan Yu's laboratory. Once I die or leave this world forever, the information inside will be released." Liu Tianxin's words made Electrolux look slightly A little better: "Then my solution is..."

[To be continued]

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(End of this chapter)

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