Martial Dao Zhengxian

Chapter 685 Swordsmanship King

Chapter 685 Swordsmanship King

"Good you Ye Tian, ​​you actually stole your teacher." Leng Feng was not a fool and soon discovered Ye Tian's plan.

Stealing a teacher has always been a serious crime no matter which universe or sect it is in. It is a heinous crime of abolishing one's cultivation base and amputating one's siblings. Leng Feng's big hat is really not light.


Ye Tian became angry all of a sudden, and cursed: "Which eye of yours saw me stealing a teacher, so the method you Leng Feng knew must be yours, then where did your master and your parents come from?" , it’s just nonsense.”

"Hmph." Leng Feng snorted coldly and said, "How dare you admit that the sword technique Bi used just now comes from a set of peerless sword manuals called the Hundred Chi Sword Manual."

"Huh." Ye Tian felt strange at this moment, and asked, "How do you know that I'm using the Hundred Chi Sword Sutra, after all, the purpose."

When people are bluffed by something, their words are always a bit wrong. One must know that the Hundred-foot Sword Sutra was created by the Bodhi Taoist ancestor, and Leng Feng is obviously not from the Pangu universe. He actually knows the Hundred-foot Sword Sutra , This really surprised Ye Tian, ​​and even lost his composure involuntarily.

Leng Feng said disdainfully: "Although the Hundred Foot Sword Sutra is miraculous, I, Leng Feng, don't bother to use him for any kind of conspiracy." Although Leng Feng spoke with confidence, Ye Tian could still hear the jealousy in his tone. , it is obvious that he is also tempted by the Hundred Chi Sword Classic.

Leng Feng calmed down and continued: "The Hundred Chi Sword Sutra is clearly the supreme knowledge of my Sword Ancestor Universe and Bodhi Sword Ancestor, but you, as a human race of the Pangu Universe, know the peerless sword scriptures of my Sword Ancestor Universe, what do you say? Didn’t learn it secretly, could it be taught by someone else.”

"Bodhi Sword Ancestor, isn't the word Bodhi exactly the name of the master?"

Ye Tian couldn't help laughing in his heart. He also heard about Ye Tian, ​​the sword ancestor cosmic knight, who was able to enter Zixiao Palace. Bodhi Daozu still gave a general explanation of all the forces.

For example, the Pangu universe belongs to the fifth-level universe, and the Jianzu universe is one of the three sixth-level universes within the scope of Zixiao Palace, and there are countless strong people in it.

It is said that there are only a hundred strong immortals in the Pangu universe, and there are only twenty or thirty strong emperors, but in the entire Sword Ancestor universe, there are more than ten thousand strong immortals and hundreds of wives.

The most important thing is that the Zixiao universe where the Zixiao Palace is located belongs to the top seventh-level universe. The number of immortal kings and powerhouses has reached a million, and the number of emperors and powerhouses is no less than [-]. This kind of strength makes Zixiao Palace a Overwhelmed a super power in the chaos.

"Whoever said that I learned my Hundred-foot Sword Sutra secretly, and who said that Bodhi Sword Ancestor is from your sword ancestor universe." Ye Tian retorted with a smile.

"No, you are talking nonsense, you are talking nonsense." Leng Feng was actually a little anxious. The most important thing is that Bodhi Sword Ancestor is one of the great superpowers recognized by the Sword Ancestor Continent, and has entered the second stage of Dao Ancestor, or even the third Stage of cultivation, the strength is also well-known in the chaos.

Such a strong man is crucial to the chaos that is always full of crises, and the chaos that is always attacked.

Ye Tian didn't dare to do so much, Leng Feng was such a good sharpening stone, how could he let it go, with a wave of the sword in his hand, he fought with Leng Feng again.

Leng Feng had already seen Ye Tian's purpose, and he used him as a stepping stone in his heart, so he was delusional. Once the sword technique in his hand changed, the mysterious power also changed dramatically.

"Samsara Mystery" Ninety-nine percent of the reincarnation mystery was deployed, and Leng Feng, who was gradually at a disadvantage, immediately turned defeat into victory, gradually took the initiative, and even forced Ye Tian to retreat again and again.

"Ten top ten laws of heaven and the way of reincarnation."

When Ye Tian's situation changed, he unleashed [-]% of his thunder power to fight against the enemy. Don't look at one [-]% or one [-]%, but the difference between the two cannot be calculated according to the logic. Ye Tian once again had a slight upper hand, and the forcing Leng Feng had to attack with all his strength.

"Look at the fight ahead."

The battle between Ye Tian and Leng Feng finally alarmed the other testers. You must know what kind of cultivation base they are, and they are all extremely strong. Such a seemingly ordinary battle can be described as upside down, with a radius of several kilometers Inside is full of sword energy.

"Isn't that the sword ancestor universe met the genius Leng Feng? Who was the one who confronted him, and he didn't appear to be defeated at all."

Hearing other people's comments, Ye Tian couldn't help but look at Leng Feng a few more times. He didn't expect that Leng Feng was still a celebrity, but thinking about his strength, ordinary invincible immortals might not necessarily be his opponents.

Leng Feng is in a hurry now!I think he is known as the number one strongest in the young sword ancestor universe, but today he met such a master, and he couldn't beat him again and again. If he wants to leave, is there any chance? This and that person have become a training partner.

"Leng Feng, it's him. I know him. He ranked third overall in the first two tests, second only to Meng Xingyun, who ranked first, and Beichen Yidao, the number one master of Beichen Universe."

Ye Tian is simply a combat prodigy. In a short period of time, he actually reached the realm of a swordsmanship master. Not only has he been promoted to the realm of a swordsmanship master, but he also has a tendency to progress towards the swordsmanship king.

The division of swordsmanship is the same as the division of swordsmanship. It is divided through the painstaking efforts of countless generations of the sword ancestor universe. Each realm represents a person's swordsmanship level and combat power.It happened that Leng Feng was only at the level of a swordsmanship king at this time, while Ye Tian had already reached the peak level of a swordsmanship master, and he was only short of achieving the sword king's level that the sword ancestor universe dreamed of.

The realm of the sword king, the king of swordsmanship.

"It's interesting to be ranked third, but its strength is nothing more than that."

Ye Tian's words were like a sharp sword, piercing Leng Feng's heart, making Leng Feng feel like he couldn't breathe.

Thinking of him as a proud son of heaven, he has traveled smoothly all the way, but no one dares to underestimate him, and who dares to look down on him, Ye Tian is the first one today, Leng Feng, who has not shown his full strength, finally at this moment Erupted.

"The Return of Ten Thousand Swords of Swordsmanship"

The one in Leng Feng's hands was out of his control first, and was suspended in the air, changing into ten, ten into hundreds, and ever-changing. A total of [-] fairy swords were arranged in a circle, standing behind Leng Feng.

At this critical juncture, it reminded Ye Tian of Xuantian's authentic Wanjian Guizong and the Wanjianjue he got in Tiejian Mountain, both in terms of appearance and moves have the same effect.

However, relying on Ye Tian's knowledge, it is not difficult to see that there is still a big difference between the three. Xuantian's authentic Wanjian Guizong is a spell, and the Wanjian floating in the air is also made of the spell Lingjie. It is also a state where all swords are fired.

The Wanjian Jue is even more different. The first condition for performing the Wanjian Jue is to have [-] swords at the same time, not just one sword. Ten thousand swords are fired at the same time. If you think about it, [-] swords are driven together.

Leng Feng's Wanjian Guizong is completely a kind of Yujianshu. This kind of Yujianshu is also a variation of Kendo. It is extremely powerful and cannot be easily dealt with by ordinary strongmen. Ye Tian, ​​who was originally laughing and scolding, looked at the sky. The scalp of the densely packed tens of thousands of fairy swords composed of sword qi could not help but feel slightly numb.

"Zhu Xian Sword Formation"

At this moment, Ye Tian could no longer retain his strength. Although he still did not use the power of the divine armor, he did not use the four innate treasures of the Four Swords of Jade Immortals, but the Jade Immortal Sword Formation is indeed his most powerful method so far. Ordinary emperors are not necessarily Ye Tian's opponents. I am afraid that only Emperor Xiaocheng is qualified to resist Ye Tian's Zhu Xian sword formation.

Great Zhu Xian Sword Art, Great Killing Immortal Sword Art, Great Absolute Immortal Sword Art, Great Trapped Immortal Sword Art, four swords in one, one sword with four images, four peerless sword arts with the four artistic conceptions of extermination, slaughter, extinction, and fall, The four swords merged into one, creating a whirlwind that could destroy the world. This whirlwind caused the testers who were watching the fight to back off one after another.

"It's amazing, is this still a human?"

"It's so powerful, destroying Xuan'ao, this person actually cultivated the destroying Xuan'ao which is not weaker than Leng Feng's."

"Hurry up and resist, don't let the destructive breath invade the heart."

First of all, it wasn't the onlookers who changed his face, but Leng Feng. Leng Feng didn't know that he had really met the iron plate today when Ye Tian used the Zhuxian sword formation, but at this moment, he had no choice but to shoot.

Gritting his teeth, he shouted desperately, "Kill."

Ten thousand swords returned to the sect, ten thousand swords surrounded Ye Tian like a sword formation, including the Zhuxian sword formation suspended around Ye Tian. Attacked towards Ye Tian.

"Hahahaha, what a Wanjian Guizong, you also have a taste of my Zhuxian Sword Formation." Ye Tian is a person who gets stronger when he meets the strong. There was an aura of destruction in the sword array.

Boom,,, boom,,,.

With the collision of Zhuxian Sword Formation and Wan Jian Guizong, a mushroom cloud spread around Ye Tian and Leng Feng and floated up, and both Ye Tian and Leng Feng were also strongly illuminated in it.

Several onlookers, this was a miserable experience. They were staggered by the strong wind. Fortunately, they were far away and did not suffer serious injuries. Otherwise, Ye Tian would have added to the crime.

"Who is winning, who can see clearly."

"I didn't see clearly, who of you can see clearly."

"Damn the mushroom cloud, I didn't see it clearly. I didn't see the result of such a crucial competition. Love it."

The onlookers didn't see it clearly, but even the parties were clear about it. Ye Tiansheng won and Leng Feng lost. At this moment, Leng Feng was not feeling well. This sword wasn't fatal, but the destructive aura on the wound prevented the wound from healing quickly.

The external injuries were serious, and the internal injuries were even more serious. The entire inner mansion was filled with the aura of destruction. Whenever he moved, the injuries in his body would be aroused, and the aura of destruction would become restless.

(End of this chapter)

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